The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 7 Apr, 2024 08:54 pm
When you deal with the devil, the devil deals the cards and I suspect that some of the religious right may begin to realize it now. One of world’s experts on religion tells how Putin used religion to justify the Ukraine war, the expert, Cyril Hovorun, was a logical aide-de-camp to Patriarch Kill, the second most powerful man in Russia. Hovorun calls the religion in Russia Putinism. It is what happens when politics and religion are mixed. Has there ever been a war where God was not on both sides.

This is happening in America where politics and religion are blended together. One special Russian battalion sent to Ukraine was referred to as, shock troops but it was named the Russian Orthodox Army. It is easy to use bible to justify a war because different groups controlled the countries in biblical times. Israel is another example of how a 2,000-year-old book was used to justify the Jews taking the land that was occupied by the Arabs. Religion is a tool used by politician to justify atrocities. Religion brings out the worst in governments.

Today we have 111,799,815 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 111,798,371 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,444 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,219,225 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,219,224. That means that another 1 American died from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2024 08:49 pm
Suddenly Trump is all for abortion, after he was against abortion while he was president, before that he was all for abortion. Why yet another change of heart? Trump realizes that his appointing judges that overturned Rove vs Wade may be the issue that costs him the election. What is a politician to do? Try to stratal the issue. Now Trump says that abortion should be a state issue and be decided on a state-by- state basses. And yes, Trump is proabortion in cases of rape, incest and the health of the mother. Trump declined to set a limit in weeks that a woman could obtain an abortion.

Trump has lost $3 billion on paper since the stock in his Truth Social went public. I can’t understand why anyone would not want to buy stock in a company that lost $58 billion last year. When the stock offering went public, the public was told that Trump Social made $3 billion instead of the truth. Trump should be facing yet another fraud trial. Once a conman is outed for a conman then all of his financial transactions are subject to much closer scrunty.

Today we have 111,801,134 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 111,799,815 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,319 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,219,230 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,219,225. That means that another 5 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 9 Apr, 2024 08:45 pm
The Christian Nationalists are now being elected to our government and they believe that it is their job to overthrow the government and replace it with rule by the Christian church. Who would vote for anyone that is sworn to overthrow our government? The Christian right many of whom believe that the church should replace the government. Of course, Marjorie Taylor Green has also proposed that the United States should be broken up and divided up into red states and blue states. Marjorie Taylor Green is one of the Christian Nationalist.

Lauren Bobert is another Christian Nationalists, her qualifications for being elected. She had been arrested four times. It is the time of the criminal with Trump being elected president once, any criminal has a much better chance of being elected. The Christian right will simply say God uses flawed men to accomplish his goals and where is the best place to find flawed men? There is an old saying be careful what you wish for because you may just get it. If the Christian right ever got what they are pushing for they would be first to regret it. We have government of people now but it would be replaced by government of the small minded. Power would go to the heads of the small, minded bigots at the speed of sound. They would open the gas chambers to anyone who did not believe as they instructed.

Today we have 111,802,580 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 111,801,134 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 1,446 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,219,261 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,219,230. That means that another 31 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Apr, 2024 09:12 pm
“Why was Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ, talking about blood harvesting of children at the conference alongside a roster of Trump confidants? Why would the lieutenant governor of Idaho hold a gun in one hand and a bible in the other during a staged protest of COVID 19 policies? Why were high profile evangelical like Al Mohler lining up to speak at National Conservatism Conference, whose organizers signed a statement in principals that explicitly endorses theocratic rule? ("Adult individuals should be protected from religious or ideological coercion in their private lived or in their homes.” the statement reads.) Why was Keri Lake-the republican running for governor of Arizona, who friends said she identifies as Buddhist before declaring herself a born-again vessel of God’s vengeance—palling around with Mark Driscoll, the disgraced pastor whose Mars Hill megachurch that collapsed under the weight of scandal? Why would the pastor invite Duane Chapman, aka Dog the Bounty Hunter, to their salvation to their evangelism summit- and moreover, why did they set by while he speculated that Biden would soon commit suicide like Adolph Hitler did?”

The inmates have not only taken over the asylum they are now actively recruiting. This lie that the democrats are blood harvesting children is variation on the old blood liable used against the Jews to sow the seeds of hatred that led to Holocaust. The Christian right is actively using hate to purchase political power. It is a good thing their fairytale is not true because they would find themselves in the hottest corner of hell. One thing that TV preachers show is that giant egos and small minds go together like night and days.

Today we have 111,809,506 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 111,802,580 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,926 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,219,383 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,219,261. That means that another 122 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Apr, 2024 08:47 pm
The republicans have harnessed Christian hate and Christian lies to gain political power. You cannot blame Hitler and the nazis for the Holocaust he only pulled the lever it was the generations of Christian hate and lies that Jews kidnapped and killed Christian children that laid the foundation for the holocaust. This shows the basic lie of their beliefs, “love their enemies.” There are six million dead Jews that can demonstrate the Christian love thy neighbor policy.

History repeats itself and we are now seeing the exact same lies used to waste the Jews. The Christians not only tell the lies they believe them. Christian hate and lies are their weapons and they are making the best of them. I was informed by one of my good Christian friends during the 2020 election that Biden was a child molester, and you could see it in pictures of him in groups and she pointed out that children keep their distance from Biden. She said the source was a Washington insider who had to remain unnamed, but he had no problem showing up in her church to tell his lies.

Christian love? It is an illusion you are seeing the real face of Christianity now, Those, like Keri Lake claiming to be an avenging angel of God. “If the truth will set you free” there no danger of the Christians being free. This is an old game the Christians are playing, and it ended in death for millions, but the Christians have no shame. There have to be strict consequences for those who spread deliberate lies to gain power.

Today we have 111,815,622 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 111,809,506 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,116 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,219,430 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,219,383. That means that another 47 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Apr, 2024 09:02 pm
Lies have now become more than lies, they have become weapons of political combat. It is easy to make up lies anyone can do it. You can clearly see with Trump that the Christians have adopted the end justifies means and lying has become more common in churches than anywhere else. Trump is the most morally bankrupt person to ever run for president but the Christians reason that only the end is important.

One of the worst possible lies that anybody can tell is to accuse anyone of being a child molester without proof. It reminds me of nasty divorces where the woman will accuse her husband of being a child molester in order to get custody of the children. I can imagine being in that church where the Washington insider presented his “proof” that Biden was child molester. The proof was the distance the children kept from Biden in pictures. Of course, it was no doubt the secret service who kept the children at a safe distance. After hearing this proof beyond any doubt, I pointed out that Trump had attended an underage party for under ages girls and middle-aged men and that host of party was convicted in court and sent prison. How Trump escaped jail I don’t know but it is court record and that didn’t bother them at all. After they will freely admit that Trump is a flawed man. The conversation that started the Biden rumor was between Trump and his campaign manager and was observed by others. It was just another Trump lie being used as a weapon. They call it a whisper campaign when it goes from to church.

Today we have 111,820,082 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 111,815,622 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,460 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,219,487 today, yesterday the death toll stood 1,219,430. That means that another 57 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Sat 13 Apr, 2024 02:37 pm
Rant much? Attack the ideology if you like. That makes sense. But lumping all people into one boat is always nonsensical, and usually driven by some sort of emotion. Yours seems rather extreme.

If I had to guess, you went to a catholic brothers school, which if so, would make sense of your posts.
Reply Sat 13 Apr, 2024 08:31 pm
I went to public school for the entire 12 years. I did not lump all Christians into one bunch some are much worse than others. I usually use the term Christian right or evangelicals and American evangelicals have a worldwide nasty reputation. I would be like Trump was about illegal aliens an assume some of the Christians are actually good people. I live in the center of bible-belt, and I am almost totally surrounded by Christians., but I have never seen one group of people take such a nasty turn so quickly.

Ten years ago, no one would have believed that Christians would suddenly start accusing anyone that didn't have the same political views of being child molesters without one shred of proof. It is not so much they accuse prominent people it is why they do it.
Reply Sat 13 Apr, 2024 09:05 pm
I guess love thy neighbor has different meanings to some people, but somehow accusing innocent people of child molestation is not one of them. For instance, my mother bought a house from someone who lost it. It had a big 15,000-gal inground pool. The pool was heated, and you could swim in December. The previous owner was caught in the pool with the next-door neighbor’s wife both nude. I guess he was loving thy neighbor.

Now that Trump is selling bibles it will need some updates. Your neighbor is not your friend, and any lies or slander are fair game. Most preachers will admit their flock does not like to hear so much about Jesus as politics. If the preacher does not use his pulpit to spread the politics of Trump his congregation will shrink, and they will go to other churches that are more politically active. Look for Trump addition to hit the streets soon. Trump compares himself to Christ frequently of course Trump has suffered much more than Christ for his people. The modern American Christians would not be recognizable to the previous generation of Christians. The tail now wags the dog if the preachers won’t push the most radical politics they won’t have a church. The clergy either gets on the band wagon or train will leave the station without them.

The Coronavirus Tracker is no longer tracking Trump virus statistics.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Apr, 2024 09:42 pm
I did not lump all Christians into one bunch some are much worse than others
You very clearly do.
This shows the basic lie of their beliefs, “love their enemies.”

There are six million dead Jews that can demonstrate the Christian love thy neighbor policy.

The Christians not only tell the lies they believe them. Christian hate and lies are their weapons and they are making the best of them

Christian love? It is an illusion you are seeingt the real face of Christianity now

This is an old game the Christians are playing, and it ended in death for millions, but the Christians have no shame

you can clearly see with Trump that the Christians have adopted the end justifies means

There is a very signficant difference between a/some/many/etc and 'the' when followed by a noun. A Christian means one Christian, Some Christians means some, many Christians means many, The Christians means all Christians as a group, and you say the Christians over, and over, and over.

The above quotes are from just your last two posts, but all your posts prior rant about them (which is bizarre by itself in a Communist thread), without a singular 'some/many' (or similar) qualification, so it is also very clear that you have an significant emotional issue with all Christians as a group. You can attempt to backtrack, but what you have said, and the fixation you've shown with the subject, shows what you actually think.

In the end, you can think what you want, which includes irrational things...though pretending it isn't what you think, fools only yourself.
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 05:05 am
There clearly has been a politicization of Christianity in the USA and it needs to be called out. Modifying every reference to clarify the particular version of Christianity being referred to isn't necessary – it's obvious from the context. I know, when reading criticism of contemporary Christianity, that they're not talking about the Congregational Church down the street with its handful of elderly parishioners. In addition, this whole thread is basically a blog; it's not meant to appeal to every quarter, avoid hurting people's feelings, or attract sponsors and supporters. As far as I'm concerned, the basic decency of the author, as shown on these collected pages, has been established. The OP is free to address any subject he wishes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 05:59 am
Zardoz is very parochial, he views the world through the lens of West Virginia.

Re Christianity, I showed him Frankie Boyle attacking Celebrity Atheists on Room 101, where he attacks the likes of Ricky Gervais and points out the good some Christians have done, especially priests in South America.

It's a measure of Zardoz's parochialism that he couldn't understand English outside the US, and had no idea what Boyle was saying.

Basically you need to view his posts for what they are, a window into "liberal" thinking in West Virginia, and as far as it goes they're very good.

As long as he's talking about America it's OK, but he's pretty clueless about the rest of the World.
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 06:55 am
Re Christianity, I showed him Frankie Boyle attacking Celebrity Atheists on Room 101, where he attacks the likes of Ricky Gervais...

I don't think the OP particularly identifies with "Celebrity Atheists", so even if Boyle's criticism is spot on (I haven't watched it in its entirety and have yet to view any Gervais) it only means that, wow, there are some atheists who are shitty people. So welcome to the club! It doesn't make Christianity reasonable, it doesn't make it true, it doesn't erase the excesses committed in the name of the Christian god. It certainly doesn't address the real attempts by contemporary Christians in the USA to establish a state church in violation of the US constitution.
...and points out the good some Christians have done, especially priests in South America.

It's not difficult to find the good that some Christians have done because some Christians are good people. As far as Liberation Theology goes, yes, it was an exciting development. I actually studied under Jesuits who were active in the movement, incredibly dynamic men. But don't forget that the reactionary John Paul II subsequently repressed these radical priests, excommunicated some of them, and returned to the conservative, anti-communist, anti-gay, anti-woman pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church. Benedict was the same. Pope Francis (who is from South America) has done a lot to liberalize the Church but faces opposition from hardliners – it 'll be interesting to see which side prevails when the next pope is chosen.
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 07:13 am
Nonething you've said detracts from my point about Zardoz being parochial.

Like Zardoz, you too take the rather simplistic approach of blaming religion for all of humanity's ills, while at the same time giving yourself a pat on the back for being such a sensible rational atheist.

Religion is a tool used by the rich and powerful to control the population.

Like any other tool it's not inherantly at fault in itself, it's how it's used.

It's not the poor, gullible sods who go to church, it's the power structure that's the problem.

And I would say your attitude towards religion is a product of America's religiosity.

Over here Atheists, like Christians, aren't so bloody outspoken.

It is possible to believe, or not believe, something without making a great big song and dance about it, well this side of the Atlantic it is.
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 07:15 am
The first Atheist state was Albania, hardly a beacon of enlightenment and progressive thought.
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Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 07:38 am
Nonething you've said detracts from my point about Zardoz being parochial.

I wasn't addressing that point. It's one of the reasons I like his thread.

Like Zardoz you too take the rather simplistic approach of blaming religion for all of humanity's ills while at the same time giving yourself a pat on the back for being such a sensible rational atheist.

I categorically do not blame religion for all of humanity's ills. I blame all of humanity's ills for the existence of religion. It offers a promise of relief.
Religion is a tool used by the rich and powerful to control the population.

That's why some states seek to nationalize religion and some religions seek to make the state an arm of the church.
Like any other tool it's not inherantly at fault in itself it's how it's used.

I don't disagree.
It's not the poor gullible sods who go to church, it's the power structure that's the problem.

A lot of the "poor gullible sods" have been radicalized by that very power structure and are capable of committing anti-social behavior on command. So when a woman is prevented from receiving reproductive care because some poor gullible sod blew up the clinic, yeah I condemn the power structure but I don't excuse the perpetrator either.
And I would say your attitude towards religion is a product of America's religiosity.

It's a product of the politicization of conservative Christianity which has grown over the past few decades. My attitude toward religion is a bit more nuanced than you might think.
Over here Atheists, like Christians, aren't so bloody outspoken.

I don't think that atheists are particularly outspoken here. Sure, you come across militant atheists on social media but almost always in a context where religion and non-religion are being debated. I would never introduce myself as an "atheist" – it's nobody's business.
It is possible to believe or not believe something without making a great big song and dance about it, well this side of the Atlantic it is.

Well over here right now, the song and dance is being directed by Christian Nationalists and conservative evangelicals. Their most effective opponents are the liberal congregations, not atheists.
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 07:56 am
There's a fervour though, look at Frank.

I would never have thought that such a thing as an evangelical agnostic could exist.
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 09:25 am
I've always thought of Frank as a special case. I think he spends more time arguing with those who believe there is no god than he does with believers.
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Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 02:24 pm
Interesting. Thanks for your feedback (both of you). I've noticed the US becoming more extreme over the last two decades (Australia is also becoming more extreme, but severely lags the U.S.). No surprise it would make its way into a decent percentage of churches.

That said, I've found that we humans need to avoid repeating all encompassing statements too often, otherwise our own thinking starts becoming extreme, and we become as problematic as the thing we complain about (usually an organisation/party/govt/business/group etc, which is often made up of large numbers of individuals, with sufficient numbers who possess somewhat extreme thinking, lead by people with more extreme thinking...so even the mild extremist becomes part of the problem).

Its strange to me that people on both sides don't see they are part of the problem (when they take 'all or nothing' type positions).

Christianity as a religion has a lot of problems. Christians as groups and as individuals too often display problemat behaviours / a too high percentage are involved in ####. The Christians are an issue.... is a different matter.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Apr, 2024 10:31 pm
To say that I lump all Christians together is like saying I lump all Democrats together. When I found democrat politicians that were DNC (Democrat in Name Only) I would not only make sure they not only lost their office but was unelectable from then on. In WV at one time there were many possers.

In my small group of friends of about ten people, two became preachers. There was only one atheist.

You need only look at what these super mega churches teach hate as their best subject to thousands every week while they build shrines to Trump. The mega Christians events teach hate as their best subject. It is so easy to see who they are. Do you think the Christians didn't lie about the Jews just as they are telling the exact same lies about Democrats today. Hitler may have pulled the trigger, but the Christian hate aimed the gun. Hitler did not hate Jews to start with he did not even know what a Jew was to start with, but the Christian press kept pushing hate of Jews.

Is there any doubt that the lies being told in these mega churches are designer lies told to spread Christian hate?

What do you think these people telling these lies in mega churches and mega events should be called? I don't speak in absolutes like Trump, but it is very clear that it is Christians that are manufacturing and spreading these lies.

I will have to pick up the rest of your post tomorrow I was up at 4 AM this morning to do the Ohio University half marathon. I was second last year in my age group and won it the year before that. I have not seen today's result yet, but I didn't have a good day. I am up way past by bedtime.

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