The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2023 03:23 am
That's horseshit.

You act religious, you try to convert others, and like all extreme ideologies you deliberately misrepresent anyone who thinks differently.

All your examples are extreme, you highlight a sect that wants to punish people who collect firewood on a Sunday and make out that it's typical of all Christians.

Examples I have given of good work being carried out by church groups are ignored.

That's the behaviour of a proseletyser, and only religious people do that.

You can lie to yourself, but don't lie to me.

Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2023 03:30 am
Zardoz wrote:

I have never been outside the US, and I have never wanted to.

Your ignorance shows, but you have the hubris to preach to the rest of us about things you know sweet FA about.

You had an awful time with American "Christianity" and have reacted accordingly being every bit as extreme, ignorant and incapable of reason.

I glad to live in a country that doesn't have mass shootings every day and celebrates such as Freedom.

I've been to America, two weeks was enough for me.

Never again.
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2023 09:00 pm
How does a judge enforce a gag order against someone that has chronic diarrhea of the mouth. Donald Duck has already violated the order twice. He paid a $5,000 fine and a $10,000 fine. Money means nothing to him because he is using campaign contributions. If Donald Duck is fined $50,000 his followers will give him another million. The one thing his followers can’t do is do jail time for him.

When Donald Duck violates the gag order again give him a week in jail. He can still attend his trial like other jail inmates do. Trump punishment should be in a geometric progression. First violation would end in one week jail time, the second violation would be two weeks, the third violation would be four weeks in jail. The fourth violation of the gag order would get Donals Duck eight weeks in jail. There is no reason for a judge to pretend that he is punishing Donald Duck as long as he is paying with someone else’s money.

Today we have 109,056,131 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,047,729 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 8,402 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,180,376 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,180,288. That means that another 88 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2023 09:11 pm
I just state the facts, I did not even try to influence my daughter, I let her reason for herself.

It is an incidence reported in the bible. It clearly shows a primitive mind engaged in primitive actions.

There are good works done by major drug dealers should we ignore the fact they are killing thousands with drugs. The church killed millions of people to make sure they attended church.

Welfare is administered by the state, and we all have a part in that the church contribution pales in comparison. Anything done by a church is a carrot and stick operation to pull someone into their cult.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Oct, 2023 09:23 pm
I think travel is nice for sight seers, you can see the difference in different beer gardens. Most of knowledge is derived from books, reading the same book in America or China, England, or south America. However, if you wanted to see different water falls you really need to be there.

I had a problem with the Catholic church that is worldwide organization run from Rome and every other religion in the world.

They passed out weapons of war like there candy here, and Christianity tells you nobody can die, they just go to a better place. If people accepted the fact that dead is really dead, we would have far less killings. Another gift that Christianly gave the world.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2023 09:06 pm
Now four counties in Texas have passed laws to prevent pregnant women from going out of state for abortions. Anyone that assists a woman going out of state for abortion can be jailed. The anti-abortion is driven by the religious movement in America, this is the ugly face of religion. The religious are all about control, control of others. They are free to believe whatever fairytale they chose but they want to encode their religious beliefs into law to control others. If you don’t believe in abortion fine don’t get an abortion but it is unamerican to use the law of the land to control others.

Abortion is slippery slope, first the religious right wanted to stop abortion now they want to fence pregnant women in like cattle. An airline attendant could be jailed for selling a plane ticket, a bus driver jailed for taking a pregnant woman across state lines where she could get a legal abortion. No American in their wildest dreams could ever imagine that laws could be passed to keep women from getting health care in any state they chose. The religious right teamed up with the republican party to create a Frankenstein monster to destroy long held American values. Control is the opposite of freedom, and no one is more into control then religious right.

Today we have 109,061,990 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,056,131 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,859 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,180,392 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,180,376. That means that another 16 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 28 Oct, 2023 09:40 pm
Donald Duck was interviewed by Megyn Kelly. This shows how stupid he is. Megyn Kelly beat the hell out of Trump during the presidential debate in 2020. He should have known better than to give her a second chance to make him look like a pure idiot, but Trump believes that any publicity is better than no publicity whether it is good or bad. The interview was like Donald Duck walking into a buzz saw and ended with Donald Duck refusing to answer her questions. Donald Duck let Kelly know that he was Donald Duck and could do anything he wanted. That should have been clear enough to anybody that Donald Duck believes he is above any law.

The questions had to do with the top-secret material Donald Duck took from the White House. Kelly than ask him when newspaper became top-secret? That was a reference to Donald Duck sharing America top secrets with his dinner guests. Donald Duck tried to cover saying he only had newspapers. Kelly is making clear he is lying. Donald Duck claims that Biden has access to far more top-secret material. Biden as president has access to all of America top-secrets but he can’t take them with he leaves office. I finally figured out why Donald Duck is so popular with his crowd it is the fact that he is so stupider than they are. They are looking for someone that is stupider than they are, they feel threatened by people that are smarter than they are. Trump IQ is probably the lowest of any president. No other president would have gone on Megyn Kelly’ show after he said blood was coming out of her eyes and out of wherever and had her fired from her job at Fox News. Donald Duck is not the only one that is looking for revenge.

Today we have 109,064,491 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,061,190 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,301 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,180,400 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,180,392. That means that another 8 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2023 09:36 pm
Comrade DeSantis was the guest on Meet the Press today. DeSantis explained what he was doing with the protests in Florida over the Jewish invasion of Gaza. It was simple he was going to ban those who were supporting Gaza from protesting. American citizens have an absolute right to protest even the Neo Nazis have held protest here. Comrade DeSantis first instinct is to take freedom away. There is only one area where DeSantis wants to grant more freedom.

DeSantis signed a law doing away with gun permits. This is flooding the streets with more and more guns. On Meet the Press DeSantis was asked about doing away with gun permits. He stated that there are now few deaths in Florida, the moderator of Meet the Press spoke up and told him that was not true, while overall deaths are down death from guns is up in Florida. Now another mass shooting has taken place in Florida where 20 people were shot and two killed. Comrade DeSantis offered to send security, but that does no good after the fact.

My daughter works in the emergency of a local hospital. The day the mass murders took place in Main. They were warned that a want to be mass murder was on his way shoot the emergency up. Luckly the police were waiting on him and took him down at the door. It might have been a different story, but the shooter forgot his bullets. This is what happens when a mentally ill person attempts mass murder.

Today we have 109,066,255 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109.064,491 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,064 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,180,403 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,180,400. That means that another 3 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2023 09:36 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene says she has no problem if the government shuts down. She will continue to get her check even if the government shuts down. That needs to change if the congressmen and senators can’t come up with a budget they should not be paid until they pass a budget. Why should MTG care if she does her job, she still gets paid. There will be 10s of thousands of government employee who won’t get paid when the government shuts down. People like MTG and other radical right republicans have no problem with stating they want to burn the government down.

The federal budget is supposed be passed for a year but now the best they can do is a continuing resolution that lasts for only a few months. It should be required that congress pass a budget for a year. It has been years since the United States had a budget for a year. The republicans claim the government is broke but they still want more tax cuts for the rich. They will use the government shut down as a lever to get bigger and better tax cuts for the rich. The republicans usually pass out tax cuts for the rich when they are in power and insist social security and Medicare must be cut. Maybe the republicans can use the government shut down to force cuts in social security and Medicare.

Today we have 109,068,914 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,066,255 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,659 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,180,405 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,180,403. That means that another 2 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Oct, 2023 09:53 pm
How to swindle a swindler. Donald Duck even swindles the swindlers he did business with. In Micheal Cohen’s book he details how the National Enquirer used catch and kill to kill any negative story about Donald Duck. David Pecker was the CEO of the National Enquirer was approached with a story where a former Playboy playmate had a 9-month affair with Trump after the birth of his last son. Michael Cohen was Trump’s fixer when the going got tough Donald Duck sent Cohen to fix it.

Pecker made the $150,000 payoff to buy the playmate’s story. Donald Duck was involved all along but when it came time to pay the $150,000 Trump does what he did with CNBC poll that he fixed he refused to pay the $150.000 Donald Duck tells them what you did was illegal I am not paying you. Then the Access Hollywood tape broke, and it seems Pecker had someone over him that was not going to tolerate Donald Duck. Faced with too much bad publicity Donald Duck had no choice but to make the payoff. I really don’t know how Donald Duck is still alive he has swindled thousands of people and people have been killed for far less. To Donald Duck swindling is a way of life. I wonder how the Donald Duck supporters would like to be a subcontractor for him and then watches as he swindled them out of a couple hundred thousand. You don’t have much recourse lawyers are expensive, and they would end up with most of the settlement. Welcome to the brave new America where swindlers are the heroes and honest people are chumps.

Today we have 109,114,891 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,068,914 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 45,977 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,180,669 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,180,405. That means that another 264 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Nov, 2023 09:44 pm
It has taken me a long time to Micheal Cohen’s book, but it really becomes interesting toward the end. Donald Duck was Cohen’s ultimate hero he would have taken a bullet for Donald Duck. After Donald Duck swindled the National Enquirer and had them payoff the Playboy playmate the National Enquirer learned not to make anymore of Donald Duck’s payments to his ex-girlfriends. National Enquirer was not going to catch and kill any more of Donald Ducks dirty laundry.

The porn star Stormy Daniels had already been paid off once and she had signed a paper stating her encounter with Donald Duck never took place but after the Access Hollywood tape came out (pussygate) Stormy started demanding more money she was shopping the story to ABC after she passed a lie detector test. More bad publicity after the Access Hollywood tape would hurt Donald Duck that close to the election. Cohen and Donald Duck agreed they needed to pay her off. Cohen negotiated a deal for $130,000. The trouble was that nobody wanted to come up with the $130,000. Several deadlines passed and no money. Finally, Cohen borrowed the money from his bank the interest was $500 a month. Did Donald Duck appreciate it? No more than the $150,000 he beat the National Enquirer out of. Donald Duck would swindle his mother if she were alive. He did swindle his dead brother family out of their inheritance when his dad died.

Today we have 109,180,951 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,114,891 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 66,060 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,151 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,180,669. That means that another 482 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2023 09:11 pm
In America honesty is the oil that lubricates are commercial system. Years ago, if you were in a business your reputation was one of your most important assets. If your business had a reputation for being honest you did a good business. On the other hand, if your business had a reputation for cheating people, it would likely fail over time. My dad went to buy a used car at a local dealership and test drove it on Friday. He decided to buy the car and went back on Monday to buy it. He talked to a different salesman who told him the car he was interested had only 10,000 miles on it. The trouble was on Friday the same car had 30,000 miles on it. My dad had bought a new truck from the same dealership before but never bought anything from that dealership again because he knew they were dishonest.

Once a contractor gains a reputation for being dishonest nobody wants to do business with him. If the contractor takes your neighbors money and doesn’t do job, why would you trust him? This is how Donald Duck has ruined America’s values. Donald Duck feels pride when he swindles someone. Donald Duck is now a roll model to many Americans who no longer value honesty. I am sure when Donald Duck followers give a contractor $10,000 for a new roof and he just takes their money and does nothing they can say nice fellow he is just like Trump. Do you know what your chances of getting back that $10,000? Close to zero and this is how Trump built much of his fortune.

Today we have 109,203,721 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,180,951 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 22,720 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,289 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,151. That means that another 138 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Nov, 2023 09:03 pm
The new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has an urgent mission to make huge cuts in social security, Medicare and Medicaid. When is the people’s House not the people’s House? When there is a republican majority, Johnson wants to make sure the public does not know how much social security, Medicare and Medicaid are being cut. Johnson wants the meetings behind closed to the public.

Remember the state of the union address this year when Biden said that the Republicans were going to cut social security? The republicans hooted hollered that they were not going to cut social security. It seems they lied. The social security trust fund stands at $2.8852 trillion but the republicans are sounding the alarm that social security will be broke by 2094 so we better cut it now to save those in 2094. The republicans borrowed the $2.9 social security trust fund to fund the trillion-dollar tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. When the excess social security comes in one door the social security administration is issued US treasury bonds and the money is used to fund the tax cuts for the rich. If the American people are paid out of the social trust fund and deplete it the taxes on the rich will have to be raised to repay the social security fund. If the republicans can cut social security the social security trust fund will get larger, and they can use it to fund more tax cuts for the rich. The republicans are not your friends, they are the friends of the ultra-rich who funds their campaigns.

Today we have 109,206,560 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,203,721 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,839 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,293 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,289. That means that another 4 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Nov, 2023 09:31 pm
How will the republicans go about cutting social security? They will use the Reagan method. How do you cut a popular program like social security? Simple you don’t cut it on the those getting social security now or in the next 20 years. You go after the children’s social security. They can’t vote against you and the cuts are so far in the future most people don’t worry about them. Reagan made the biggest cuts to social security and raised the social security tax five times during his term in office and remained one of the most popular presidents.

How does the scam work? Reagan raised the age you could get your full social security. To get my full social security I had to be 66 instead of 65. I retired at 65 ½ meaning my social security was be cut by 10%. Reagan used fear to be able to make such huge raises and cut social security, but the beauty of his plan was to screw the next generation who had no political voice. Fear is a big motivator tell people there will be no social security makes people more likely to accept less. Social Security was not designed to have a trust fund, it was a pay as you go system. Those paying into social security paid the social security of those who were retired. The argument was that people were living longer but now the life span is going down. Ninety percent of the people killed by COVIDs were of social security age. Of course, now if the social security was a pay as you go system, as it was for the first 50 years, according to the sky is fallings republicans it was bankrupt for those 50 years.
There is one thing you will never hear from the republicans make the rich pay the same percentage of their income in social security tax that the middle class pays. If the rich have a $10 million income, they only pay social security tax on a $120,000. That means they pay only 1.2% while the middle class pays 7.2%.

Today we have 109,211,904 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,206,560 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,344 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,342 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,293. That means that another 49 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 6 Nov, 2023 10:38 pm
There is an old saying that figures don’t lie but liars do figure. We all know Trump lies and additionally he lies with figures. Trump says Mar-A-Lago is worth $1.5 billion but Florida officials, appraisal shows the actual value at $27 million. Trump will insist the property is worth what he says it is. He has asserted this legal theory before in court and lost. All of Trump properties are valued this way to make Trump looks far wealthier than he is.

But it is seems Trump’ valuations are a two-way street when Trump makes valuation for taxes far less than comparable properties. If the county accessor disputes Trump’s evaluation Trump, then will tie up in court for years. There is a solution for both problems make the official evaluation by professional appraisers the evaluation for both taxes and the listed value.

Today we have 109,233,586 cases of the Trump virus, two days ago we had 109,211,904 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 21,682 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 1,181,548 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,342. That means that another 206Americans died in the last two days.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Nov, 2023 10:02 pm
The republicans want to raise the retirement age for social security to 69. Way beyond other countries, the average life span in America is 73 years and 5 months for men. That means the average man could expect to live only four years and a few months after he retired. Doesn’t say much for the golden years. The republicans would like to see the retirement above the average lifespan so the majority of men would never collect social security and all they would get after paying into social security for all those years was the death benefit $250.

But you have got realize this would provide funding for bigger and better tax cuts for the rich. When social security money is paid into the government the social security administration is given US treasury bonds in exchange for the cash and that money funds the republicans tax cuts for the rich. They are also trying to do away with Medicare and you would need to buy private insurance. Since you had paid Medicare taxes all your life the republicans would replace it with a “premium support” which most likely would pay less than 50% of a private insurance program. So, seniors would be looking at an additional $700 payment for insurance each month. Republicans they have been trying to do away with social security since its inception.

Today we have 109,239,843 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,233,586 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,257 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,620 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,548. That means that another72 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2023 10:09 pm
The republican party’s proposal to raise the age of retirement to 69 would start with those who reach the age of 62 in 2030. That means that those born in 1968 and later would have to wait until the age 69 to retire. Early retirement would still be available but at a much smaller percentage. The age of retirement should be dictated by the average life span, which is going down in America, and the age most people have reached the average age of disability not the need to give even bigger tax cut to rich who finance the campaign contributions for republicans.

The republicans are worried about the large deficit in the federal budget but why worry about social security which has a $2.8 trillion surplus? The National debt was almost completely paid until Reagan took over and tripled the national debt with 70% tax cuts for the rich. The republicans never believe in balanced budgets when they are making massive tax cuts. The republicans have mastered the art of borrowing social security money from trust fund to finance tax cuts for the rich. This should have never happened the republicans should never be able to grant tax cuts to rich unless the budget is balanced after the tax cuts are taken into account. Using the social security trust fund to try and balance the Federal budget should not be allowed. The social security should be invested in the market. The republicans made this mess by cutting taxes for the rich during Reagan’s term in office, baby Bush’s term in office, and Trump’s term in office.

Today we have 109,257,531 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,239,843 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 39,843 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,723 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,620. That means that another 103 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Nov, 2023 11:04 pm
Ohio made abortion legal in their constitution a huge loss for republicans. A North Decota republican has urged authorities in Ohio to ignore the results. He says that direct democracy should not exist. This guy should not be allowed to live in America. There are plenty of good dictatorships he would fit into. They ignore elections there also. Brandon Prichard, the representative from North Dakoda also is pushing for states to put into code that Jesus Christ is King. So much for religious freedom.

The republican party has become so radical over the last few years. They no longer believe in the rule of law. They continue to believe the fantasy that the election was stolen even though they know what the truth is. They want to do away our democracy and replace with a dictatorship. They want to enshrine their religion into the states code. They don’t understand America and they don’t want to.

Today we have 109,280,866 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,257,531 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 23,335 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,863 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,723. That means that another 140 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Nov, 2023 11:01 pm
There have been 58 cases against Donald Duck bought to the attention of Federal Election Commission and the republicans on the commission blocked every single one from being investigated even though 28 cases were recommended by the staff to the board for investigation. The Federal Election Commission has to be made up of an equal number of democrats and republicans. Meaning that it is completely useless when it comes Donald Duck. No matter what Donald Duck does there will never be an investigation of Donald Duck. The republicans said they put Donald Duck and Biden in a special category but it evident that Donld Duck is in category all by himself.

Trump has used campaign donations as an outright scam. Trump lured in people to make a campaign donation and they believed that it was a onetime donation, but web site would take that amount out every week. That is an outright fraud and should be prosecuted by a prosecutor not the Federal Election Commission where the republican can’t protect Trump from any violation. When laws can’t be enforced, we have no laws.

Today we have 109,283,787 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,280,866 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,921 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,869 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,863. That means that another 6 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Nov, 2023 10:13 pm
The big corrupt gun manufacture’s lobby is at again trying to make sure the most violent gun nuts among us have guns. They want to make sure that people who have a restraining order could still keep their guns. This way they could kill their wives from a distance and not violate their restraining order. The gun lobby need to sell more guns there are still plenty of Americans left to be killed.

Zackey Rahimi’s legal troubles began in 2019 when he pulled out a gun and fired at a passerby who witnessed him dragging his girlfriend through a parking lot.”

Months later, after being involved in an accident, Rahimi repeatedly shot at other drivers, court records show. A year later he threatened another woman with a gun and was charged with aggravated assault. In 2021, he fired several shots into the air after his friend’s credit was declined at a Whataburger in Fort Worth. This is the people that the republicans want to make sure their rights are not violated. What about the rights of the people who he shot at?

The supreme court has a new legal theory. That gun laws must be consistent with traditional gun laws. I wonder how that works out with other traditional laws. At one time senators were appointed by governor instead of being elected by the people.

Today we have 109,286,015 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 109,283,787 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,228 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,181,871 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,181,869. That means that another 2 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

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