The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 26 Mar, 2023 09:00 pm
It now looks like even more indictments in New York are possibility for Trump. It seems like it is against the law to intimidate a prosecutor and Trump has very publicly done everything in his power to intimidate the prosecutor in New York. I am surprised Trump’s lawyer did not advise him that it was a crime to intimidate a prosecutor. The lawyers probably did and Trump just ignored them, Trump violates every law and has gotten away with it so far, it is time to put a stop to it and show him that no man is above the law.

Trump’s rally in Waco drew a crowd but after 30 minutes the crowd started leaving. When ask why they were leaving, they said that they had done their duty by making it look like Trump drew a crowd. A reporter from One News Network took pictures of the crowd before the rally not after the crowd thinned out. This is the first Trump held rally since he announced he was running for president many believed that he could no longer draw a crowd after the CPAC meeting in Michigan was so sparsely attended. PT Barnum said it best, there is a sucker born every day.

Today we have 106,102,029 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,090,168 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 11,861 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,153,730 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,153,587. That means that another 143 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Mon 27 Mar, 2023 08:52 pm
There is an article in USA Today about social security written by a complete idiot advocating cuts in Social Security and Medicare. This idiot believes that they should raise the retirement age again after it has already been raised for years. Reagan raised the age that you could get your full social security from 65 to 67 in steps, but it didn’t take effect until 20 years after he left office. If he had put it in effect while he was in office, he would have been the most unpopular president in history. This idiot thinks you can draw a number out hat for social security eligibility. There was a good reason that 65 was chosen when social security started. That was the point that more than half of the people were dead, so only the lucky ones lived to get their social security. Medical science has helped people live longer, replacing knees and hips and keeping people alive with medical advancements. But at 65 the human body is wearing out. This especially bad for people who do manual labor for a lifetime. I encountered an old woman working at a hardware store the other day who could barely walk, my mom is 95 and is in better shape.

I guarantee this little snot is flying a desk and has never done a real day's work in his life. He no doubt is younger and thinks people live forever so the retirement age is optional. As people age there is a decline both physically and mentally. My mom, a nurse, told me that she retired because she was afraid that she might give a patient the wrong dose of medicine. As you get older you see yourself making more mental mistakes. At 65 they say you should let your children pay your bills. The view from 65 is quite different then than the view from 30.

The author reference that France was trying raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 but that is still lower than original retirement age in America. Social security problems would be solved if the ungodly greedy had to pay the same 7.2% of their income that the poor pay. The rich pay as little as .000001 of their income in social security taxes.

Today we have 106,109,844 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,102,029 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,815 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,153,816 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,153,730. That means that another 86 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 28 Mar, 2023 09:01 pm
Social security was never designed to have a trust fund. It was simply a pay as you go system where the current retiree social security was paid by those who were working. Not until Reagan came a long and decided to redesign social security with a trust fund. Reagan not only raised the age of retirement, but he raised social security taxes six times and raised the amount money needed to pay out your yearly amount of social security. Most people paid out of the amount they owed social security in September given them an effective pay raise over the last three months of the year. All this extra money created a trillion-dollar slush fund that was used to cut the income taxes on the rich by 75%.

This generation paid the previous generation social security, we also paid for our generation social security and are being told we need to pay for the next generation social security that retirees in 2030 or social security will be bankrupt. The Trump virus killed over a million people most of which were on social security or soon to be drawing social security. This should have made a huge difference in the social security paid out and increased the trust fund. Crystal balls are just a carnival trick and anyone who tells you they can predict the future is just guessing.

The republicans only solution to social security is to cut it. Why is that? The republicans know that the social security trust fund is not there, it was used to fund all of those big tax cuts for the wealthy. If social security needs those trillion back the Republicans would have to raise taxes to pay that money back. So, the Republicans want an eternal trust fund that is not accessible by the social security administration. The republicans gave huge tax breaks and funded it by borrowing from social security.

Today we have 106,120,651 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,109,844 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 10,807 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,153,972 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,153,816. That means that another 156 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Mar, 2023 09:15 pm
In America we build great temples to ignorance and fantasy. It is not surprising the last school shooting took place there. The ignorance they pedal provides the mass murders with the fantasy that they will live forever and when they shoot themselves in the head they will wake up in another life. There is no need for the mass murder to feel sorry for the victims as per fantasy they will be going to a better place. The mass murder is actually doing them a favor by saving them from this world and sending them to heaven. It is like being in a bad video game where things just start over.

Fantasy and ignorance have their price. When you enter garbage into the system you get garbage out and the Christian cults have loaded the system with garbage for a couple thousand years. We had a wet microburst last week, the sound of wind sounded like a train. It took down trees and damaged some trailers I didn’t blame God. The tornados down south did extensive damage and killed people. Many thanked God that they survived when they should be blaming God for sending the tornados in the first place. They should be saying you SOB you did not get me this time. You either believe the world is run by God and that he is responsible for everything that takes place, or the world is a number of random events. The Christian cult has tried to explain evil and devastating natural disasters as God’s trying of the faithful. The Christian cult always makes God responsible for all good events, but all bad events are the responsible of evil forces. I would like to see one honest survivor say “You SOB you didn’t get me this time.

Today we have 106,161,976 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,120,651 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 41,325 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,154,331 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,153,972. That means that another 359 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 30 Mar, 2023 09:24 pm
“Every form of refuge has its price.” DeSantis answer is to hide from reality in ignorance. A history book in Florida tells the story of Rosa Parks without noting that she was black. I don’t know how the story would make any sense, but you can’t make white children feel guilty. That is the republican prime directive. Imagine what history books will become under DeSantis.

Disney is hitting back against DeSantis scheduling the biggest gay summit in world at Disney in September there would also be a Gay Day celebration in September. Our strength does not come from our similarities it comes from our differences. I would not be surprised to see DeSantis and the Florida legislature to try and ban gay people in Florida to retaliate.

The shooter in Nashville was forced to go to that school and was c0unceled by one of faculty. Here the ignorant tried to solve her problem. If she tried to explain that she felt like a male. Her advisor would insist that was not possible, that God did not make mistakes end of argument. In the end ignorance is expensive luxury.

Today we have 106,206,057 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,161,976 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 44,081 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The Death toll stands at 1,154,894 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,154,331. That means that another 563 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Mar, 2023 08:52 pm
There was an interesting article on MSN today, it points out that this is a conspiracy, and the Trump Justice Department started the prosecution of this conspiracy, not the Obama Justice Department or Biden Justice Department. The Trump Justice Department prosecuted part of the conspiracy and convicted the Trump’s lawyer of doing Trump bidding. What saved Trump from prosecution was he was exempt from prosecution while he was president. The name of the article:

“It was Trump’s Own Justice Department That Called This A Crime’: Katal Responds To Republican Freakout Over Trump Indictment.”

How can any republican be upset with the prosecution for this crime? The Trump Justice Department determined this was a crime and should be prosecuted. When a man pays to have his wife killed, both him and the hitman are prosecuted, no one believes that the husband should not be prosecuted. The husband is considered the mastermind and given the harsher sentence in most cases. The evidence is overwhelming that a crime was committed.

Today we have 106,219,716 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,206,057 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 13,659 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,155,069 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,154,894. That means that another 175 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2023 08:53 pm
Trump tried to use threats of a protest to stop indictment, it didn’t work. Next Trump claimed that the indictment had been dropped, that was wishful thinking on Trumps part. Now that Trump has been indicted, he is trying to stir up riots across America. Trump tells his followers that it is not him they are coming after, they are coming after his followers. If Trump is found guilty it won’t be his followers that are going to jail, it will be Trump alone who goes to jail. But Trump can convince his followers that they are the real target.

Trump was responsible for the Jan 6th insurrection. He whipped the crowd into a frenzy and pointed them toward the capitol. “HOW MUCH MORE ARE AMERICAN PATRIOTS EXPECTED TO TAKE???” Trump asked. This was clearly meant to inflame the Trump thugs. It is like listening to ticking time bomb waiting on the explosion. It is a crime to try an incite a riot, and Trump clearly wants to incite riots across America. He should have been arrested and convicted over the Jan 6 insurrection. Trump will not stop trying to destroy America until the law puts a stop to him. Had someone else been responsible for Jan 6th insurrection they would have been arrested that day and never seen the light of day again. We are just watching history repeat itself.

Today we have 106,222,205 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,219,716 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 2,489 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,155,098 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,155,069. That means that another 29 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2023 09:06 pm
In America there are two systems of justice, one for the everyday man and another for the rich. It did not take me long to find out some people were above law, and you need not waste your time trying to make them obey the law. There was an article in newspaper about a remodel being done in a store downtown, it was in a major former hotel. It was a short walk from city hall. Sure, enough there was a major remodel going on. When I asked where the permit was, they said I needed to see Mickey next door. She said that she did not need a permit. IO returned to city hall and asked my boss, he said they were only putting in shelves. The public works director had lunch with her husband yesterday. I can see how this was going to go.

The city judge was part time and the Mickey’s husband was his law partner. After that I learned to write ticket and ask questions later. Mickey ran a remodeling business also and I had several opportunities to write her up. Her husband also defended many of the people who got caught with building violations. He would yell scream in court, and I would just yell back.

The last time I caught wife she had remodeled a barn and that barn was featured in Homes and Garden or some magazine. She had spent over a $100,000 and it was better than most people's home. They lived on a hundred-acre estate and the barn was way behind the house. One of the tickets I wrote went to plumber that was working there. I got a call later from the mayor office telling to drop the tickets. In the meantime, they changed the rules and required anyone doing more than a dollar worth of work to buy a $20 permit and pay $20 application fee. This is how Trump got by his money and his lawyers.

I had stopped a job a block away from city hall; the mayor herself was waiting in my office when I got back. I had an idea I stepped on the toes of another one of the rich in town.

Today we have 106,249,748 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,222,205 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 27,543 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,155,323 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,155,098. That means that another 225 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2023 09:42 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene was interviewed on 60 Minutes Sunday where she claimed all Democrats were pedophiles, but she left Trump out. There are documented court records that establish Trump is indeed a pedophile. Trump attended a party for underage girls, the guy that gave the party was convicted in court, but Trump skated as usual. MTG definition of pedophile is anyone that offered sex education, according to her that was grooming.

During the 2020 election I had talked to a long-time friend who is involved in the Christian cult. She told me that Biden was a child molester. She said you look at any group picture and see how far the children stand away from Biden. Her church had heard it from political insider whose name could not be revealed because of retaliation. The Christian right used that roomer to gain votes for Trump. Later reading a book about the campaign it was revealed when Trump and his campaign manager decided to spread the rumor that Biden was a child molester.

The Christian right wants to keep children in the dark about sex and let them find out on their own. One of my first girlfriend's parents had decided they would not tell her about sex. My parents and her parents were friends and had discussed that. Her dad was her stepfather, and her real dad was her mother’s stepfather who molested her. There was enough said that it looked like history was repeating itself. It was a real uncomfortable situation in that house when I bought her home date. Knowledge is power and children of a certain age should be armed with that. We dated through high school, but my mom advised me to stay away from her because she would end up pregnant and they would be looking for a father. Ignorance is not bliss in every case.

Today we have 106,253,348 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,249,748 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,600 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,155,356 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,155,323. That means that another 33 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2023 09:07 pm
Trump has lived a life of crime without any consequences, now the time to pay the piper has come. This will be just the first of many more indictments to come. Trump thought that he was completely invincible that no matter what laws he broke there would be no consequences. In one article it was reported that Trump did not have to submit to a DNA test. Trump is a known rapist and is currently in court with one of his victims. If Trump does have to submit his DNA sample New York police have speculated that it will solve several cold cases. Trump would claim that they raped him to explain where his DNA was found, and his base would believe it.

It is always nice to see the bad man get his in the end. Trump started small in college cheating his friends. Trump was on athletic team and was going on a road trip, the coach gave Trump the money for expenses. Trump informed his teammates that he was not given any money and forced them to take up a collection to pay for the expenses. He never had any problem swindling people close to him. He swindled his brother’s children after his brother died. When Trump’s father died the remaining children swindled them out of their share of his father’s estate. Trump’s victims' number in the hundreds and now they want his blood.

Today we have 106,273,691 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,253,348 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,343 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,155,668 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,155,356. That means that another 312 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2023 08:54 pm
After Trump lost the election, he wanted to seize the voting machines. Trump wanted Homeland Security to seize the voting machines even though he had been told by several officials that they could not do that. Trump did his best to swindle America and almost pulled it off. Trump still has almost half of America convinced that he won the election that he actually lost.

Trump posted a picture of him putting a ball bat near the head of the prosecutor in New York. Trump is blaming the judge in New York along with his wife and daughter. Trump blames everybody but himself for his legal problems. It would be nice to hear Trump stand up and say I did it, it was my fault instead blaming the daughter of the judge. If anybody else acted like Trump did going after judges and prosecutors, they would quickly be declared in contempt of court and be sent straight to jail without passing go. I wonder how much this judge will take before he jails Trump. Trump won’t let up until he goats one of his thugs into killing the judge or prosecutors. Threats are being made daily and a letter with white powder had already been sent to the prosecutor on the case.

One reporter had written that Trump was acting like a Mob Boss, but then he found out that no Mobster would ever criticize a judge or a prosecutor it was something that could only end badly for them.

Today we have 106,305,779 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,273,691 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 32,088 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,156,300 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,155,668. That means that another 632 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2023 08:53 pm
The study of cults is still in its infancy. When it is one person gaining influence over another, we call it manipulation. Many a murder has been committed by using manipulation. When one person gains control over a group of people we call it a cult. When a magnetic personality gains control of a larger portion of voters we need another term to describe it. Those of us that are outside the cult can clearly see the manipulation but those in the cult are blind to it. We all have a blind spot in our vision but are unaware of it because our brains fill in the blind spot with information from the surrounding area. People in cults seem to also have a blind spot when it comes to cult and their brain uses the surrounding information to fill in the blind spot.

What has always surprised me about cults is that it is not only people of low intelligence who join cults. There are doctors, lawyers, college professors and even movie actors like Tom cruise. They have to have a blind spot when it comes to cults similar to the one in our vision. We all know that cults were a survival skill when early man joined groups for survival. Trying to make it on your own would be very difficult. So, no doubt there is a genetic factor in joining a cult. As humans we carry genetic traits that are no longer needed.

The main objective of a cult member is to protect the cult and its leader. We are experience that now as Trump cult members are willing to do anything to protect him.

“One MGA TV Host Warns of Massive Assassinations and Death Camps after Trumps Arrest”

The TV host is Dr. Gina Loudon and no doubt one of Trump’s true believers. One need only look to Waco to see what cult members will do.

Today we have 106,359,724 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,305,779 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 53,945 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,156,850 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,156,300. That means that another 550 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Apr, 2023 09:10 pm
The world seems to be getting way too complicated. The idea of having computers was to make life easier. If I never saw another password, I would be happy. When router was changed it disabled almost every device in the house that used WIFI. It was a nightmare trying to det the new passwords into everything. Even the vacuum cleaner was unreachable. My Amazon Alexas stopped working and the site on my computer said it no longer supported them. It advised that I needed I needed to download an app and I don’t have a smart phone. When the app was downloaded by my daughter one Alexas would no longer work even after following all the directions to the letter.

But the streaming television stations loaded on all except prime on the front room TV. This use to be extremely easy by typing the code shown on the TV screen. That no longer works it just starts the process. When you go to the site shown on TV screen, they have you call a number, and they have a foreigner with accent ask to take control of your computer and then he wanted into your bank account to verify it was you and to keep you from sharing your password. I don’t think it is Amazon trying to pull a scam but when you hire thousands of employees in foreign countries you are going to hire a few thieves.

Today we have 106,363,426 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,359,724 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 3,702 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,156,896 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,156,850. That means that another 46 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Apr, 2023 09:10 pm
Speaker McCarthy is now admitting that House republicans can’t come up with a balanced budget in the near future. Why can’t the republicans balance the budget? It is their own fault; they have been giving huge tax cuts to the extremely wealthy for forty years. Imagine a business a business that kept making huge cuts to the price of its products and to stay in business it kept taking out huge loans. This business could not come up with a budget either. Income is every bit as important as expenses. Reagan could have balanced the budget if he had not given a 75% income tax cuts to mega wealthy. Reagan had to borrow the money for the mega wealthy tax cuts from the newly created social security trust fund.

Tax cuts should be just like any spending bills you need to show where the money is going to come from. If you don’t have a surplus, no tax cut should ever be granted. We don’t have spending problem we have a tax cut problem. The middle class got a few pennies of the tax cuts but 90% of the tax cuts went to the mega wealthy. Unfortunately, the mega wealthy purchased the tax cuts by buying politicians. Most budgets have a little fat that can be cut to start with but when you keep cutting year after soon there is little to no fat to cut. As a union president I had to go over the city budget with a fine-tooth comb to find money for pay raises. If we could not find the money, city fees had to be raised or there would be no pay raises for fire, polices or public works. Reagan eliminated the federal revenue sharing money to the cities that resulted in only one pay raise in Reagan’s 8 years in office and this was a period of high inflation.

Today we have 106,363,748 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,363,426 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 322 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,156,898 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,156,896. That means that another 2 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Apr, 2023 08:48 pm
I always thought that the advice to stay out of other people’s business was good advice, but the republicans believe that your business is their business. No where can that be seen more clearly than the abortion laws that are being made in republican states. The supreme court decision was to leave the question of abortion up to the individual states but now a Texas judge has made a ruling affecting all 50 states. He has overruled the FDA’s and says the day after pill is unsafe even though the day after pill has been on the market for twenty years. If his ruling isn’t overturned judges could decide what drugs could be used in America. Judges have no medical training or expertise when it comes drugs and should not replace the FDA’s decisions.

The abortion question has always been driven by the religious right. This is the first step to make religious values into laws so everyone will be forced to follow their cult rules. The religious argument is when does the soul enter the body. The religious argument was the soul entered the fetus body long before birth and the soul is what makes it a human being not birth. I have news for them there is no such things as a soul it was a fantasy construct used to control people. If they really believed in a God who was putting a soul in a fetus then if something happened to fetus, then God would simply put that soul in another fetus. It is dangerous when they start legislating their cult beliefs.

Today we have 106,363,949 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,363,749 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 200 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,156,899 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,156,898. That means that another one American died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Apr, 2023 09:05 pm
Could the Christian right get a law passed that closed all business down on Sundays? I would not be surprised it would just be history repeating itself. When I was a kid, you could not shop on Sundays. If a store owner tried to open a store on Sunday, he was arrested, and the store was closed. They were called Blue Laws and strictly enforced. In church the priest would preach that the stores had no place being open on Sundays and then he would tell congregation to stop by the church bake sale on their way out. Eventually the Sunday closing laws were fought in court and eventually overturned. This is not quite as severe as what Mosses did to anyone caught working on Sundays. A man was caught gathering wood on Sunday and Moses had him put to death.

The Christian right is always going to try to make their beliefs the law of the land. What if the Saturday Adventist had wanted a Saturday closing law and the Jews a Friday closing law? Religion has its place but not in politics. Since the religious right got abortion outlawed will they lobby for Blue Laws once again? The Christian right believed everybody should be bound by their cult’s beliefs punishable by law.

Today we have 106,376,976 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,363,949 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 13,036 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.
The death toll stands at 1,157,022 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,156,899. That means that another 123 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Apr, 2023 09:04 pm
Trump says his call to the Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, was a perfect call even though Trump was trying to tamper with the election by asking the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” 13,000 votes for Trump, one more than Biden got. As usual Trump is not at fault, I detect a pattern there. Trump says it was Raffensperger fault because he did not advise him that it was against the law to tamper with an election. Trump says Raffensperger should have hung up. Also, there were lawyers on the call and none of them advised Trump to stop tampering with the election. It like if Trump was holding up a gas station and one customer was an attorney, if the attorney did advise Trump that holding up gas stations was against the law, it would not be Trump’s fault. It would just be a perfect robbery. They should arrest the attorney.

Trump should have been a defense attorney he could come up with all sorts of defenses for criminal. The call was recorded and there is no doubt Trump intention was to overturn the election in Georgia. I don’t see anyway, the grand jury in Georgia can’t indict Trump.

Today we have 106,385,356 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,376,976 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 8,380 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,157,194 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,157,022. That means that another 172 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2023 09:11 pm
The House republicans are crafting a law that Trump is officially above law and cannot be prosecuted by state and local prosecutors. The cases would be moved into federal court where the republicans have appointed most judges. That really says it all, the total and complete corruption of the republican party by Trump. A special law to shield Trump from prosecution, talk about no man being above the law, but the Trump’s is believed to be the second coming of Christ by many of his followers.

Trump and many of his supporters believed if Trump was indicted it would help him get elected. The numbers are now in and show 53% of American public believe Trump did something illegal and only 20% believe he did not do something wrong. Trump was expecting a big bounce in the polls and it turns out the ball was flat. “New polls show Trump’s approval rating has dropped considerably recently.”

Trump save his hairiest lies for Fox News. To hear Trump tell it all of the employees at his arraignment were in tears to see Trump being arraigned and were saying Trump in 2024. When the New York County employees were asked, no one saw anyone crying. Trump just likes to lie and believes people will believe any lie he can make up. The only person I think might cry would be the prosecutor, but it would be tears of joy seeing this career criminal finally facing justice.

Today we have 106,418,595 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,385,356 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 33,239 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,157,462 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,157,194. That means that another 268 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2023 09:11 pm
“Trump is Fighting his Indictment like a Lawless Thug,” He is a lawless thug what else would one expect? Trump could keep his mouth shut and see if he could be found not guilty. It is hard to convict someone who is not guilty. Trump is a bully and is trying to bully the justice system, but he has run up against some people who won’t back down. The prosecutor and the judge in the case. Trump went after the judge's family and that is a stupid Trump trick.

Now it has come to light that Trump not only had stolen classified material but was showing it to people including an author. The Justice Department is now looking at charging Trump with espionage. It seems Trump had a classified map that he liked to show off.

More documents are showing that Fox News knew that there was no proof for Trump’s big lie and continued to push it as the God’s truth. “A recording of Giuliani and a former campaign official for then President Trump admitted to Fox News that they had no substantial evidence to support all of their claims of widespread voter fraud,” has been supplied to the court. Giuliani believed in his drunken state if he could imagine it, it must be true.

Today we have 106,455,745 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,418,495 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 37,250 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,158,017 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,157,462. That means that another 555 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Apr, 2023 08:46 pm
Many republicans are beginning to regret their support of banning abortion as the political reality sets in. As long as Roe vs Wade was the law of the land the republicans could attack the decision and gain the support of the Christian Right without losing the middle-class voters who assumed the abortion question was settled. Now that abortion has been for the most part been banned in republican states the middle-class has awoke and now the antiabortionists are going to pay a price.

It was in the republican’s best interest for abortion to remain legal and they could have continued to attack it without harm, now the reality is shown in the latest poll 72% of the American public opposing banning the abortion pill. If you are politician, you don’t want to be on the other side of issue where 73% American are against it. It shows in that 240 democrats have signed an amicus brief opposing the decision on the morning after pill decision while only 69 republicans signed on to brief supporting the decision. Many republicans are hiding from the press, so they won’t have to comment on the decision. It's much like the dog that chases a car, what is he going to do when he catches it, the republicans are going to find out in 2024. Most likely they are about to be run over by the car. Guns and abortion were their main campaign issues, and they are both going downhill. When the minority imposes their will on the majority there is going to be blow back.

Today we have 106,463,581 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 106,455,745 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,863 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 1,158,150 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 1,158,017. That means that another133 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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