I wondered when someone would resort to lazy cliches that have no basis in reality. You'll probably have a go at my teeth next, although I'll wager they're in better nick than yours. You obviously know nothing about history. I'll concentrate on WW2 as your contibution to WW1 was minor. We declared war on Germany as a matter of principle. They invaded Poland. You didn't do anything. In the Summer of 1940 we needed our arses saving, and what was your response, you responded like a neighbour who approaches someone whose house is on fire and offers to sell them a bucket of water.
You got involved in December 1941 after being bombed by the Japanese, and after Germany declared war on you. What was far more significant in the defeat of the Nazis was the contribution of the Soviet Union nine months earlier.
But lets go back to 1940. We could have made peace with Hitler. He was quite happy to let us keep our empire, if we gave him Europe. But we didn't, we held on. What if we had though? Do you really think you could have won the war without our help? You would have had no beachhead in Europe to mount an attack, you wouldn't have been able to use Australia as a base in the Pacific. The German industrial machine would have continued unhampered by British bombing. So we saved your arses just as much as you saved ours.
Also we paid in full for every last thing we bought from you. We only finished paying during Tony Blair's premiership. You sound like a bank manager who goes on about having leant someone the money to buy their house long after the mortgage is paid off.
During the blitz we went through the equivalent of 9/11 everyday but prevailed. Judging by your reaction after 9/11 I doubt you would have stood up to the nazi onslaught like we did. Talking of 9/11 compare your hysterical reaction to the way we responded to the 7/7 attacks. We try islamic terrorists in London, but you're too cowardly to put Islamic terrorists on trial in New York, so if you want to see what a 'pansy queen' looks like I suggest you look in the mirror.