Hi all,
Sorry I disappeared.
I moved into to my new house on 1/15 and have been running around like crazy. I was drowning in a sea of unpacked boxes and didn't even get my computer up and running till yesterday. that's when I realized I had missed the BPL meet-up. :-(
PS I'm thrilled with the house. It is GORGEOUS!
Thrilled for you, JJorge. Want to hear all about it.
Yay new house!
Careful re the boxes. I believe it took us about 6 months before we finally got rid of the last of the boxes when we moved here. In the meantime, we bought 3 or so can openers because we couldn't find the old one. Sure enough, it was in the last box.
Im still trying to find my salt & pepper shakers
glad Im not alone
congrats again jjorge!
Hello everyone it has been a very long time but is good to see you are all well and that you're now on a site that my dial-up connection can handle.
well, wouldja lookit that!
Holy sheep-snot batman! How the heck are ya Not_Waving? *waving*
Where have you been young man? *stern fatherly concern look with arms crossed while tapping toe*
Well no one tol' lil' ol' me where y'all had taken off to . . . . But I like this place much better and it's great to see everyone is still around. (Haven't been called "young man" in a loooong time!)
So tell us all about what's been going on over the last couple of years.
Nothing spectacular, been to Brussells, Rome, Tuscany, Verona, etc and Cornwall. Still doing very dull jobs, looked into qualifying as an accountant but found it suicidally dull so am now looking at returning to the law and qualifying here. Sadly we have a government that is desperately trying to ape all that is worst about the US (I'm sure there is a conspiracy to turn us into the equivalent of Guam etc). Dated someone for almost a year (over about a year ago). Generally doing the working & drinking thing.
We have a snowstorm here today -- it's hilarious, a couple of inches and the entire transport system disintegrates.
What's been happening with you -- I see Bootsie is still as mad as ever . . .
<reads the page and faints dead away>
Wow eveybody's arriving! Hi TerryDo how are you?
Ah! Glad to hear you are doing OK Not_Waving. Mebbe you can hand around the place a bit. We'll dust you off a chair from over in the corner.
hehehe..glad ya found us guy!!!
I thought I would faint when I saw the email.....luckily that was recognizable or i could have deleted you as spam...yikes!
Your ears were certainly ringing Saturday!
We've missed you, and hope all is well...now that you know where to find us there is no escape...you must keep us informed, and join in and all that.
We have snow today also....we forge ahead though.
hey..isnt Gautam coming over to this side of the pond soon(hes over that side..around here somewhere, you'll run into him Im sure)...you could probably stow away in a bag of his not waving..hehehe
Now I've tracked you lot down you won't be rid of me but this time difference thing is a bit harsh -- maybe just have to have a little nap on that chair thanks fishin
oh yeah...that time difference...humm, well..theres a few peeps from all over..you're bound to find someone around and about when you are..plus, while we're sleeping you can take all kinds of time muddling up the place
ME???? mess up the place . . . . (damn sussed already, have to come back under a pseudonym).
I'm going to have to go to bed as it's heading for midnight and I have to struggle through the snow tomorrow to collect my wallet from a bar . . . . and no that was before I was drunk (later was a very different story). Wonderful to hear from you all again and I'll send Lil K some photos (new cat etc)
Bye for now (not 2 yrs this time)