Nonething you've said detracts from my point about Zardoz being parochial.
Like Zardoz, you too take the rather simplistic approach of blaming religion for all of humanity's ills, while at the same time giving yourself a pat on the back for being such a sensible rational atheist.
Religion is a tool used by the rich and powerful to control the population.
Like any other tool it's not inherantly at fault in itself, it's how it's used.
It's not the poor, gullible sods who go to church, it's the power structure that's the problem.
And I would say your attitude towards religion is a product of America's religiosity.
Over here Atheists, like Christians, aren't so bloody outspoken.
It is possible to believe, or not believe, something without making a great big song and dance about it, well this side of the Atlantic it is.