The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 30 Dec, 2014 06:24 am
The story of the first English Saint is hard to locate. A goggle search for St Albans returned many results about the town but nothing about its namesake. A more expanded search for St Albans the Saint did return a catholic web site that told part of the story. The site affirmed the details about the priest hiding in St Albans house and St Albans donning the vestments and being captured by the Romans. The Catholic narrative becomes much more about St Albans refusing to worship the Romans pagan Gods telling the Roman Judge his Gods were devils that could never answer or grant your requests. The conversion of the executioner in route is also affirmed, as are both executions. But missing from the edited Catholic version are the important details of parting of the waters and the eyes popping out of the second executioner’s head rolling on the ground and coming to rest staring at the severed heads of St Albans and the would be executioner.

Why would the Catholic web site leave out the most pertinent details of St Albans life and death? Because they are so ridiculous that even believing as a little child they can no believe them. They know parting of the waters and eyes popping out of the executioner’s head and rolling on the ground to state at the severed head of St Albans. I have found out the Catholic Church is good to edit out the more offensive portions of the bible before. Once searching for a really offensive passage about finding true bliss by bashing children heads in I could not locate it in the Catholic Bible so I called an aunt to check her protestant bible and sure enough the passage was exactly where it should have been. It seems you can indeed find true bliss by bashing children heads in. It seems God was only against abortion so he could bash there heads in later. I have heard all the clergy apologists’ explanations for this bible passage including it was only a song and it was only their enemy’s children heads they would enjoy bashing in. The Catholics were right the passage is not only offensive it is downright evil and should be removed from the bible. God like other authors need an editor to edit details for a particular time period.
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Reply Wed 31 Dec, 2014 06:27 am
The story St Albans is a is a story told to demonstrate to early followers of Christianity that their God could provide them with a “Just World.” After all what Roman would want to execute a Christian if his eyes would pop out of his head and roll across the ground looking at the severed head. Not to speak of a person so powerful they could part the waters of a mighty river. When you buy a computer it comes with a certain number of preinstalled programs like Word and Internet Explorer other programs can be installed later. People are much the same as some programs are pre installed. A newborn does not have to taught how to nurse the program is already installed but later in life the program to play baseball must be learned. The “Just World” program is preinstalled in most humans, we believe the world should be “Just.” The reason the story of St Albans appealed so much to people of his time is that it exploits that need for a “Just World.” For those who don’t have power to make their world “Just” the appeal of a God that protects them and avenges wrongs is overwhelming. The Romans at the time of St Albans had overwhelming force and no doubt Roman justices was capricious if you could not overcome the Roman’s overwhelming force the next best thing was to believe in a God who could.
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Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2015 07:38 am
It appeals to our ego to believe that all of our skills our learned when in fact many of our skills are preprogrammed. Our bodies are complex biomechanical factories that produce a large variety of chemicals necessary to sustain life. For instance when we are injured we do not consciously decide to start producing endorphins to kill the pain it is a natural program that is present at birth. When we eat, our bodies produce the right amount digestive acids to covert the food into energy. Some of the converted food is used maintain and repair the body. A computer program capable of manufacturing all the chemicals the human body does, and sensors to monitor the system is far beyond our technology today but our unconscious mind accomplishes these tasks all the days of our lives. These programs are complex and beyond our understanding but they exist from birth and are far more complex then anything we will learn in life. The unconscious mind accomplishes all these tasks effortlessly without needing the conscious minds assistance and in fact it must take care of mistakes of the conscious mind ingesting things it shouldn’t.

We far more genetically programmed than our ego will ever let us admit. It would take many chemical plants to produce the variety of chemicals the human body manufactures. To believe that much of our social programming is not genetically programmed is a foolish exuberance of ego. Revenge is a social survival skill, the old eye for and eye, had a purpose to inform those that victimized others that there would be price to pay for their actions. The fight or flight system provides adrenalin on a split seconds notice to either fight and enemy or flee from danger it is not an action of the conscious mind.

In order for humans to survive in complex social systems it is necessary to at least attempt to strive for a “Just World.” This program is as genetically programmed as our program to digest food. Melvin Leaner discovery of what he called the Just World Hypothesis or Just World fallacy was one of the most important discoveries of the twenty-century for both sociology and philosophy. Further studies by other scientist have affirmed his finding. Lind Carli and collogues did a study based on rape. In the study two narratives were given to different groups of people about the interaction of a man and a woman they were identical till the end when one narrative ended neutrally but the other ended in rape. Inevitably the subjects decided the rape was the woman’s fault on the basis of her behavior even though the behavior of both women in narrative was exactly the same.

The process is simple A: the world is just. B: If you are victimized it must somehow be your fault. Our inborn “Just World” programming has been flipped, corrupted we now justify the world as we find it instead of striving to make it more just. We tell the rape victim you must deserved it because it happened to you.

How was this important survival program corrupted? By the forces of darkness and ignorance, in a word religion, the existence of God by his very nature makes God responsible for the world as we see it. Postulating the existence of God pulls a curtain of darkness and ignorance over the world. When millions starved or died in religious wars the words that rang out from pulpits across the world was “that it was God’s will.” It was God’s retribution for some of man’s transgressions. It was a way of “Justifying” what is not Just. Now the Christian right is using religion to justify the great and ever growing distribution of wealth, which will destroy our way of life. To tax the ungodly greedy is wrong because God is responsible for rewarding their goodness and support of Christian Ministries. It looks like god would have rewarded the ungodly greedy with enough to pay their taxes at 1960s rate.

When a million people died in Ireland in the potato famine the rich landowners had them plant cash crops that they made a profit on instead of potatoes to feed the population.

For religion rule one is that it is that it is a Just World.

Rule two is that if you ever think that something might be wrong with your philosophy see rule one.

Pat Roberson explained that Katrina was the fault of one lesbian Comedian who lived there whose comedy routine made fun of Roberson. Yes a religious bigot who ran for Republican Presidential nomination believes that God killed all those people to settle a personal score for him. Pat Roberson was a great example of preacher of darkness and ignorance. Roberson is growing old and more bigoted but he has cloned himself thousands of times over.

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Reply Fri 2 Jan, 2015 06:26 am
Books about philosophy and religion are often grouped together in bookstores and religion often makes up a good deal of many peoples philosophy of life. The old computer saying is “garbage in garbage out.” In other words the output can never be more reliable than the input and even if we allow the remote possibility of one “true religion” the vast majority people in the world are operating on the garbage in garbage out principal. This may doom the human race to a religiously inspired apocalypse.
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Reply Sat 3 Jan, 2015 07:02 am
Can the light of knowledge ever hope to overcome the darkness of religion or will darkness envelop the human race and take the world back to ISIS like existence where religion controls every aspect of our lives? The supernatural is like a vampire it is not real in the first place so killing it is impossible you can never kill that which was not real even with a stake through its heart. In Mexico in 1920s the Mexican government tried to break the hold that Jesuits had held over the population for 300 years. The Mexican government added anticlerical amendments to their Constitution.
“The laws forbade Jesuits to teach, banned most Catholic sects, prohibited churches from holding property, and even stripped clergy of protection and their ordinary civil rights- there were no trials by jury for priests or nuns.” More than forty Catholic clergy were executed and countless more defrocked manhandled and rounded up by troops and deportation. Thousands more fled for their lives across treacherous terrain into the United States. Some priests vowed to celibacy were forced into impromptu marriages. Hundreds of clergy were “betrothed” to whatever women were willing—or sometimes to nuns yanked from convents—and than watched by the mob until the priests consummated the marriages with the new shotgun bride.”

From the book “God’s Lunatics” by Michael Largo

Out of 4,500 Priests before the purge only by 1934 only 300 were granted license to preach by 1934. In the 90s the Mexican government returned some of the clergy rights and now 90 million Mexicans consider Catholic and fourteen thousands priests and nuns operate in Mexico.

Mexico remains a third world country wallowing in ignorance its inhabitance continue to flee the third world conditions. Religion teaches the population to justify the world as it is and accept their God given fate. Mexico mass killings and drug cartels are at least in part a product of a religious mindset of accepting God fate. The great wealth of drug cartel bosses are rationalized as God’s reward for a life well lived. Why would not the Mexican young not emulate the life style of drug cartel bosses, as God seems to reward their actions?

In Mexico in the 1920s the full force of government was applied to eliminate the ignorance of religion but it not only survived but in the long run resurged. Ignorance cannot be eliminated, it cannot be killed. The supernatural does not obey the laws of the natural universe. The best we can hope for is to bring the light of knowledge to a preponderance of the population and influence government to keep the ignorant from controlling our lives. Religion always waits in the darkness; it is always easier to believe in a superhero who will “save” you.

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Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2015 07:36 am
Pogo once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” And the biggest enemy of organized religion is organized religion. When I was a teenager what led me to question organized religion was not atheist teachers, I didn’t even know any atheists let alone and teachers that were inclined that way, it was religious bigotry. I was raised in the middle of the Bible belt with a church on almost every corner and every church would tell you if you are not going to our church you are going to hell. This was such an obviously absurd position especially in an area, which had so many churches. Of course I decided if they are lying about that what else are they lying about? Belief is like a house of cards if one card falls the house of cards collapses. I had already began to question tenet that God had no origin, he just always was and always will be. The religious looked all around at nature and say how could all of this just happen on its own while having no problem with believing that a supernatural being capable of creating all this just “happened” and more than that they refused to see the absolute absurdity of their position. It was like discovering a model A Ford and deciding it just couldn’t happen but the factory that built it did just happen.

With regular church attendance down to just 17.7% it is obvious the religious bigots are alienating more and more people. Four thousand churches are closing every year in America and of the 250,000 protestant churches in America 200,000 are stagnant (no growth) or declining in membership.
“You might be surprised to learn that Brazil is the number one nation in receiving foreign missionaries but the you might be surprised who is the second most missionary receiving nation in the world. It is the US.”

From the Internet site “Christian Crier

There are only half as many churches today as there were a hundred ago even though the population of America tripled in that time period and there are a 1/3 fewer churches since 1950. Now an army of foreigner missionaries are coming to America to convert the heathen. With all the factors that are converging into a perfect storm against the armies of darkness and superstition the one most likely to do the most damage is the Christian right’s extremes of bigotry and political activity haven’t been seen since the lynchings during the civil rights movement. The Christian right obvious bigotry and political activity turns off and alienates mainstream Christians to point that armies of foreign Christian missionaries must be sent into America to stem the losses of Christians.

Soon Congressmen will be holding up their perfect 10 scorecards for the Christian right but many will see them for what they are puppets of a Christian right that is not barley tolerated by mainstream Christians.

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Reply Mon 5 Jan, 2015 06:27 am
The story of St Barbara is almost as bad as the story of St Albans. St Barbara is the patron Saint of fireworks, each Saint has a specialty and St Barbara’s is fireworks. St Barbara father was a third century Greek merchant who wanted to keep his daughter safe from the outside world. He built a tower and put her inside the tower to protect her from the outside world. The tower had two large windows where she could observe the world from a safe distance. While her father was gone on business Barbara added a third window which represented the Trinity. When the father returned and eventually discovered Christianity had swayed her. He drew his sword to lop her head off when two angels busted through the roof and took Barbara away. Her father noticed that Barbara was waving from a far away hillside between to Sheperds. He went to retrieve her. One shepherd hid her but the other shepherd betrayed her and was turned to stone for doing so. Her father tortured her to get her to recant her faith but ended up cutting her head off. As he rode off into the sunset a bolt of lightening struck him, St Barbara revenge.

St Barbara is now the patron Saint of artillery specialists they pray to her for accuracy in hitting their targets like she hit her father with lightening. Why these stories are not taught in church I can’t imagine. Angels busting through the roof is stuff comic book authors would be proud of. Why did the angels spirit Barbara away to another country where her father couldn’t find her? Because it would not make a morality play endorsing Christianity. I can’t wait to see what important details the official Catholic web site leaves out about St Barbara.
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Reply Tue 6 Jan, 2015 06:26 am
The story of St Barbara vividly demonstrates one thing; the absolute and total religious intolerance by religious groups and one of the most intolerant religious groups in history was Christianity. If you didn’t believe as Christians believed in the Middle Ages they wouldn’t settle for cutting just your head off they burned you at the stake in a public spectacle to insure other who didn’t nonbelievers would hear your screams of agony which were prolonged by using green wood to burn you. But somehow the message of religious intolerance in the tale of Barbara is lost on the faithful. The moral of the story is religious intolerance is fine as long as it is not other religions being intolerant of your religion.

In the rewritten for modern day version of St Barbara tale, the official Catholic website’s version of St Barbara, no angels bust into the tower to spirit Barbara away to a far away hilltop. The angels show up after she is beheaded and escort her soul to heaven. Talk about showing up to late. Barbara redesigns her father’s bathhouse instead of adding a window to her tower; this is of course to honor the Trinity. In the rewritten tale Barbara is dragged before a civil tribunal found guilty, horribly tortured and then beheaded by her own father. Her crime was b converting to Christianity. Lightening then struck her father and he was hurried before the judgment seat of God.

According to web site the moral of the story is about anger. Really? The catholic writer in the story is avoiding the Frankenstein in the room, which is religious intolerance. The belief that one religious group has not only the right but the “responsibility” to dictate what others believe.

The Catholic Church needs a new writer
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Reply Wed 7 Jan, 2015 06:25 am
Religious intolerance is almost universal no matter what they can imagine the religious feel they have the right to force it on the world. A religious philosophy does not give you the right to force your belief believe system on others. Religious philosophy is the only belief system that people believe they have not only an absolute right to force on others but a duty to force on others. Those that believe in space aliens or ghosts do not kill others for not believing in them but those who believe in prince of peace and love have killed millions of others who don’t believe as they believe.
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Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2015 06:25 am
The real face of religion showed its ugly head in Paris yesterday. Twelve people died in an effort to keep a magazine from criticizing religious. Twelve people died in an effort to keep somebody from making funny of an imaginary figure no more real than Superman or Batman. How absolutely absurd, why do the religious followers think that they should have the right to kill anyone who makes fun of their religious icons? The right to kill others over disagreeing with prevailing religious belief has a long history. For 2,000 years the Christian church has claimed the right to execute anyone who criticizes it. Blasphemy was punishable by death for hundreds years. Think that times have changed? Baby Bush went into office on the wings of the Christian right. What did they want in exchange? A law passed in America making blasphemy punishable by death. If you criticized their religion the government could execute you. Bush told the Christen right that God spoke to him and appointed him President. One general actually told an audience that the American people did not elect Bush but God made him president.

The fact that the Christians in America think that they are morally superior to the Muslim terrorists is ridiculous they are both drinking from the same bottle Right now most of the republicans in Senate and House representatives like Bush owe their election to Christian right if a law against blasphemy was submitted today in congress many republicans would be afraid to vote against it because it would hurt their 100% voting record for Christian right.

On another front the Republicans attacked social security the very first day congress was in secession by blocking any transfer of funds from the old age social security to the disability portion this will result in disability portion of social security bankrupting next year. Either social security taxes will have to be raised or those on disability social security and survivors of those who have died will have to take steep cuts. This Christian right doctrine that the government should not do God’s work it is God’s job to distribute wealth and then only to faithful who support the Christian ministry. Since controlling social security trust fund is only a rule Obama will not be able to veto it and those on disability are at the mercy of the republican right. The Republicans will not raise taxes on the wealthy to support what they consider are the same as welfare deadbeats. Welcome to the brave new republican world a rerun of Reagan’s massive purge of social security disability recipients.
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Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2015 06:24 am
“Something wrong in the world today,” and religion is name. A world drunk on religion is a world that will not endure. Religious madness has surrounded us for centuries and to be sure killing for religious purposes is a familiar face of death but the world seem to be descending further and further down into the dark madness of religion. Any madman can conceive a religion the trouble is that other seemingly rational people will follow the madman into hell if need be. Most religions including Christianity end in Armageddon and they want to bring Armageddon about in their lifetime. Religion is irrationality raised to an art form.
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Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2015 08:04 am
John Calvin was, “A prolific writer, an eloquent speaker and no doubt intelligent, he became more convinced that nearly all of his ideas on theology, or any other subject for that matter were always and entirely right.” Religion is a virus spread from mind to mind much like a computer virus. Conmen are often referred to as confidence men for a reason they have an inborn talent to project absolute confidence in what they are saying. This confidence allows them to rip off their marks. Their confidence is so strong that their mark cannot detect the ordinary tale tell signs that they are lying. Conmen are usually above average intelligence and can use their confidence to distort the victim’s perception of reality and lower his ordinary defenses. When I have a conman in front of a judge and they find themselves faced with a new set of facts they are able to quickly concoct a new story taking the new facts into account, they are very fast on their intellectual feet.

Calvin’s extraordinary confidence was contagious and carried his version of religion like a carry wave carries a radio station signal. Confidence is contagious, it inspires others to believe that a conman is really offering a free roof for the first one hundred customers who called and that was a real con and the city was doing business with this particular conman when the add was run in the local paper. The city employee that was responsible for paying this conman absolutely believed the offer was legitimate even after his long criminal record had been uncovered. We managed to put him in prison but only after he had done over 6 figures in damages. When I first met him he acknowledged he had a criminal record (I had already read it by then) but told us that he was reformed. He gave off no sign of a typical criminal attitude but when the $40,000 ad (he never paid for the ad) for the free roofs hit Sunday’s paper he removed all doubt about his intentions. The woman that was overseeing his city project never lost confidence in him and believed we prosecuted an innocent man. Calvin’ followers were much like that woman they never lost confidence in him and many follow that religion today.

When it comes to viruses we know the common cold is air borne, that AIDS is carried by bodily fluids but when it comes to religious virus they are conveyed by confidence if someone believes strongly enough they are able to get others to believe as they do. This happens 100s of times a day as new cults are born. AIDS can be prevented by making sure people do not come into contact with the bodily fluids of an infected individual but with the religious virus most people take their children to be exposed at a time before they lack the ability to intellectually defend themselves. Is it any wonder the world is in such a mess killing people for fun and recreation?

Calvin believed his ideas were “always and entirely right” and each Sunday hundreds of thousands climb up on their podium believing they are “always and entirely right” and in that medium darkness, ignorance and superstition abound.

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Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2015 07:30 pm
Catherine of Siena was born the 24th child of a dye maker. She claimed to be secretly betrothed to Jesus and instead of exchanging rings she said they exchanged hearts. She had the scar to show for it. She did not want to raise a family so she deliberately made herself unattractive. She scalded herself with boiling water so she would be disfigured she also she cut to the scalp patches of her hair. After her death her head and her thumb were smuggled out of Rome in a bag when the bag was checked by a guard her head had turned to rose pedals. Her head and thumb are on display in the church in Siena.
Religion and mental illness have long been bedfellows.

Speaking of, it looks like old magic underwear Romney is thinking about running for President again it seems his magic underwear may have lost its mojo the last time around. When he was asked if he had his magic underwear on during the last campaign he refused to answer. The question is, are the American people ready for a president with magic underwear? Since magic underwear is a revered religious object do they take them down to keep from farting on them.
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Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2015 06:27 am
In Chicago the ripper crew had ambitions of being a cult of millions drove around abducting women. They abducted 18 women cut their breasts off while they were alive and ate them. But that was not the important part; the important part was that they read the bible while they were doing it. A religious cult if there ever was one. They were just carrying out the will of God. After sacrifices in the bible are common.

No religion can ever be proved valid conversely no religion can ever be proved invalid. No religion no matter how extreme can be invalidated. When you open the door a crack to allow one religion through it all these other religions gain a measure of respect they have neither earned or deserve. Religion is a true Pandora’s box once it is opened all sorts of evil was set lose in the world. As long as everyone is free to imagine the will of their God is to cut off women’s breasts and eat them they will and worse. The problem isn’t a religion it is all religions. All religions are a product of someone’s imagination the amount evil done in the name of religions is simply unimaginable. Cutting off the breasts of 18 live women and then killing them may sound extreme but burning of millions at the stake by the Christians was far, far worse. I never quite got over the fact that these good Christians used green wood to prolong their victim agony for as long as possible.
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Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2015 06:27 am
What the ripper crew did in Chicago was terrible but if you put in context with what the Christian cult did during the Inquisition it dims in comparison. Torture was deliberate and the will of God. We abhor what the ripper crew did in Chicago but we have come to accept the religious killings by the Christian Cult as the “will of God.” How could it be otherwise? Few good Christians would go to church and ask the preacher to explain the religious torturing and killing the Middle Ages. What could he say? Sh** happens.

In his book “Moral Minds” Marc Hauser relates his extensive study of morality throughout the world. He found out that no matter what type of religion or lack there of or what part of the world people were studied there was a universal morality that exists with or without religion. What religion does is give people the ability to overwrite their inborn morality because of the will of God. Of course the “will of god“ is whatever their church leaders imagine it to be. Organized religion is often the reason the inborn morality that the majority of us possess (psychopaths are an exception and a physical lack of gray matter is the cause not the devil) can be perverted. Imagine yourself in the middle ages and it is your job to tie an old lady to a stake and light the fire that will slowly burn her to death. Could you do it and watch as she slowly burned to death. Most of us could not possible imagine doing that but church leaders could not kill people fast enough. The psychopaths and their followers had taken control of the Christian Cult.

Instead of a force for morality organized religion is a force against morality. No one can doubt the shootings in Paris were not caused by religion. Why are these people so dangerous? Because they are true believers just like the Christians of the Middle Ages they truly believe they are doing “God’s will.” They no longer have that inner sense of morality it has been overwritten by a higher power.
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Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2015 06:27 am
If there was an award show for religious cults who would win the Oscar for the “Most Evil and Sadistic” religious cult of all times? While the ripper from Chicago might garner a nomination the Oscar would go to Christianity. Religious apologists will from time to time acknowledge the millions killed by Christianity and sometimes even apologize for torturing and killing millions. Others will try to revise the numbers downward as if this would somehow make it more palatable. The head of the ripper crew was sentenced to death for a mere 18 killings why was Christianity sentenced to death after the massive amounts of torture and killing. It should have been wiped from the face of the earth as the evil it was.

How do Christians rationalize the killing with a cult that claims to be all about goodness and light when it is about evil and darkness? They use scalpel to separate the evil and darkness from the rest. Much like we have been taught not to say you are a bad boy but instead say what you did was bad. The other strategy is to blame the victims much of folklore supports the image of a witch as evil today.
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Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2015 06:26 am
What the Christian did during the Middle Ages was every bit as evil as what the ripper crew did in Chicago but when a contrast is made between the two the crimes of the ripper crew seem much more evil but after all both read the bible to their victims. Of course time is responsible for some, events more distant in time have less of an emotional impact. But the major difference is the “Just World” rationalization, in other words the world is just so anything that happens in the world must be just. If people were burnt at the stake by Christians and they were, then they must have done something to bring this fate on themselves. Most people no longer believe that the victims of the Christians that they flew about on broom sticks and caused crops to go bad but they must have done something to deserve being burnt at the stake. In this case the Just World is even more just because it is the Christian Church burning the victims. Most people should see the invisible hand of God as responsible for these deaths.

I will submit that killings by the Christians in the Middle Ages were far more evil in nature and number then the killings of the ripper crew. The ripper crew involved one psychopath and three followers but thousands of normal people were involved in the killings in the Middle Ages to be sure some psychopaths may have been involved at the top. The ability to use a philosophy of superstition and ignorance to override the inborn morality of so many people is evil at its zenith. By creating and imaginary superhero and endowing him with super powers we give the imagination of fools wings and bonfires. What took place at the hands of the Christian church was far more evil than anything we can encounter today even if the emotional impact doesn’t do it justice.
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Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2015 06:27 am
Yesterday the Pope said that people “cannot insult the faith of others, “adding he would punch someone if they insulted his mother.” The very existence of one man’s faith is blasphemy of another man’s faith. The religious cult wagons are beginning to circle. The pope acknowledged freedom of speech as an ideal but there should be no freedom of speech about religion. All the ideas and philosophies on face of earth can be criticized with the exception of religious ideas. When the ripper crew in Chicago was cutting off the breasts of live women and eating them while they read the bible to them it was a religious ceremony and according to the Pope they should not be criticized because they fall under umbrella of protection of religion and after all the Christians have done far, far worse but whatever you do you “cannot insult the faith of others.”

The Pope’s message was loud and clear if you insult his mother you can expect to be hit and if you insult organized religion expect to be hit. The Vatican later tried to correct the Popes message by saying he said it was violence was wrong but Pope rationalized violence for a single insult against his mother. What next Catholic terrorist with AK47s storming the offices of “South Park” for saying Jesus was a resident of imagination land? Or the office of “Family Guy” where Jesus is a frequent character even planning to sleep with Peter’s wife.

The very idea that religion cannot be criticized in anyway drove the witch burnings but it wasn’t just witches that were burnt at the stake if you had a religious difference with another preacher there was no problem you burnt him at the stake and his competing religious idea went away. This is how Martin Luther got famous he burned others at the stake because he disagreed with them and that was Martin Luther King’s name sake not exactly peace and love he was one of the most virulent anti-Semites on the face and has been credited as the root cause of the Holocaust. But what ever you do don’t criticize religion these are the ideas of God’s and mere men should not criticize Gods no matter how many are imagined.

The Pope called the people who were killed in Paris “Provocateurs.” “If you make fun of or toy with other people’s religion you risk” (a punch nose.) The idea that of all the ideas on earth that there is a set of ideas deemed to come from an imaginary superhero, that can never be questioned or criticized is absurd. The Pope and other Christians long for the good old days when people who expressed ideas that conflict with theirs could be burned at the stake. The world was a simpler place safe for religious bigots and bigotry. It was only the separation of church and state that stopped the religious killing but now a fresh wave of religious inspired killing is spreading across the world and the Pope say’s don’t criticize religion. The Pope demonstrated yesterday the problem is not a religion it is all religions.

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Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2015 07:47 am
The Pope not only sanctioned violence for those who criticize religion he stated that he himself would respond with physical violence if someone used words to insult his mother. The implications are very clear that if you are justified in punching someone in the nose for insulting your mother than killing someone for insulting your imaginary god is at the very least understandable.
“If Doctor Grasbarri, a great friend, says a swear word against my mother, then a punch awaits him,” Francis said, “It’s normal, it’s normal. One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.”

The Pope
“One cannot provoke” notice the shift of blame from victimizer to victim. The United States Constitution guarantees the right of free speech but the Pope will tell you that God’s imaginary law prevails over any law many can make.

“One cannot insult another faith” There is article on the internet this morning that details how two women of faith with all the images of God’s and demons packed into their heads by preachers decided demons had invade the woman’s four children they decided to kill them so the devil would not get their soul. They plunged the knife so hard into the children it came out the other side. Two of the small children were killed one 18 month was held down by one of the women while the other stroked his face to calm him as the other stabbed him to death. Remember that killing children in the bible is not only acceptable but said to provide you with bliss. The pope says you cannot make fun of faith. These two had a lot of faith, they referred to themselves demon assassins of course this is recognizable mental illness but are the others who believe in imaginary gods and talk to them also mentally ill, though maybe not quite as severely as the demon assassins. In our society we accept the fact that people who talk to or believe in imaginary beings are mentally ill unless they call the imaginary friend God and it is sanctioned by a religious organization. We in effect as a society certify mental illness as the normal and look askance at those who deny the supernatural.

Political cartoons are published in almost every newspaper, humor allows us to understand situation in a different way. Political cartoons help point out the flaws in our political philosophy and our politicians. We would never consider outlawing political cartoons but cartoons about religion are another matter. Religion cannot long stand the bright light of comedy. Religion is absurd to start with, and when comedy starts to shine the spotlight on those absurdities the faithful are offended. The religious are like tight ropewalkers on a windy day, they must withstand winds of reality and try and maintain their religious balance and sometimes they need to defy gravity. Why are they so offended by the cartoons? They are so insecure that a little push will knock them off the tightrope into the abyss of reality. God is a loved teddy bear of childhood, a security blanket, the last vestige of childhood. Once one falls into the abyss of reality one must make one own decision and be responsible for them. One must become fully an adult and accept that no superhero will ever save you from death nor should he.
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Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2015 09:25 am
How did the right to believe in any absurd idea preclude the right of others to free speech? You indeed have the right to believe that a super hero, flying spaghetti monster, Jesus Christ, Mohamed or anything else you can imagine will swoop in and reverse all the known laws of the universe to rescue you from death but your right to believe does not preclude my right to free speech. We were taught from childhood that you did not criticize anyone’s religion, a custom I failed to honor. Religious cults from the beginning of time have often held the reigns of government power and if not the reigns than at least a portion of the power of government. All the religions on the face of the earth are absolutely absurd if common sense and the laws of the universe are applied. All religions exist outside the laws of the universe that is why the area is called the super natural. The typical historical religious cult believer’s response to someone who criticized his absurd belief system was not to examine their belief system for obvious flaws but kill those who criticized it. This was almost a reflex response in history, when it came to capital crimes blasphemy was ranked right up there along with treason, murder, and rape. Indeed there is a movement in the United States to make blasphemy punishable by death even today. The American Taliban believes the only thing that will put America on the straight and narrow is making blasphemy punishable by death. When it comes to religion free speech cannot be tolerated.

Religious cults supreme accomplishment was not in killing Christ, a god by definition, but by killing the free speech of the majority they went from a minority to a majority. The killing of free speech is absolute key to the spread of religion, God, the flying spaghetti monster and Puff the Magic Dragon can only exist in the rarified supernatural world of belief. In the world of belief the know laws of the universe simply cease to exist.

The laws against blasphemy in England and Wales weren’t abolished until 2008. But in America there were over 3,000 people executed for blasphemy as recently as September 2001. The attacks on 9/11 were religiously inspired because the prevailing religion in America is blasphemy to the Muslims who attacked America and the many Americans placed in the Middle East after the first invasion of Iraq had defiled the Muslims religious ideas and the Americans were corrupting their youth.

According to the bible the one eternal sin is blasphemy. It is the one unforgivable sin, murders, rapist, and child molesters will be welcomed into heaven with open arms if they repent their sins but not those who blasphemy will be condemned to eternal damnation. (Of course the threat is hollow as Hell is no more real then heaven.) Why? Murders, rapists and child molesters do not threaten the cult of belief system but those who blasphemy and speak the truth threaten the whole organization. Even though no one has been executed by our government for blasphemy many years. Many Americans will be executed in America as they go about their daily lives in lone wolf style attacks by crazed bombers and those armed with assault riffles with hundred round barrel clips which are readily available to any and all terrorists at your corner gun nut store thanks to the National Right to be killed by a gun organization.
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