The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2021 09:07 pm
A new book will soon be coming out detailing the fall of the Trump Empire. They are beginning to print exerts from the book now The former top law enforcement officer in the country, Bill Barr, who was Trump most loyal supporter said that Trump’s claim of voter fraud “was bullsh*t.” Barr admits he never believed that Trump would win the election in the first place. Moscow Mitch called Barr after the election and told him somebody had to do something about Trump’s false claims of election fraud. Moscow Mitch knew there was no election fraud but was afraid to confront Trump head on because he believed that Trump would mess up the runoff elections in Georgia and the republicans would lose control of the senate. Somebody had to do something but it wasn’t going to be him. Moscow Mitch said his best argument to win the senate seats was to point that the republicans needed the senate seats to offset a Biden presidency but Trump would not allow it.

Trump had a fit when word reached him that Barr had told the press there was no fraud, he was livid and asked Barr why he would say such a thing? Barr simply replied because it is true. Trump referring to himself, “You must hate Trump.” “You must hate Trump.”

“You know you have only five weeks, Mr. President, after an election to make legal challenges, Barr told Trump, “This would have taken a crackerjack team with a really coherent and disciplined strategy, instead you have a clown show. No self-respecting lawyer is going anywhere near it. It is a joke. That is why you are where you are.”

From USA Today.

Today we have 34,494,677 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,490,134 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,543 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 619,424 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 619,343. That means that another 81 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2021 09:08 pm
Ivanka and Jarred Kushner are now said to be upset with Trump continuing to push the big lie that the election was fixed. Ivanka and Jarred believed that Trump had founded a political dynasty and they were next in line to be president, they were already planning which Trump would be president the next 8 years after Trump’s second term. Ivanka would run and be president the next 8 years and then Donald Trump Jr. would be elected President in 2032. Then it would be Jarred’s turn in 2040. But the trouble with a political-dynasties is the founder has to leave office in good standing. Trump is leaving office as the ultimate bad loser. The sins of the father will be visited on his children.

Ivanka and Jarred are watching Trump destroy their political future with his lies and they are growing tried of it. Other republicans are now coming forward to debunk Trump’s lies and Trump is livid. Not only have Barr and Moscow Mitch come forward to say they knew all along that Trump’s big lie was just that. Trump say’s that Barr is nothing but a RINO but Barr did more to defend Trump than anyone else. It is always someone else’s fault it is never Trump’s fault. “Trump is just a leaf in the wind.” Of course, it had nothing to do with a half million Americans dying from the Trump virus.

Today we have 34,511,636 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,494,677 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,959 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 619,595 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 619,424. That means that another 171 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2021 08:51 pm
Trump looked out over the crowd at the insurrection and called them “the great unwashed.”

“Wolf said Trump was confused by “who these people were with their low-rent ‘trailer camp’ bearing and their ‘get-ups,’ once joking that he should have invested in chain of Tattoo parlors and shaking his head about the ‘great unwashed.’”

From an upcoming by Michael Wolf

“At another point Trump asks Meadows, “How bad is this?” This looks terrible. This is really bad. Who are these people? These aren’t our people, these idiots with outfits. They look like democrats.”

Same reference as above

Trump does not even know the people who were supporting him.

Today we have 34,527,493 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,511,636 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 15,587 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 619,980 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 619,595. That means that another 385 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2021 09:22 pm
I seldom read a book written by a Christian right (evangelicals) author but I have found common ground when it comes to Trump, we both believe that Trump is a piece of garbage. The book, “The Immoral Majority” by Ben Howe examines how Trump was able to con the Christian right into supporting him and how fellow evangelicals considered any evangelicals that did not support Trump to be apostate.

Howe takes a look at how evangelicals got involved in politics in the first place. Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority was launched to have an impact on politics. But you have to remember, “When you chose to look into the abyss the abyss is looking into you” and in this case Trump was not only looking back but figuring out how he could use the Christian Right. Falwell’s idea of having an impact on politics had turned 180 degrees and in 2016 it was politics changing the Christian Right. Suddenly the tail started wagging the dog. Trump told the evangelicals he was the only choice for them. That is a familiar Trump line “I am the only one who can save America. Just plug in whatever you want into the slot where America is.

The dog spent most of time trying to rationalize why they were supporting a self-admitted rapist. Sin suddenly was no longer a bad thing. When the some of the evangelicals complained about Trump’s character, Franklin Graham was quick to rationalize Trump’s lack of character. “a lot of stories in the bible people messed up. After all Graham told the crowd of devout Christians, the profit Mosses led his people out of slavery in Egypt but disobeyed God; King David committed adultery and murder; and the apostle, Peter, who, as one of, Jesus’ closest followers, really should have had his back, denied him three times that he’d have ever known Jesus. Compared to those why worry about Trump raping a few women. Happy days are here again, sin is back in in style. Just point to someone who has committed a bigger sin and all is forgiven.

Today we have 34,544,001 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,527,493 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 16,508 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 620,249 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 619,980. That means that another 269 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Jul, 2021 09:00 pm
How well does the vaccine work? It works so well that 99% of the people who are now dying from the Trump virus are those who have not been vaccinated. Who are the people that are not vaccinated? Republicans for the most part. My daughter tells me it is remarkable how fast the Delta variance kills what took the original Trump virus to kill a month or better the Delta variance kills in a week and it is mostly young adults that it is now killing. Why because about 80% of the older people got vaccinated. The younger people were told that the original Trump virus was not nearly as serious for younger people but the game has changed the Delta variance is far more likely to kill younger people.

I can tell the Delta variance is picking up in WV there were 12 people died yesterday as many as died some days during the height of the pandemic in WV. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to underestimate an enemy. I believe that many people have underestimated the Trump virus and its variances. I believe we are barreling head long into the third wave of the pandemic. It is like people are standing on the battlefield with bombs going off all around them and they are refusing to take cover. This virus can be every bit as deadly as a bomb. One patient my daughter is treating keeps repeating he never believed that the virus could be this bad. Young people were brainwashed into believing this was a disease of the elderly but it has mutated since then.

Today we have 34,561,403 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,544,001 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 17,402 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 620,645 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 620,249. That means that another 396 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
Region Philbis
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2021 04:54 am
99% of the people who are now dying from the Trump virus are those who have not been vaccinated.
Darwinism at its finest...
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2021 09:20 pm
More recounts, audits and investigations of the 2020 election have taken place than any other election in history but they have changed nothing. Those that believe the election was legitimate continue to believe it and those who believed that it was fixed continue to believe it was fixed even with no proof. An investigation of the election in Michigan was led by one of the top conservatives in the state whose character is not questioned by either party. When the investigation was completed state senator, Ed McBroom reported that there was no fraud in the 2020 election.

Trump and his flock of flying monkeys immediately attacked McBroom publishing his phone number. Now not only is he under attack but his family is also being targeted. McBroom is a 4th generation dairy farmer and now people he has worked with all his life believe he is covering up the evidence. Anyone who will not support Trump’s big lie can expect Trump’s flying monkeys to attack them. Trump told 13,000 lies while he was in office and he is doing his best to force Americans to believe the big lie.

Today we have 34,580,198 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,561,403 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 18,795 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 621,161 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 620,645. That means that another 516 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2021 09:29 pm
@Region Philbis,
In nature patterns tend to repeat. Darwin was an astute observer of nature. One of the principals of our economy is that each many will do what is best for himself but now republicans are doing what is in their worst interest.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2021 09:19 pm
Trump is all for law and order as long as the law is not enforced against him. Trump told the crowd at his rally in Fl tonight that the indictment of Trump enterprises for tax evasion is “reminiscent of a communist dictatorship.” Trump has got it all wrong, in communist dictatorship crooked businessmen would simply pay off crooked officials and nothing would be said, you need only look at Russia today to see how that works. Only in a democratic-countries do you see crooked businessmen prosecuted. Trump case is very simple his company either paid taxes on the $1.7 million in compensation or they didn’t. There is no middle ground either the taxes were paid or they were not. If Trump’s company paid the taxes, he will be able to show it. If the government can prove the taxes were not paid the company will be convicted.

Why would Trump enterprises pay employee with apartments, cars, and college tuition? Not only does the employee not have to pay taxes on the $1.7 million the company does not have to pay the taxes on $1.7 million. An employer has to pay income tax on their employees income also. This is a major theft of money. The IRS will go after a citizen for a couple hundred of dollars why not prosecute Trump for several hundred thousand? Trump’s defense is the classic idiot’s defense that other companies were doing the same thing. There is a simple solution for that, prosecute the other companies also, the country can use the money.

Today we have 34,588,176 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,580,198 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 7,978 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 621,255 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 621,161. That means that another 94 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2021 08:54 pm
At Trump’s rally in Florida, they had a plane flying over head with a flashing lighted sign saying “LOOSER-PALOOSA.” They got that right. Medias Touch was responsible for the plane they consider themselves Trump Trollers. Somehow, I think we will be seeing much more of this plane at future Trump rallies. There were also other planes flying near the Trump rally, one had a sign that said “Convict Trump and Lock Him Up” another said “Trump Worst President Ever.” It sounds like the skies were getting crowded.

Trump is now engaged in a feud with Moscow Mitch it seems Trump thinks that any republican could simply over turn the election. Trump actually thinks that McConnell could have overturned the election. Why bother to have an election if the republicans can simply overturn the will of the people? Trump is an idiot and what does that say about the people that follow him?

Today we have 34,592,377 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,588,176 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 4,201 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 621,293 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 621,255. That means that another 38 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Note that not all states report deaths on Sundays.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2021 09:20 pm
Giuliani learned the hard way that Trump is a swindler. It seems that Trump has refused to pay Giuliani $20,000 a day fee for his legal services to overturn the 2020 election. Trump will no longer take Giuliani phone calls. Trump had trouble hiring personal lawyers while he was in the White House because he had a history of not paying his lawyers. Trump has a long history of not paying his bills. Lawyers are not the only people that Trump does not pay there are a long list of vendors Trump didn’t pay for his casinos. Giuliani knew up front that Trump was a swindler’s swindler and still he chose to deal with him. Giuliani could learn a lesson form the prostitutes, when dealing with a swindler get your money up front or you are the one that is going to get…

GOP representative from Kentucky, Thomas Massie, said today that he had been in touch with members of the military who are considering quitting if they are required to take the vaccine for the Trump virus. The problem is you can’t quit the military that is called deserting and they frown on that. You would find yourself in the brig. The military already requires you to take 17 different vaccines, one more won’t matter. This shows the quality of republican representatives he just makes it up as he goes along like Trump.

Today we have 34,598,361 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,592,377 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 5,984 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 621,335 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 621,293. That means that another 42 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2021 09:08 pm
Why is Trump not locked up? He is a clear danger to America and everyone in it. Trump is using his rallies to encourage a second insurrection. Trump told his audience at the rally in Sarasota FL if Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot during the storming of the Capitol, had been “on the other side,“ the officer who shot her would “be strung up.” Trump is determined to make a martyr of her.

Trump wanted to know why so many of his insurrectionist are still in jail, he needs them for the next insurrection. Forty three percent of republicans still believe it is alright to use violence to put Trump back in office.

“A supporter at the June 26 rally in Ohio said that if Trump is not reinstated by August, we are going to have a civil war, because the militia is going to take over.”

Source MSNBC

We ignored the warning signs before the Jan 6 insurrection. It is extremely clear what Trump’s intentions are. To let Trump, do the exact same thing again is foolish we had a loss of life before but the second round will be far worse with armed militias taking armed actions. Trump will never give up on trying to take back the presidency he could care less how many people are killed in pursuit of his goal. It is a simple matter to charge him with causing the first insurrection and locking him up and deny him bail on the grounds that he is a danger to public just like his other insurrectionist are currently being held.

Today we have 34,622,644 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,598,361 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,283 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at621,667 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 621,335. That means that another 332 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2021 09:18 pm
Today the CDC announced that between June 20 and July 30 51.7% of the new cases of the Trump virus are the Delta variant. In some states the Delta variant makes up 80% of the cases of the Trump virus. It is fast becoming the dominate version of the Trump virus in America. The Delta strain is much more contagious and much more lethal. It is not a question of will we return to the masks and other precautions taken for the Trump virus, it is only a matter of time. The hospitals in some states that have lower vaccination rates are already full. The July 4, 2020 holiday caused a large surge in cases last year, this year will do the same thing.

Last year it was unavoidable but this year it would have been so simple to avoid it if everybody got their vaccinations. It will be like watching the sequel to bad horror move where the villain was killed in the first movie but somehow comes back to life in the sequel. Freddy, Jason, and Michael Myers only killed a tiny fraction of what the Trump virus killed last year in all of their sequels. Maybe that explains why groups of teenagers keep going back to camp Crystal Lake after so many murders took place there. It is the ability to deny reality, the trouble is that you can deny reality but that won’t change reality.

This generation took our vaccinations without question, they were required to go to school. Few ever fought the requirement. When the Polio vaccine was offered parents lined up to see their children got the vaccination. Why? Because the victims of Polio were in every community and the deformities were witnessed by all. But the victims of Trump virus go into the hospital and are not even seen by family until they are buried this allows people to say it is not real, that the hospitals are making it up because they are paid $3,500 per victim by the government.

Today we have 34,643,138 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,622,644 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 20,494 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 621,863 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 621,667. That means that another 196 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2021 09:00 pm
Trump has filed a lawsuit to make Facebook reinstate him. Trump contends that Facebook must grant him freedom of speech. It is not freedom of speech that Trump is interested in, it is freedom to lie. Trump wants to be free to push his big lie that he was cheated out of the election. The constitution grants freedom of speech but freedom of speech is binding only on the government not on private companies. Imagine you are at a Christian church service and a Rabi comes in and starts pushing his religion. Should you be able to ask him to leave or at least sit down and shut up? If private organization are bound by freedom speech the Rabi has freedom of speech in your church and many members might convert.

The lines between what is government sector and the private sector have always been clear but now the conservatives want to blur the lines because they don’t want to obey the rules of the sites like the Rabi. Trump own hand-picked supreme court justice, Brett M. Kavanaugh, has ruled against this type of lawsuit in the past. It is easy to tell a government platform from a private platform, the government platform is funded by taxpayer money, the private platform is funded by private sources. Legal experts believe this is just another Trump scam and he is already raising large amounts of donations to fund the lawsuit. Conservatives believe they should not have to be bound by the terms of service, if they abide by the TOS they will be welcome to post on any site.

Today we have 34,676,896 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,643,148 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 33,748 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 622,213 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 621,667. That means that another 546 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2021 09:24 pm
The head of the social security agency was fired today and the republicans are having a fit. The head of social security, Andrew Saul, was a Trump appointee and was appointed to a six-year term in 2018. He was asked to resign but refused and was fired by the president. The republicans don’t think he should be fired because he was appointed to six-year term but when Trump fired the FBI director, even though he was appointed to a term also they saw nothing wrong with it. Saul is a rich factory owner from New York and was working remotely from New York today.

Even though employees may be appointed to a term of 6 years that does not mean they cannot be terminated for cause. Saul is a bigtime republican donor and has spent time doing real damage to social security system. His term would not end until 2025 meaning Biden would have no influence on what goes on in the social security system during his term in office. Republicans have been ideological opposed to social security since the day it was made law. They tried to overturn social security for twenty years much like they tried to overturn Obamacare. To let a rich sweat shop owner, continue to damage our precious social security system is foolish.

Today we have 34,711,416 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,676,896 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 34,520 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 622,708 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 622,213. That means that another 495 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2021 09:05 pm
It has now been reported in an upcoming book that before Trump left office, he was considering pardoning Jeffery Epstein’s girl-friend, Ghislaine Maxwell. Trump was extremely concerned about what she had to say about him after she was arrested. If Trump pardoned her, she could no longer need to tell investigators about what Trump and other prominent men did. Speculation after Jeffery Epstein committed suicide in jail was that he had been killed to keep him from talking about certain powerful men. The problem is Maxwell would know as much about Epstein’s clients as Epstein, another suicide in jail would cause too much suspicion. The best way to keep her from talking is to pardon her. Jail time is the sledge hammer investigators have hanging over her head to make her talk.

The film of Trump and Epstein partying together look like the two Czechoslovakia guys on the Saturday Night Live skit. Just two wild and crazy guys leering at under-age girls. Trump seems to already have a prior history of sex parties with underage girls. Do you think Trump would do such a thing? Do pigs wallow in the mud?

Today we have 34,726,111 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,711,416 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 14,695 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 622,821 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 622,208. That means that another 613 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2021 09:23 pm
We know that drug addicts have to have stronger and stronger drugs to get the same effect. It seems that if you live on a diet of lies you need bigger and bigger lies to get the same effect. Delegates at the latest CPAC conference were taking off their lanyards because Fox News was a major sponsor of the event and their logo was on the lanyard. It is not only the “liberal news media” but now many conservatives believe that Fox News that has become anti-Trump. Many conservatives now no longer watch Fox News, after Fox News declared Biden president. Fox News called Arizona for Biden much sooner than the main stream news media did.

The two new major conservative’s news outlets, One America News Network, OANN, and News Max. These are far more extreme and the lies are bigger and better giving viewers a stronger fix. One attendee at CPAC conference, Jamie Honeycutt, believes that OANN is pushing for a civil war and no longer watches it. History often repeats itself a few years ago no one would believe that another civil war could take place in America but we now have news outlets actively pushing for another civil war. We now have militias in America training for that very purpose. The insurrection was just the opening battle in a new civil war. We were taken by complete surprise and unprepared by the insurrection. The rioters were mostly unarmed and they overran the capitol police with no problem, imagine what a heavily armed and trained militia could have done to the capitol. They see themselves as patriots, like at the Boston Tea party, they fully believe they are justified in taking back the country. Don’t ever underestimate and enemy high on lies.

Today we have 34,732,753 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,726,111 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 6,642 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 622,845 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 622,821. That means that another 24 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Jul, 2021 09:49 pm
Trump’ election “Karken” fraud team was in court today to see if they would be disbarred. The real question was Trump’s “Karken” law team was there to uncover election fraud or commit election fraud, the evidence in court today seems to point to the latter. It is one thing for a person to lie in person but is completely different to submit sworn lies to a court of law in writing. You cannot say that the judge misunderstood when the lies are in writing. The judge said that Crazy Sidney and associates filed “dodgy’ affidavits.

A conman needs to get you to believe a lie in order to pull his con off. Crazy Sidney and friends knew that a good con is like a good magic trick, it is the art of misdirection. It is like when David Copperfield gets control of your attention while the jet airplane “disappears.” Crazy Sidney needed to get Americans to concentrate on the illusion that Trump had been cheated. They used stacks of sworn affidavits but they kept the names of the people secret for the most part because they and their families would be “killed” if their names were revealed. Crazy Sidney said they were “military intelligence experts.” When they were investigated one was found to be a convicted conman who had used a Christmas fundraiser to swindle people and may have served a year in the navy. The other military intelligence expert was a mechanic in the army that never worked in military intelligence. The country’s attention should have been focused on who these supposed witnesses were and when they were used in court Crazy Sydney should have never had been able to hide their identity. A person character should be subject to scrutiny when they are making serious allegations of fraud.

Today we have 34,766,351 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,732,753cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 33,598 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 623,029 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 622,845. That means that another 184 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jul, 2021 09:22 pm
At the recent CPAC conference, it was announced that Biden did not mee his goal of having 70% of Americans have at least one shot of the vaccine. The lunatics cheered they were overjoyed that Trump virus is spreading rapidly across America again. This virus is not Trump 19, this virus is Trump 21 and is much more severe and spreads at a rate that makes Trump 19 look like turtle. Mississippi already has 7 children in intensive care with two of the children on ventilators. When my brother-in- law was dying of Trump 19 my mother said he was placed on a ventilator. I told her only two of the many patients placed on ventilator at the local hospital survived. She debated whether to tell my sister. I wonder if the lunatics from CPAC would like to go and cheer about people not getting vaccinated at the intensive care unit where the children are dying because some Trump loving lunatic didn’t get a vaccination.

The children had no choice because there is no vaccine for children under 12 but the adults that most likely exposed them could have got vaccinated. My daughter tells me the hospital is filling up rapidly with Trump-21 cases and in some cases is even making people who had the vaccine very sick. The Delta variance is going to put America back where we were in 2020. I hope these CPAC lunatics have enough breath to cheer when they are dying in intensive care with Trump-21. The republicans consider themselves the party of pro-life but have no problem not taking the vaccine that could result in 100s of dead children. Pro-life movement has always been just a con game used to get out the vote.

Today we have 34,807,813 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,766,351 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 41,462 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 623,435 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 622,845. That means that another 590 Americans died today.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jul, 2021 09:42 pm
There are several books coming out now with details of what went on in the Trump White House, the most recent is “The Gospel of the Fuhrer.” The books details similarities between how Hitler became dictator of Germany, known Reichstag, and what Trump and company were doing in America. Trump and his thugs could only silence people for so long and the truth cannot be hidden forever. Many in government, including the Mark A Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, feared that Trump and his thugs were going to attempt a “coup.” Milley figured that for Trump to stage a successful coup they would have to gain control of the CIA, FBI, and the Defense Department and Trump loyalist had already been installed in many key positions in those departments. In December rumors began to circulate that Trump was going to replace the head of the CIA, Gina Haspel. Milley questioned Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows about it and all he would say is don’t worry about it.

Today it came out that many of Trump’ aides believed he was “off his rocker.” It amazing that many of the people who dealt with Trump on a daily basses believed he “was off his rocker” but the Trump groupies see nothing wrong with their idol.

“We are going to put a ring of steel around this city and the Nazis aren’t getting in.”

General Milley referring to the Biden inauguration.

Nazis is the correct term for the Trump supporters.

Today we have 34,848,068 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 34,807,813 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 40,255 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 623,838 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 623,435. That means that another 403 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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