Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 03:02 pm
Hey Bill (and hawk)-- do you think Brafman could get anything out of this thread

He would not get anything out of my hostility towards the "justice" system as that attitude will not help him win, and this system has made him rich.

He is not trying this case in France so all of our talk about what the French think is irrelevant to him.

We have been spending a lot of time talking about DSK bu Brafman historically goes after the states case, does not talk much about his client, so that is of limited interest to him.
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Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 03:02 pm
No, her words are not personal, they are for public consumption only. I think we know enough about Firefly to know that her modus operandi is to incite anxiety in others, so as to make them more easy to control. You will notice though that she maintains an almost iron clad control over herself, the only time I have seen her get her dander up is once amongst the hundred or so times when I pointed out that she was lying.

Here's 101 or so--and her lies of omission go by at dozens to the page.

The reason for this thread is because one woman reported a forcible sexual assault...

I think it is personal. Her dander is up all the time.

I took the trouble to answer that Costello quote she put up line by line almost and ff has not answered any of my rubbishings of it and my exposure of what it stood for. She knows she can't.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 03:07 pm
Now who thumbed that down? It was nothing but fact.
it is about who you are, not what you say. I get a -thumb down almost immediately which tells me that I am getting pro forma neg votes from the hamsters, and then I always pick up another one so my starting position is -1.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 04:11 pm
I think we know enough about Firefly to know that her modus operandi is to incite anxiety in others, so as to make them more easy to control.

And to sell people medications, treatments and a range of other useless pretend palliatives which media advertises and employs people to create the anxiety which calls for their use so insistently. A few of them are men too. Like that Costello twat.

The idea that the sort of females they employ for that evil purpose have any interest in immigrant cleaning women is too laughable to give a moment's thought to. I know them very well. So did Schopenhaeur.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 04:37 pm

People on both sides of the Atlantic have been watching with interest the Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal.

The former IMF head pleaded not-guilty to several charges, including attempted rape of a Manhattan hotel maid.

Despite France and Quebec having much in common, this story has revealed some big differences between the two cultures.

Find out about them on C'est la vie.

Interesting radio documentary on now.

You can listen live-streaming at http://www.cbc.ca/video/#/Radio (radio one) - it will be on several time over the next few hours as the program runs in the different time zones or through the link to the podcast at the first live link
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 04:37 pm
spendius wrote:

I think we know enough about Firefly to know that her modus operandi is to incite anxiety in others, so as to make them more easy to control.

And to sell people medications, treatments and a range of other useless pretend palliatives which media advertises and employs people to create the anxiety which calls for their use so insistently. A few of them are men too. Like that Costello twat.

The idea that the sort of females they employ for that evil purpose have any interest in immigrant cleaning women is too laughable to give a moment's thought to. I know them very well. So did Schopenhaeur.
How many people have a soft spot for the industrious woman who has exchanged a life of poverty in Africa for a middle class existence in America and then again for an upperclass life of leisure after her lawsuits payoff?? Remember the whole cause of the feminist upset was the lack of "that poor, poor thing" commentary , that both the French and American Feminists held "the poor, poor thing" rallies and could not get much of a turnout.....the Americans especially, as one report had it that almost half the audience seemed to be Feminist bosses, that there was almost no rank and file.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 05:13 pm
The ordinary woman is somebody they patronise hawk. Or try to. Most ordinary women I know don't give them the time of day.

I have two plausible explanations for any likely forensic evidence. Much more plausible than the charges suggest. As Bill keeps pointing out--why would a guy who can dial up two or three $1,000 whores bother with an immigrant cleaning woman from a country on the UN Aids watchlist who probably had to put out to get her Visa forms processed? The idea is ludicrous.

If what you said about Brafman is true DSK should get a fresh team in.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 09:18 pm
spendius wrote:

I have two plausible explanations for any likely forensic evidence. Much more plausible than the charges suggest. As Bill keeps pointing out--why would a guy who can dial up two or three $1,000 whores bother with an immigrant cleaning woman from a country on the UN Aids watchlist who probably had to put out to get her Visa forms processed? The idea is ludicrous.

Are you suggesting that people, even rich and powerful ones, don't occasionally do stupid, apparently inexplicable things? Or that wealth and power don't sometimes intoxicate those who posess them, leading them to momentarily believe they can get away with unlikely things? Or that, given what has been reported about DSK's habits and past actions, that this kind of folly was highly unlikely for him?

All this seems very unlike the content of your many past posts on many subjects.

Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 10:04 pm
don't occasionally do stupid, apparently inexplicable things? Or that wealth and power don't sometimes intoxicate those who posess them, leading them to momentarily believe they can get away with unlikely things?

Yes my friend people do dumb things however the likelihood of DSK doing a random sexual attack on a maid that just happen to had wander in by error is near to zero, in my opinion.

I can think of a numbers of theories off hand that is a great deal more likely concerning the interactions of the maid and the banker.

Second comment wealth and power does not normally turn a man into a rapist and I see zero connection between the two or that the rich intoxicate themselves with power.

Myself I had known two gentlemen and their families where both was worth over 500 millions dollars and neither was going around whipping the peasants and the one man daughter ended up marrying a supply clerk in her father company and the other gentleman never bother to move out of his middle class home.

My sample is small and perhaps you had known personally more super rich men then I had, if so please tell us the details that lead you to the idea that such men would likely rape a maid in a hotel room.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 03:28 am
which tells me that I am getting pro forma neg votes from the hamsters, and then I always pick up another one so my starting position is -1.
Well arent we the teachers little pet.... I dream of -1 . Razz

One day, I will have a post in the positive...then i will tell all you spoilt brats what I think of you... in the meantime I need some friends ... Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 05:15 am
Are you suggesting that people, even rich and powerful ones, don't occasionally do stupid, apparently inexplicable things?

Not at all. In this case though I take it for granted that the accused is clever and experienced as well as being rich and powerful. Having said that I think what you call stupid and unexplicable constitutes temporary insanity. I've offered two "explanations" of such insanity. The story of the Indian untouchables and the Alphaville movie. Looking through a biography of DSK leads me to think that he is not a man to be easily "intoxicated" by an immigrant cleaning woman who has an obvious record of highly skilled manipulation.

The plight of the chambermaid in Alphaville as a prediction of life in a scientific hi-tech city has not only been coming true in the time since I first saw the movie but angers me enough for me to protest it to my pub landlord, and successfully. In the untouchables case the two middle-class Indian men actually went beserk.

When I think about it I have suggested a third--something in his coffee.

As possible explanations of an event which up till now is only an allegation. My explanations don't constitute any acceptance that the alleged event did take place.

Further to that, my focus is not on the alleged event at all. I even said that it has ceased to exist to all intents and purposes. It will reappear in any trial presumably. I am interested in a much more important aspect. The "known" reactions of others to the alleged event. What it is being used for. What it tells us sociologically and psychologically about the direction we are going in and the economic implications of that direction. None of which is alleged. That has happened in our sight. I have no more interest in the alleged event that I have in any other alleged event. The obvious fact that others do have such interest in this particular one tells me that there are the forces in play that I mentioned.

I give no weight to any untested reports concerning DSK's past. I might give some attention to the possibility of an organised conspiracy to blacken his character for which there are two, at least, very powerful motives.

All this seems very unlike the content of your many past posts on many subjects.

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. It is rather easy to say though.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:29 am
BillRM wrote:

Yes my friend people do dumb things however the likelihood of DSK doing a random sexual attack on a maid that just happen to had wander in by error is near to zero, in my opinion.

I can think of a numbers of theories off hand that is a great deal more likely concerning the interactions of the maid and the banker.

Second comment wealth and power does not normally turn a man into a rapist and I see zero connection between the two or that the rich intoxicate themselves with power.

If all the allegations about DSK are correct including his behavior in France, the rape of the Mexican maid and the NY claims, then this has very little to do with DSK being overcome with lust. If they are true (and that is yet to be shown), DSK is a smart predator who gets his kicks by sexually intimidating and dominating people.

Since this entire thread is speculation anywhere, this scenario plays out with him starting small time in France, picking on women he knew were not going to press charges because the venue favors him. Then he decides to take it up a notch with a rape of a maid in Mexico. He is told to watch it and told he better not do such a thing in the US because he won't have such immunity there, so the US is now the real turn-on. If he can rape a maid in New York and get away with it, he can do it anywhere. The race of the maid, her beauty and her background are all irrelevant. (I'm sure if he thought she might be HIV positive, that would have deterred him.) He's not stupid and recognizes there are real risks here so he targets his attack right before he is planning to leave for France where he will be safe from US justice. The idea that he has to be "overcome by passion" or that he would not do this because he had access to high dollar hookers presupposes that this kind of attack is motivated by passion instead of violence. If this went down the way the maid said, romantic passion had nothing to do with it.

At this point, should DSK have been detained and charged? IMO, yes. There is a complaint and enough evidence to reasonably believe a crime has been committed (as determined by the Grand Jury). I'm content to see what comes out at the trial.

Second comment wealth and power does not normally turn a man into a rapist and I see zero connection between the two or that the rich intoxicate themselves with power.

Of course you are correct. If DSK is guilty as charged, he is the exception. Most men rich or otherwise would not attack a maid in a hotel.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 08:44 am
Since this entire thread is speculation...

That is not true. The various reactions to the story are facts. That post is one of the reactions. And I have pointed this out numerous times as being the only matter of serious interest. If my point has not been read then the "entire thread" is not under discussion.

There is no speculation regarding the pictures of tabloid front pages in New York that ff so kindly brought to our attention.

Compositions riddled with lurid sexual expressions are all over this thread and there might be speculation about the motives for that but there is no speculation about the fact of it for which only eyes are needed whereas a psychologist is necessary for the motives.

In the old days expressions such as "her underclothes were disarranged" sold millions of tons of flattened out wood pulp with ink inserts. It seems we now demand far higher standards.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 08:49 am
It's actually a "bodice ripper" with faked indignation to make it look respectable.
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Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 01:09 pm
the rape of the Mexican maid
There is a rumor spread by one person that something happened between DSK and a Mexican maid, what we dont know. But you make it fact. Interesting.

The race of the maid, her beauty and her background are all irrelevant.
Where they irrelevant to her that day? To DSK? Is not understanding the backdround of both DSK and her critical to coming to an understanding of what happened on that day?
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 01:13 pm
It was published in a book that pre-dated the current allegations, but I made clear in my post that these are allegations, not facts.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 01:15 pm
engineer wrote:

It was published in a book that pre-dated the current allegations, but I made clear in my post that these are allegations, not facts.
It was a work of fiction by an unknown author claimed to be based upon DSK, that does not mean that all of it even raises to the level of rumor. Unless either the author or a mexican maid comes forwards this is a nothing.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 01:38 pm
A man's name can be blackened by a nothing hawk if somebody wants it to be badly enough. It's basically jury tampering. And libel. And slander. And attempting to pervert the course of justice. The fact that it's pathetic is neither here nor there.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 01:50 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

engineer wrote:

It was published in a book that pre-dated the current allegations, but I made clear in my post that these are allegations, not facts.
It was a work of fiction by an unknown author claimed to be based upon DSK, that does not mean that all of it even raises to the level of rumor. Unless either the author or a mexican maid comes forwards this is a nothing.

In a court of law you are absolutely correct. As a source for speculation, it is part of a pattern and fair game. After all, there is no book out there suggesting that Nicolas Sarkozy raped a maid. Of all the key political figures in the world, only DSK gets an anonymous book claiming he does such things. Plus, this is the Internet and we're playing the speculation game. If others can claim the "victim" is really just setting DSK up for a civil suit based on zero evidence, I can suggest a theory based on published rumor.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 01:52 pm
If all the allegations about DSK are correct including his behavior in France, the rape of the Mexican maid and the NY claims, then this has very little to do with DSK being overcome with lust. If they are true (and that is yet to be shown), DSK is a smart predator who gets his kicks by sexually intimidating and dominating people.

Anyone can created stories and such stories have economic benefits concerning DKS right now however I see zero reason to grant them any credit beyond that.

DSK would not be the first person who name had been destory in order to sell newspapers.


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