Quote:Molasses Flood: The 1919 North End Disaster -- Jan. 6-31 in Deferrari Hall (Ext. 2212). Historic photographs and newspapers chronicle the 1919 Great Boston Molasses Flood. Images in the exhibit are from the BPL's priceless collections.
Central Library in Copley Square
700 Boylston St., Boston -- Telephone 617-536-5400
Winter Hours (September 8, 2003 through June 12, 2004) :
General Library and Research Library in Copley Square
Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sundays (October through May) 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Print and Rare Books & Manuscripts Departments: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Exhibits are open to the public during all library hours unless otherwise indicated.
Boston Public Library Current Exhibits
Okay--here it is for you regular gathering types
Its free
Its early
It can be followed by dinner somewhere nearby
So, for acceptable advance notice I say Sat Jan 24th or 31st.
For those of you needing to schedule the kids weekend, the pet thing, the can I fit it into my very busy schedule, do I have to work, etc etc. Please ring in with what you would be able to do.
For those who might be in the area at that time who are not regulars, well, we would usually schedule around you, let us know.
Me, Ill just show up when you guys figure it all out
Some websites on the background of the flood:
I was entertained to find that Mississippi also had a Molasses disaster and that the same number of people perished. Interesting, eh? What are the odds?