Those CBC results look very good, Bfn. The H&H and RBC counts are all on the rise and her WBC counts are normal and stable meaning there's no sign of infection. Her platelet count is bouncing back nicely.
Don't be too excited about a normalizing INH. They may boost her coudamin to try to get that back up in the elevated range. Keep in mind that they want to prevent blood clots and the roll of the coumadin is to elevate the INH and the Pro-time.
Re the BUN and erratic results. Kidney problems are the first thing people think of with an elevated BUN and/or creatinine, but it could also be an indication of congestive heart failure and/or dehydration. With her history of chronic diarrhea I'm not surprised that she has erratic results in her kidney profile assays. If she passes a lot of fluid through her stools then it doesn't pass through the kidneys and her kidney profile may show signs of dehydration.
The anion gap is a mathematical calculation from her electrolyte results. It's a formula used to take all of her electrolyte levels and put them into a single outcome that can be qualified as low, normal, or high. I doubt the doctor is specifically ordering an anion gap because he/she is worried about her electrolytes being out of balance. It's usually reported automatically along with the individual Na, Cl, K and HCO3 results.
TSH is a general thyroid function test. It's sometimes ordered alongside a T3 and/or T4 to check on thyroid function.
In general, don't worry about one normal value compared to another normal value on the same assay from day-to-day. For instance, a WBC of 8.8 isn't clinically different than a WBC of 8.3. They both indicate that she has plenty of WBC to fight off infection should the need arise (WBC count is not low) and that there's no current indication of infection (WBC count is not high).
The RBC indices (MCHC, MCV, and RDW) are all indications of the size and shape of her red blood cells. Again, don't be concerned if there are fluctuations within the normal range. The slightly elevated RDW on 6/30 is most probably associated with the transfused RBCs she received. As she produces more of her own RBCs and her blood loss slows down/stops that value should normalize, as you see in today's CBC.
It looks like she's doing nicely from a lab standpoint. I hope she's feeling more comfortable from a surgical standpoint.