We accept Jespah...shes a transplant

And you know, after you've lived here for like 10 years...no one knows the difference, really unless you admit it...the secret is never admitting
Yes, do stop by
quinn1 wrote:And you know, after you've lived here for like 10 years...no one knows the difference, really unless you admit it...the secret is never admitting
now u tell me
c'mon, its not like i admitted that i still root for NY teams... oops
quinn1 wrote:
Montana...you never heard of it??? It is an odd story, and I too have seen clips in books and papers and such..think the whole exhibit thing is nice...plus..it makes me go into the BPL which...gasp...I have yet to have done. Arent you planning on a trip down this way sometime?
I'm just as amazed as you are that I never heard of it. I just asked my mother if she had and she knew about it, although she didn't know the details. I will be going down there soon, but it looks like it won't be until the beginning of Feb. It's a shame because I would have loved to join you all. When I do go down, I'll be wrapped up in business while I'm there and won't have any fun time unfortunately :-(
quinn1 wrote:oh yes..that MUST change
go pats! go sox! go celts! go broonz!
ah...the NE teams (better than getting beat up dontchaknow)
dont expect anything out of them however.
Montana....you wont have time? really? Thats sad!!! Not even for a quiet dinner with a few folks or ANYTHING!? Not just sad, wrong really. We'll raise a glass to you.
I truly wish I did Quinn. I'll just be there for a day to take care of stuff and it's back on the road heading north, but I will raise my glass to you all as well :-)
So.. a true road trip eh?
Dang, wish you could join us, Montana - you'd be in time to see Reg practice "go pats! go sox! go celts! go broonz!"
SP - bring the pups! What fun!
Montana, how could possibly come all the way down here and not meet with us?
Philbis, "Broonz"! Funny.
And how about the weather tonight? I pulled into my lot after work, not a flake of snow to be seen, there'd been sunshine all day. NPR had just warned of Squalls of snow - charight. I walk the 15 yards to my front door, walk through my apartment to the back door to let the dog out and when I opened it there was a swirling whiteout happening and there was already accumulation. Never seen anything like it.
littlek wrote:Never seen anything like it.
You're kidding me!
quinn1 wrote:ah...the NE teams (better than getting beat up dontchaknow)
dont expect anything out of them however.
EXQUEEZE ME? Last time I checked, the Pats were the favorite to win the Superbowl......and they haven't even won the AFC........YET.
Oh yeah, topic....So, uh how 'bout that molasses?
TerryDoolittle wrote:
EXQUEEZE ME? Last time I checked, the Pats were the favorite to win the Superbowl......and they haven't even won the AFC........YET.
Its a fluke
and oh yeah..YET is a big ol word around here now aint it?
and Rum
and stuff
Now you guys are making me feel bad :-(
<passing a bottle of rum Montana's way>
This should help.
Eh, we understand Montana...we're just upset we cant give you a warm feeling while you're in the general area.
Ahhhhhh, thanks sweetie, I needed that ;-)
Just saying that gives me a warm feeling and I truly wish I could stay longer so I could meet some of the greatest people on the planet ;-)
Ooooh, an invite to a Boston gathering... I haven't been to one in AGES! I would love to go. And can take the choo-choo if it is a blizzard!!
This sounds great. I have connections at the BPL, you know. (Its the only place I do.)
Not for this event, but did you know they opened a restaurant and cafe in the Copley Library? The restaurant is great. They had coupons in the Metro for it. But it is a buffet style lunch in this great room surrounded by books (shocker) overlooking the little park. We could even meet in the cafe in there for coffee beforehand. Then off for debauchery after.
The first Abuzzer I ever met, I met her at a bookstore... now all these many years later she sends me an invite to meet at a library. Such literary, bookish gals are we.
Now that we have a date and a place, what about a time to meet?
Well, the BPL exhibit closes at 5pm soo... Mebbe 2ish? meet up and then peruse for an hour or two?
sounds good 2 me... don't forget your library card!