Trump is a total and complete coward. Trump will mouth off to somebody and when asked later about he will lie and deny saying it. The latest instance of Trump saying something and denying that he ever said it involved the FBI deputy director, Andrew McCabe. Trump demanded to know how McCabe voted in the 2016 election. There was no report of McCabe’s response, but it should have been, “Mr. President we have a secret ballot in America for a reason and it is none of your business.” Trump was smoking mad when he saw Comey boarding an FBI plane in Los Angles on television to return to Washington after he fired him (Trump spends most of his time watching TV to see his picture on TV when he is not cheating at golf) after Comey was fired and he watched as Comey boarding an FBI plane in Los Angles to return to Washington. Comey found out he was fired by the news media while he was in Los Angles on FBI business. Trump demanded to know from McCabe who had authorized Comey’s flight home on an FBI plane. ” McCabe told the president he had not been asked to authorize Comey’s flight, but if anyone had asked, he would have approved it.” This shows you how a real man would answer that question. Even though he had not approved Comey’s flight he wanted to make sure the president knew that he would have.
Trump is one of the most hideous examples of a human being on the face of the earth. He is like a loud mouth in a bar who spreads a bunch of lies about someone but as soon as they are confronted they deny saying anything. Trump continued by asking McCabe, to ask his wife what it felt like to be a loser? McCabe’s wife ran for a state office in Virginia in 2015 and lost. That was a veiled threat inferring McCabe would be a loser. It is like Washington has suddenly became an elementary school with a sixth grader in charge. It is very obvious from the firing of Comey and the incident with McCabe that given the chance that Trump will make it a condition that all FBI agents will only be Republicans from now on and to demonstrate their loyalty to Trump they must get down on their knees and kiss his ass. This of course sounds outrageous but anyone that is familiar with the politics of the early to mid-twenty century will remember when a Republican got elected governor all of the democrats who worked for state were fired and the Republicans who worked the election took their place. When the election went democrats, the process reversed. Trump is used to that type of politics since he came of age when it was in its heyday. Court decisions, laws and unions put a stop to most of that. When we had a newly elected councilman bring his broom and say a new broom sweeps clean and a hatchet on his belt he soon found out the old-time politics were over. While the city charter said employee were at the will and pleasure the union contract stated an employee could only be fired for “good cause.” So much for hatchets and new brooms.
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Tue 30 Jan, 2018 09:16 pm
It looks like the Liar and Chief is at it again. What do you want to bet that Trump will tell at least 30 lies tonight? The Washington Post will probably list all of Trumps lies along side the actual facts and as always all of the Trumpies will believe every lie. These same people were the ones ready to lynch Clinton for even one lie and insisted we could not have a president who lied. But now we have a president who does nothing but lie and they can’t see a problem with it. The stock market tanked by 362 points today. Every expert that follows the stock market knows that it follows cycles and stocks are way over valued now because companies have used their record amounts of cash on hand to buy back their stock. At least some experts are predicting a huge crash because of the past history of the market. The Indians used to hunt buffalo by causing a stampede near a cliff. Once the lead buffalos reached the cliff it was too late the buffalos in the back pushed them over the cliff. Many people even with a small amount of stock have made over $100,000 this year and they are getting extremely nervous. It won’t take much to touch off the stampede and the ones in front who don’t sell will be pushed over the cliff for the ungodly greedy to feast on. The fact that the market has gone up so fast tells anyone with any sense that it is unstable.
The stock market is like a crop that is carefully tended. The stocks are planted and raised until it is a mature crop and once that happens like all crops it is harvested. The big money is not made holding onto stock for 40 years and getting a return a little over inflation the big money is made manipulating the market. When the market crashes or goes through a “correction.” The stock is bought at the lowest price by the ungodly greedy and sold as it matures in order to start the stampede. The stampede lowers the stock to the lowest price. In the Kenny Roger song, the secret is “To know when to hold em and know when to fold em. Known when to walk away and known when to run.” Most people will stay at the table as long as they are making money but the ungodly greedy are already beginning to quietly leave table soon they will begin to run. The buffalos will be pushed over the cliff before they know what happened. Been there done that.
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Wed 31 Jan, 2018 09:59 pm
As predicted the Liar and Chief packed his State of the Union address with more lies than paper clips in a box of paper clips. The fact check article on the State of the Union Address took over 30 minutes to read. Trump took his statistics from the day he was elected 2 ½ months before he became president. Everyone knows that even when Trump became president that his government is not in place on day one in fact over half of the 3,000 government positions that Trump appoints are not filled today because Trump is too busy play golf and watching himself on TV to appoint them. So much of what goes on the first year of any president’s term in office can be credited to the previous president. When the actual statistics are checked Trump actually created fewer jobs than previous presidents in his first year in office. Trump goes back and takes credit for 2 ½ months of Obama’s term. The actual facts show that the growth of jobs has slowed 12% in Trumps first 11 months in office as compared to the previous 11 months. I know he lies so good but that is because he had so much practice. He claimed the lowest unemployment for black and Hispanic while true, but both have been steadily declining for the last seven years. The best we can say for Trump is that he did not stop the decline.
Trump was almost booed off the stage when he showed how truly ignorant he is. Trump claimed that chain immigration allowed an immigrant to bring in their distant relatives. Immigrants can only sponsor their immediate family for green cards, not distant relatives. Trump said,” Many car companies are building and expanding plants in the United States --- something we haven’t seen in decades.” The Toyota plant in WV has expanded several times in the last ten years. Trump took credit for two new automobile plants but when the facts were checked these two plants were announced 9 years ago. It takes years of planning to build an automobile plant, but as usual Trump doesn’t have a clue. Though the big tree have closed many plants it is because they lost market share and the foreign automakers, like Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Honda have opened plants in America. Trump believes he has a PHD in lying and that he can make any lie the truth simply by lying.
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Thu 1 Feb, 2018 09:15 pm
When Trump started talking about how important family values were to America during his state of the union speech the crowd stood to give him a standing ovation with the glaring exception of his wife who remained sitting with a sour expression on her face. Melania’s body language spoke volumes she knew Trump was just telling more lies. The White House in recent days has tried to discredit the story that Melania is so upset that she could kill the old codger but does anyone know of a woman who would not be upset if her husband was paying a porn actress a $130,000 to keep quiet about their affair? Every other first lady in history moved in the White House when her husband did. A first lady has almost as many responsibilities as the president she is over the entertainment and many of the important dinners with visiting heads of state. Now if a college professor took a job in another state his wife might remain at home for a few months while their son finished the school year but not a first lady. First Lady is not just a title it is an important job. Who would believe such an outrageous lie? The born-again idiots, you know the line, “I wasn’t born last night? It seems that being born again has the same effect. A poll showed that 65% of the born-again crowd believed Trump, even the picture of Trump with Stormy Daniels didn’t change their minds.
No one with any common sense could possibly believe that Melania would not be upset and want a divorce when the Access Hollywood tape broke before the election followed by all the detailed stories of women that Trump had molested. Can you imagine what your wife would do if she found out you were molesting a woman downstairs when she went upstairs. This is why Melania would not take her responsibilities when Trump took office. Melania may have made a deal to have her prenup rewritten in exchange for giving the appearance of being married but her body language gives it away. Anger feeds on each new Trump discretion and it multiplies geometrically as it churns in her mind. As soon as Trump is impeached Melania will file for divorce and there is not a court in the land that would not grant it.
Can't speak for Zardoz, but I believe visitor's comments are always welcome here in this little corner of class consciousness and political sanity.
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Fri 2 Feb, 2018 08:05 am
Roger, I do use this board pretty much as a blog. I have posted on several other boards that generated several replies, but this board seems different. Very few threads generate many replies. When this post started in April of 2011 there were several replies, but I suspect the right could not hold up their end of the argument. There is an elitism on this board I have never encountered before. I think they thought by not responding they could freeze me out, but I write more for myself than others. Like the guy in the whorehouse when he drops his pants the prostitute looks at his small equipment and said, who do you think you are going to satisfy with that? The man had a one-word response, me. Come to think of it that man could have been Trump I hear his hands are awfully small. Maybe that is why Melania is not too upset. From what I hear from friends in the medical field things shrink as they get older and in some cases finding enough to insert a catheter into is difficult. Trump is at that stage of life.
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Fri 2 Feb, 2018 09:50 pm
I got my long-awaited change in my tax withholdings today and I have spent the entire day trying to figure out where I am going to spend all that additional income. The letter informed me that I would get an additional 84 cents a day. The Republicans ran the national debt up by a trillion and a half and all I got was 84 cents a day. Our income is in the middle 60s more than double the average income in this area. I can’t wait to see what the average person got out of the Republican Tax Scam. The worst part is I won’t know whether I even get to keep the 84 cents until after the taxes are figured next year. This Tax Scam simply allowed the ungodly greedy like Trump to raid the US Treasury to the tune of over a trillion dollars. I guess I am lucky because I am not one of the 20% who is going to be paying even higher taxes under the Republican Tax Scam. I listened to Newt Gingrich on the Sean Hannity show the other day say that a family of four would get a $4,000 tax cut. This is where the figures don’t lie but liars do figure comes in. What Gingrich intentionally did was leave out a key piece of information. He does not tell us how much the family makes. What we do know is that the family of four lost four personal exemptions totaling $16,000 under the Republican Tax Scam. They recover $11,300 in increased standard deduction and an increase of $2,000 child care credits. A family of four making less than $45,000 will not get $4,000 back but will have to pay an additional $270 in taxes. To get the figure in Gingrich’s example that got back $4,000 will probably need to have an income much higher maybe $200,000 or so. But when they say it on red neck right radio many families of four will believe they are going to get $4,000 and spend it only to find they owe more income tax.
Gingrich probably doesn’t know anyone who makes less than $200,000 and the same can be said for most politicians. The problem with our representative government is that it is not representative of the American people almost all politicians are millionaires and they move in social circles of other millionaires. If our government was representative of the American population most of the politicians would make under $50,000. The framers of the constitution intended that the government be a government of common men and to start with the Congress was in session only a few winter months when the farmers met and later returned home to work their farms. Making laws was a part time job. The money in politics is an obstacle that cannot be overcome as a rule and until the common man has a reasonable chance of being elected our government will represent only the rich.
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Sat 3 Feb, 2018 09:35 pm
Trump is spending his time trashing American law enforcement. Where would he get this type of attitude? From all his mafia friends who never see anything wrong with the crimes they commit it is always the FBI that is biased against them. If you went to any prison in America this is the same attitude the prison inmates have about law enforcement. The Trump investigation has progressed to the OJ stage where it is no longer about the crime but about locating any flaw in the hundreds of members of law enforcement actions and putting them on trial. At least with OJ they waited until the trial began. Human nature will always be human nature and any time charges are bought against anyone it is because the law enforcement official is biased, he believes they are guilty or he would not bring charges. Once the law enforcement official brings charges it is turned over to another department, the courts. It does not matter how much the law enforcement official believes someone is guilty if it can’t be proved in court it doesn’t matter. I would often have someone come up to me an ask why I didn’t bring charges against someone I knew was guilty and I would always answer that I can’t prove it in a court of law. Saying that you believe the defendant did it will not convict anyone.
If Trump is not guilty why would he just let the investigation go on? Trump is not going to be found guilty by the Justice Department or the FBI. The judicial branch of government will make the ultimate decision. Does Trump believe that the judicial branch of government is out to get him also? Or does Trump know that he is guilty? I believe that Trump knows he is guilty and he is trying to prevent it from going to court. It is one thing for a celebrity to make his case in the court of public opinion, but it is quite another thing to make your case in a court of law which has rules. I think even in circuit courts you will find judges that might be star struck by celebrities but in Federal Court this is not as likely.
Trump believes he has slayed the dragon that he dealt the Mueller’s investigation a death blow but that seems to be an opinion of one. They keep making a big thing about the information used to get FISA warrant and the media keeps saying that the democrats paid for the information when in fact the information in the report was originally paid for by the Republicans when the Republican primary was in progress only later did the democrats pay for a look at a Republican report. The fact that this report was commissioned and paid for by a rich Republican donor was reported each time it was mentioned to start with but now by the reporting you would believe that the Democrats commissioned the report which is untrue.
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Mon 5 Feb, 2018 09:03 pm
The source for the following post is an Internet Article from the “Sacramento Bee”
Entitled: “Paul Ryan Deletes Tweet Celebrating Woman’s $1.50 weekly raise tied to GOP Tax Bill”
There are several other sources which have the actual screen shot of Ryan’s tweet including the New York Magazine, The Guardian, Daily Intelligencer, Independent, and other too numerous to list.
Paul Ryan went on twitter to crow about the size of the Republican tax cut that resulted in a $1.50 a week tax cut for a school secretary in PA. Ryan thought the middle class would be so pleased that they were getting a whole $1.50 a week while country was put another trillion and a half in debt. Republicans believe that $1.50 tax cut is what will get them reelected this year.
“A secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, PA, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up a $1.50 a week …. she said that will more than cover her Costco membership for a year,” he tweeted.
Paul Ryan’s tweet
After the people on twitter started making fun of Ryan’s tweet he quickly deleted it. This shows how out of touch the Republican party is. Ryan actually believes that a $1.50 a week is a lot of money to someone in the middle class. I must admit my 84 cents a day is several times more than this poor secretary got. The Republicans pulled off the biggest tax scam in history and they really plan on using this tax swindle to get them reelected.
One of the responses to Ryan post stated that people say that he only works to help rich billionaires. They say you hate everyone that is not rich. But you showed them by throwing a hand full of nickels at the back of the teacher’s head. I don’t follow twitter because 140 characters is not generally enough to convey a complex idea, but I must admit that tweet spoke volumes.
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Tue 6 Feb, 2018 10:17 pm
Where was Trump when the stock market suffered the biggest one-day crash in history? No where to be found that is for sure. Trump has been taking credit for every point the stock market went up, but it seems he is not responsible for it when it crashes. The Dow Jones dropped a record 1.175 points Monday. Now Trump can truthfully say he presided over the greatest stock market drop in history. This was the third straight day the stock market showed steep declines. Trump is always wrongfully claiming he is the greatest this or the greatest that now he can truthfully say that indeed he did preside over the greatest one-day loss in history.
Trump was in Michigan yesterday doing what he does best, lying as usual. Trump claims to be the greatest tax expert on the face of the earth but the only part he has down is how to sign a tax return that somebody else prepared. But that aside Trump was telling factory workers that a family of four would get a $2,000 tax cut. This is where the statement figures don’t lie but liars do figure, comes in. Trump does not tell us the one thing that is necessary to determine the amount of taxes, the yearly income of that family. Here he goes lying again a family of four that makes less than $44,000 will pay more taxes this year than last. That what makes it a lie. Trump leads people to believe that all families of four will see that $2,000 tax cut. It is a lie of omission. There is no tax cut for the first bracket on $19,000 taxable income there but there is a 3% tax cut in the next bracket between $19,051 to $77,000. The break over point for a family of four is $53,000 before they get even $1 of a tax cut for a family of four to get a $2,000 tax cut their income would need to be a $120,000.
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Wed 7 Feb, 2018 09:20 pm
Red neck right radio went on and on about Harvey Weinstein for weeks what a terrible person he was and how his sexual assault of women showed how corrupt the liberals are by association but now that the Treasurer of the Republican party, Steve Wynn is guilty of sexual assault I have not heard one word of how bad Steve Wynn is and how bad other Republicans are for accepting campaign donations from him. Wynn is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, contributors to the Republican political candidates. Wynn has been known to spend up to a $100 million in a presidential campaign. If it had not been for the mainstream it is doubtful we would even have known that Wynn had to step down from not only from the Treasurer of the Republican Party but the head of his own companies that own several casinos because he sexually assaulted women. Wynn has already paid one woman $7.5 million to settle a sexual assault claim.
Where is the absolute outrage by Glen Beck, Rush Slimbaugh, and Sean Hannity? There isn’t any they are not concerned about Wynn sexually assaulting anyone. It shows that the red neck right was never concerned about sexual assault in the first place it was just an opportunity to exploit sexual assault for political purposes. If Trump ran his hand up some woman’s skirt in front the Whitehouse on film the red neck right would ignore the story or claim the film had been altered. For all the time faux outrage on red neck right radio over sexual assault there never has been any outrage over what Trump has proudly bragged about sexually assaulting women. Talk about a double standard.
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Thu 8 Feb, 2018 09:12 pm
It looks like the Trump White House is embroiled in yet another scandal that involves the abuse of women. A staff secretary, Rob Porter, in a position that worked very close to Trump had to step down after it was discovered that he was a wife beater. Why should Porter step down when we know from court records that Trump is a wife beater? Though it has not been widely reported in the mainstream news and certainly not by the red neck right media. Trump paid handsomely for Ivana silence it by having her sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Trump’s wife Ivana had recommended the surgeon who did dotard’s scalp reduction. It seems like the dotard found out that scalp reduction was painful. As with everything else the dotard’s pain couldn’t be his fault, so someone had to be at fault. Trump could have beat the hell out of the surgeon but that might turn out badly so Ivana had to be to blame after all she recommended the surgeon. So, Trump did what any good Republican would do he went home and pulled a hand full of Ivana’s hair out, so she would be in as much pain as he was and then he proceeded to raped her. None of Rob Porter’s wives had their hair pulled out.
The mainstream news was given the information and the source during the election but never reported it. Why? Because if this incident was reported even the Russian could not have got Trump elected. Court `records are considered and excellent source of information. In a court of law, the person’s character making the allegations is considered as well as the person’s character who the allegations are made against in determining who is telling the truth. Trump has no character. If I had been a journalist covering the election I would have referred to Trump as that wife beater from New York who was running for president in every article.
The source for this post was an Internet Article: “Documenting Trump Abuse of Women” along with other books
From: “The New Yorker” this article was printed on October 16, 2016
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Fri 9 Feb, 2018 09:19 pm
In previous elections the Evangelicals insisted the single most important trait in presidential candidates was character. Even a single lie would disqualify a presidential candidate from meeting their high standards until Trump came along, Trump a known liar, thief, swindler, rapist, and serial philanderer. This president has the worst character of any of the previous presidents. Now the Evangelicals say character of a president is of absolutely no concern. Before a president was considered an important role model to America’s youth. Ask the Christian right today and they will tell you Trump is no role model but that is not a problem as they will serve as the role model for their children anyway. What a difference a few years made. The Christian right will now be raising the next generation of thieves, swindlers, rapist and serial philanders. Children take in far more of the real world than most adults suspect. When their parents look up to and respect criminals the children see nothing wrong with Trump’s crimes. Churches teach very little about the real world. The church may teach the children about magical thinking but not about the real world. The Christian right like it or not has made Trump an idol to be worshiped but their idol has feet of clay and is more like the devil than an angel.
Why would the Christian right abandon all of their values? For 20 pieces of gold and a piece of political power. The siren’s song of political power is seductive even more so than gold. The Christian right sold their vote in the last election to gain access to the White House. The Christian right has lost a tremendous amount of power and respect in the last 50 years and they have not been able to regain the lost membership. The Christians right can only brain wash the children of their church and the desperately want to use the public education system to brainwash new members and the only way to do that is by the use of political power to require prayer in schools and mandatory classes on magical thinking. The only way to do that is through political power. Trump has absolutely no problem with brain washing children. By the Christian right invading the public-school system they can make magical thinking seem normal.
The Christian right may have won the battle, but they lost the war there will be a lot of little Christian right Trump like criminals in 20 years because they know that the values their parents profess to believe in are not real they sold them for political power. There is nothing more a teenager hates more than a hypocrite and teenagers can spot one from 500 miles away.
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Sat 10 Feb, 2018 09:14 pm
Was anybody at all surprised when Trump came out on the side of the wife beaters in his administration and took the victims to task? Trump is a known wife beater so how could he do anything else. Do you expect Trump to step down for a little thing like rape and pulling a hand full of his first wife’s hair out because he was in pain after having scalp reduction surgery? The way Trump assaults women it is evident that he does not believe that women are fully human that they simply were put on earth for his pleasure.
“Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by mere allegations,” the president wrote on twitter, adding: “There is no recovery for someone falsely accused --- life and career are gone. Is there no such thing as due process?”
Trump’s tweet 2/10/18
It is obvious that Trump is setting up his defense for pulling out a hand full of his first wife’s hair that will soon become the focus of the nation. I really always believed that hair pulling was a woman’s thing even for men who have been known to beat their wives I don’t know that I have ever heard of a single allegation of pulling hair. Maybe that was how Trump learned to fight. He had a sister and maybe she would beat the hell out of him and he had to resort to pulling her hair to keep her from beating the crap out of him. Trump was in pain from scalp reduction, I get that, but taking some pain killers might have been better than pulling out a hand full of his wives’ hair and raping her.
Does Trump really think everything that is said must first be certified by a court of law? False allegation are made but they are a tiny fraction of all allegations. The vast majority of the population is honest and they do not make false allegations. In the case where false allegations are made it is easy to discern a motive. The wives of neither of the people Trump is defending were on a public crusade to destroy their ex-husband. Their ex-husbands took jobs that required a background investigation for a security clearance all the wives did was tell the truth but Trump would rather slander the wives than realizes that other members of the White House were just like him wife beaters. They should send Trump an honorary "wife beater’s" tee shirt, one of those without sleeves.
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Sun 11 Feb, 2018 09:21 pm
There are two groups that can justifiably claim credit for electing Trump the Russians and the Evangelicals. The Evangelicals vote for Trump was 80% the highest of any group. During the campaign Trump had evangelical advisory board made up of evangelical preachers from around the country. When it became national news that Trump regularly sexually assaulted women and was so proud of the fact he publicly bragged about doing it many expected many of the evangelical preachers to resign in protest. Few did. One did resign after Trump praised the neo-Nazis and white supremacists. If you are an Evangelist preacher why would a few women being raped bother you after all they believe in the magical origin of earth that an old man just snaps his fingers and the world and everything in it just magically appears.
Trump is now surrounded by a group called the “God Whispers” true believers one and all. The God Whispers hope to run America. At no time in America History has there been such a violation of the Constitution’s requirement of separation of church and state. The God Whispers are made up of 20 conservative Christian pastors and advisors to sit at the right hand of Trump’s thrown. The magical thinkers will try to eliminate science from public schools and replace it with magical thinking. The separation of church and state is a founding principal of America for a good reason. Since Trump has decided that he is not bound by the constitution of the United States this should be good grounds for impeachment him. The God Whispers have already played a part in several major decisions including moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem which will start a new Mideast war but the preachers’ black book of magic say it should be so. The black book of magic says that property owned by distant ancestors is a valid claim to land today. There are more far right preachers running in and out of the White House today than running in and out of churches. One preacher has been to the White House 20 times so far. Trump could care less about governing the country he only there to make a profit, he is a businessman and has already secured over a $100 million a year tax cut for himself. Trump is like the man on the turnpike. A man had a flat tire on the rear of his car and had stopped to change it. After he jacked the car up he noticed somebody had raised the hood. He went up and demanded to know what the man was doing. The man (Trump) said he just wanted the battery and told the man he could have the tires. That is what is happening to America.
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Mon 12 Feb, 2018 10:12 pm
The much-heralded Tea Party is now dead all of their dire warnings about the budget deficit ere just an act to get them elected. When you google Tea Party the results are about having an actual tea party. They now say never mind, no budget deficit is two big when you want to hand $1.5 trillion to their political donors. We spend 10 times as much on our military as any other country in the world and Trump wants to add another $80 billion. With all our America know how it looks like we could have an army that was twice as good for twice the money. Military spending is never cut we throw more and more money at it and keep buying more thousand-dollar hammers.
Trump wants to spend $18 billion on that foolish wall that will only cover a portion of the border between the US and Mexico. Trump thinks the Mexicans are as stupid as he is and when they find the wall they will just turn around and go home and not bother to cross where there is no wall. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall but after he talked to the president of Mexico he was told there is no way in hell Mexico is going to pay for that foolish boondoggle. Trump begged the Mexican president not to tell the press that they would not pay for the wall because it would make him look like the idiot he is.
The Trump budget proposes $4.4 trillion in spending and adds $7 trillion to the national debt. This is the same Trump that bankrupted several casinos. How can you go bankrupt in a casino? The people are lined up to give you money and the odds are always in the house’s favor. You spend money foolishly and Trump was known to squander money. Trump was bankrupt and he not only lost his fortune but he lost all of the investor’s money as well and now he brings his bankruptcy skills to the country. How did we end up with somebody who started with a fortune and lost it only to be bailed out by his daddy? That is the only reason he has a dime to his name today. If it wasn’t for his daddy pledging his fortune the banks would have taken everything.
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Tue 13 Feb, 2018 10:11 pm
There are two things we can count on, one that the sun will come up in the morning. Two that what ever happens in Washington Trump will lie about it. The recent dismissals of two White House employees because they could not pass background checks for security clearances is odd. The timing seemed odd as Trump has been in office for over a year and the background checks should have been done a long time ago. The Trump White House said that the background checks had not been completed and of course that was a lie. We now have a White House that is full of people like Trump who could not pass a background investigation because of his beating and raping of his wife. Trump has stated publicly that a man cannot rape his wife.
Trump does not like to follow rules or the law for that matter. FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, told the Senate Intelligence Committee today that Porter’s FBI background check was completed last July. So, the White House knew that Rob Porter would never be able to get a security clearance in July but yet they continued to let Porter have access to classified material of the highest order on a temporary security clearance. Why? Because Trump has told them to ignore the law. Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner, also has not passed the background check and is working on a temporary security clearance and it is doubtful that he will ever pass that background investigation. Does that mean Trump will unload him? No way, Trump will let him continue to work on a temporary security clearance for his entire four-year term. Do we have any idea how many people in the Trump White House are working on temporary security clearances? You can bet there are a number of them. Trump’s friends are not likely to pass background checks we know Trump can’t. Trump has associated with criminals his entire life Jared Kushner’s father was jailed by Chris Christie when he was a prosecutor. Do you think Kushner who was in the same business was not involved? Trump punished Chris Christie and did not allow him a position in his cabinet because Kushner was pissed he put his dad in jail. The fact that Christie was just doing his job and Trump sided with a criminal is a pattern that reoccurs throughout Trump’s life.
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Wed 14 Feb, 2018 09:27 pm
From this day forward the Republican Party shall be known as the party of school shootings. The NRA decides how the Republicans vote. The NRA will spend any amount of money to defeat any candidate who is not pro-gun, anyone who will not support widespread distribution of weapons of mass destruction designed for the battlefield. Children in America no longer want to go to school because they are afraid they will be slaughtered in act of mass murder that is made possible by the guns manufactured by the NRA manufacturers. They beg their parents to be home schooled. This is the 18th school shooting this year. How many school children have to be killed before we put a stop to the NRA strangle hold on our government? A million, two million, there will never be enough deaths that will overcome the NRA’s lust for bigger profits.
The car manufacturers will tell you that they make a profit on a car but they make much bigger profits on SUVs that is where most of their profits are made. The gun business is no different, there is not much money to be made on ordinary guns but the big profits are made on assault weapons, they are the Cadillac’s of the gun industry. There is much more profit to be made on a gun that will fire a hundred rounds a minute than on one that can fire 6 rounds and has to be reloaded. This huge profit is why the NRA is fighting so hard to keep America’s street saturated with assault weapons.
After the 58 people were slaughtered in Las Vegas there was public outrage about the fact that a bump stock made the assault weapons function like full automatics, which is the original design of the assault weapons in the first place. If the assault weapons had not been designed to do fire that many rounds a bump stock would not have made a difference. NRA knows the public outrage will last only as long as the publicity about the shooting. As soon as the publicity subsided the Republicans quickly killed any chance of banning bump stocks. Do you have any idea how many gun nuts rushed out to their gun stores to buy bump stocks a factor of ten would be reasonable?
Until the general public understands that the NRA is the enemy in the battle to save the children the school shootings will continue. When it comes down to it the NRA’s profit is not worth the children’s lives. The NRA parades around telling the public they are champions the rights of people to own a gun when in fact there only concern is bigger and better profits.