It is like the baby Bush tax cut all over again. Baby Bush claimed that vast-majority of his tax cut went to the middle class. This sounds good to the uninformed but as always figures don’t lie but liars do figure. The Bush tax cuts, like the Trump tax cuts, were supposed to stimulate the economy but in the ten-year life of the Bush tax cuts all they did was add $1.35 trillion to the national debt and spark the biggest recession in history. The Trump tax cuts and the Bush tax cuts are similar with a few differences. Bush cut the taxes on the highest bracket from 39.6% to 35% while Trump cut the same bracket from 39.6% to 37% but they both agreed on one thing the taxes on the middle class would not be cut by one dime the bottom tax bracket remained at 10% in both. Trump did cut the next tax bracket from 15% to 12% for couples making up to a $100,000 but Bush however did not cut this bracket and it remained at 15%. What we know is that the Bush tax stimulus was an expensive failure the $1.35 trillion added to the deficit helped elected the Tea Party who raved about the budget deficit and then turned around and voted for the very same thing that drove the deficit up in the first place.
The federal deficit was only $908 billion in 1980 before Regan took office. By the time Regan left office the debt $2.603 trillion. This is how trickle down economic works it nearly tripled the national debt. Every time the Republicans do this this is what happens.
Now Trump is showing how he made his money by taking the suckers. Trump is actually telling families look what I did for you I doubled the child care credit from $1,000 to $2,000. However he fails to tell them that he took a $4050 personal exemption for each and every child away from them. To be a conman you have to be very brazen to convince the suckers that $1,000 is a lot more than $4,050. There are conmen that make a very good living doing this. Was it P. T. Barnum that said there is a sucker born every day? In this case it looks likes hundreds of millions were born on this day. You need only remember that according to Trump that although taxes had been cut by $5.5 trillion that unfortunately in order to get that figure down to $1.5 trillion taxes had to be raised on others by $4 trillion. We know for a fact that the taxes weren’t raised by $4 trillion on the rich the question then becomes are you one of those who will be paying higher taxes to give the rich $1.5 trillion tax cut. Unfortunately you will not know until you do your taxes in 2019. One thing for sure somebody will pay that $4 trillion.
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Wed 10 Jan, 2018 09:25 pm
If the Republican tax scam had been a straight up tax cut it would be one thing but it is not, the Republican tax scam increases taxes by $4 trillion. The Republican tax scam is more like a shell game and the public has no idea what is actually under the shells. I don’t have any trouble seeing the $5.5 trillion in tax cuts. The 20% tax free money going to everyone who owns a business will account for a good portion of that over 10 years. Imagine be guaranteed 20% of your income tax free regardless of how much you make. But the problem I am having is what is under the shells I just haven’t seen enough tax hikes to amount to $4 trillion in fact there are not hardly any tax increases this $4 trillion in tax increases is achieved almost entirely by eliminating tax deductions used by the middle class.
I went back to reread the Internet article, “26 Ways GOP’s Tax Reform Will Affect Your Wallet” and I had not quite finished it and one way was the “kiddie tax” children who live at home and are claimed on their parent’s tax form will be taxed at 38%. These are children up to 24 years old. Under the old tax law children income was taxed at the tax rate of their parents. Which would be 10% for many middle-class children are now going to have to pay 38%. When I was going college, I mowed a number of lawns, worked construction and at a gas station. I could not claim myself as long as I was claimed as a dependent on my parents’ taxes and my money was mostly spending money and tuition. Under the Republican tax scam millionaires will not pay a dime in taxes on the first 20% of their income and students will pay 38% in just federal taxes on their income. Once state and local taxes are added they will take home less than half. In the brave new Trump world the children will pay taxes at a higher tax rate than any billionaire. What is wrong with this picture? I guess if you tax a 100 million teenagers at 38% you can give 400 billionaires 20% of their income tax free.
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Thu 11 Jan, 2018 09:35 pm
One thing you learn when you negotiate contracts is don’t fall for the bonus trap. Employers would much rather give bonuses than pay raises. A bonus is a one-time lump sum payment while a pay raise is added to your base pay and collected every year. Wal Mart move to raise the starting salary to $11 (after 90 days training) was not a move to raise the wages of Wal Mart employees other than beginners because Wal Mart’s competitors had already raised wages last fall and many other states had mandated higher minimum wages than Wal Mart was paying. In order to avoid giving pay raises to older employees are being given bonuses. While employees with over 20 years will be given a $1,000 bonus this does not raise their base pay.
Wal-Mart’s raising the starting salary up to $11 is being heralded as being the result of the Republican tax scam showing that companies plan to share their tax savings, but Wal Mart gives raises to employees each and every year they are with the company based on how they perform. The fact that Wal Mart is giving pay raises is not being driven by the Republican tax scam. My wife worked at Wal Mart for eight years and received a pay raise each and every year. There maybe an argument for the bonuses though, but the bonuses are a one-time proposition but remember the businesses got a massive tax cut from 35% to 21% and are trying a public relations stunt to tie the two together in the public’s mind. Reagan’s tax cuts for the rich were so unpopular with the public that they were partially repealed after he left office and the same for baby Bush’s tax cuts. The businesses realize that their massive tax cuts will also likely be repealed when the Republicans are voted out of office even though the Republicans tried to make them “permanent.”
Other businesses, at the end of last year, made a big deal of bonuses and pay raises trying to act as if they were caused by the tax cuts which had not even started but what they failed to say was that these same companies normally gave bonuses and pay raises at that time of the year every year. Some bonuses handed out at that time of year were termed Christmas bonuses and in some case exceeded the yearly salary, but they are not new this year. Right now, the Republican/Business alliance is trying to manipulate the public. The new calculations are out to determine how much tax will be withheld from your pay check. The Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin is telling the public not to trust your employer’s calculation and figure it yourself as you will be responsible for the taxes at the end of the year. Mnuchin says that 90% of the people will get a tax cut but that means that 10% is going to have to pay that $4 trillion tax increase. There are some pieces of the puzzle missing.
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Fri 12 Jan, 2018 09:35 pm
Rush Slimbaugh was going on and on about the Wal Mart bonuses today on his show. He was saying how much the employees will appreciate the tax cuts on those bonuses. The trouble is Rush got a big tax cut but those working at Wal Mart didn’t. The 10% tax bracket was not cut. Ninety percent of Wal Mart employees did not get a tax cut. Rush is either ignorant or he just can’t imagine that some people make less than $44,000 a year. In fact, in Huntington the average house hold income is less than $30,000. There is the increase in standard deduction but if you have a couple of children the loss of 4 personal exemptions $4,050 will completely wipe out any tax savings on the standard deduction. Several of the people residing in Huntington work at Wal Mart but they will pay the same amount of taxes on the bonuses this year or next. Rush is imagining that tax cut.
What is published about the Wal Mart bonuses is that they are $1,000 but only employees with over twenty years of service will get that amount. Wal Mart employees with less than two years will get only a $200 bonus only 54 cents a day. The $1,000 bonuses are only for career employees usually those in management. The bonuses are graduated in between those extremes with employees with 10-14 years of service getting a $400 bonus.
That was not what was bothering Slimbaugh was worried that blogosphere had seen through the attempt to pull the wool over the public eyes. Evidently many on the Internet were point out this was an attempt to deceive the public by making it look like the tax cuts were responsible for the bonuses instead of an attempt to justify the tax cuts. If Wal Mart had wanted to show that the tax cuts were responsible they would have granted bigger pay raises instead of bonuses, so they would go on instead of a one-time bonus. The only pay raises granted were for new employees most of which were being mandated by minimum wage laws anyway. Wal Mart should have put their money where their mouth is instead of a public relation trick to get their Republicans friends reelected because they gave them and their rich friends a $5.5 trillion tax cut.
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Sat 13 Jan, 2018 09:15 pm
Trump had no trouble touting a $5.5 trillion tax cut to the farmers but failed to mention the $4 trillion tax increase achieved by cutting out personal exemptions and eliminating popular middle-class tax deductions. We can all do the math even if Trump doesn’t want to brag about his $4 trillion in tax increases. The Republicans increased the deficit by the maximum they were allowed which was $1.5 trillion so the math would be $5.5 trillion - $1.5 trillion = $4 trillion in tax raises.
The Republican strategy seems to be to concentrate the tax cut in the hands of the richest 1% while spreading the tax increases out by eliminating deductions for diverse groups. Spreading out the $4 trillion increase is not likely to cause organized opposition because it will not affect everyone, and the groups affected are so diverse. The simplest way for the Republicans to raise the taxes $4 trillion would have been to double the lowest tax bracket to 20% which is what they would have liked to have done but there would have been a public outcry. The Republicans still made their $4 trillion in tax increases, but they are hidden in the elimination of tax deductions. If the Republicans had said they were going to raise the taxes on the middle class to give massive tax cuts to the richest 1%, the public would have been against it but that is exactly what they did.
One popular tax deduction allowed for the deduction of moving expense for job related moves. This deduction could be claimed by those who itemized taxes as well as those who didn’t. It has been eliminated except for those in the military. The beauty of eliminating this deduction is that it will only affect a small part of the population each year. It may be several years down the road before this exemption is needed. The tax cuts for the middle class are only temporary but the eliminations of deductions are no doubt permanent. The cuts for the businesses are permanent.
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Sun 14 Jan, 2018 09:33 pm
The other day I got an e-mail asking my opinion about the monetary system and whether it needs to exist. Our monetary system is currently in a state flux with some businesses no longer accepting cash. Electronic transfer will likely replace cash in the not too distant future but there will always need to be medium of exchange so that one man might exchange his labor for another man’s labor. In primitive cultures it was possible to trade one man’s goods for another but as society got more complex that had to change. Matter of fact the existence of money made our society more complex because in essence it allowed people to vote with their dollars as to what a society will produce. Communal farms have worked for small groups usually associated with a religious group but would never work for much larger groups.
The United States has created an aristocracy based on wealth which is the polar opposite of the communal farm. Both are extremes and we must strike a path somewhere in the middle. The belief that if the rich have all the wealth of a country they will be benevolent father figures who will take care of the “little people” belies the principal that self-interest is a primary determining factor. There is equation that predicts the end of any society. There will be a violent revolution in any society where the richest 5% has managed to get control of 99% of the wealth. The United States has cut the taxes for the ungodly greedy four times in the last thirty years pushing America a long way toward that goal. Money is power, and that money is being used by the rich to control our government. The more money the ungodly greedy get the more money the ungodly greedy use to control government and get even more money. History teaches us that the ungodly greedy never stop until after they have caused a revolution. During the French Revolution the rich were put on a spit and roasted over and open fire and fed to their wives. No matter how many times it happens the ungodly greedy can’t help themselves they do it again and again.
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Mon 15 Jan, 2018 09:40 pm
One has to wonder whether the Republicans will use the ploy that Trump used at his meeting with the Farmers stating that the actual cut in taxes for the rich was not $1.5 trillion but $5.5 trillion. If the Republicans running for office chose to follow this strategy there is no way that they can avoid telling the public that they raised the taxes on the middle-class by $4 trillion by eliminating personal exemptions and other deductions. If Trump has held anymore public meetings to crow about how big his tax cut is I doubt that he continues to use that $5.5 trillion figure. The downside of the argument is far more damaging than the upside of using figures that are so big that most of the public can’t grasp anyway.
The Republican tax scam allows the government to continuing use the 2017 tables for tax deductions. The old tables used for tax deductions were based on the number of personal deductions claimed on the W-4 forms. Since all the personal exemptions were eliminated under the tax scam no one has a clue as to how to come up with a working deduction table. One thing sure is there will be some horrendous mistakes made and they will not show up until 2019.
If you wanted to make this country far worse than what it is how would you go about it? I would make the cost of ignorance tax deductible and that is exactly what the Republicans did. Taxpayers are allowed to take $10,000 a year tax free to pay for K-12 education in private or religious schools. Religious schools teach children today the equivalent of teaching the earth is flat in the 17th century. The Republicans did away with a lot of deductions to create a tax deduction for ignorance.
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Tue 16 Jan, 2018 09:05 pm
In answer to an-email about the Federal Reserve, it was extremely controversial at the time it was created and remains somewhat today. Many people think that the Federal Reserve is a department of the Federal government because it can literally create money when in fact it is an organization of powerful private banks. The Federal Reserve can decide how much money should be in circulation and either take some out circulation or put more money in circulation. The more money in circulation drives the value of money down while lowering the money supply tends to make the value increase. The power the Federal government retained is appointing the head of the Federal Reserve. This does give a lot of power to private banks who stand to profit from the rulings of the Federal Reserve. One of the most important powers of the Federal Reserve is to set the interest rates that banks charge each other for loans.
I don’t know that I would call it a scam, but it is open to abuses. The fact that the Federal government abdicated parts of its power to the to Federal Reserve may in the end have been a bad thing on the other hand giving politicians the power to set interest rates would create a different set of problems. A sitting president would always want to see low interest rates to spur the economy under his watch but would be very reluctant to raise interest rates when inflation got out of hand. No system is perfect and there are several ways to accomplish the same goals.
I have been reading “Fire and Fury” and the most interesting antidote I found so far was how Trump treated his friends. Trump was always trying to screw his friends but especially their wives. Trump had come with an ingenious way of doing just that. Trump would call a male friend into his office and strike up a conversation about his friend’s sexual exploits with a girl friend or professional ladies of the night but unbeknown to his friend Trump had called the man’s wife before he came into Trump’s office and she was listening over the speaker phone. Of course, Trump was hoping for a revenge f*** and maybe he got a few but what I am wondering is why somebody didn’t kill him. In Trump circle of friends, a divorce was a million-dollar problem. That is one of the lowest most despicable things I have ever heard of, but it more than accurately describes Trump’s character or lack thereof.
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Wed 17 Jan, 2018 09:41 pm
It looks like Trump did not get his Christmas present this year after all. His attorney, Ty Cobb, had promised trump that Russian collusion probe would be over but now according to recent court filings it looks like Mueller is in it for the long term. Neither George Papadopoulos nor Flynn have been sentenced and it looks like there is no hurry to sentence them. This is important because once the Feds sentences them they will no longer have any leverage over Flynn and Papadopoulos. Flynn has an update set for Feb 1 in Federal court but there is nothing set for Papadopoulos.
Bannon was called before the House Intelligence Committee about Trump Jr meeting with the Russians a meeting that Bannon has called treasonous in the new book “Fire and Fury.” Bannon has not denied that he did in fact say that. It looks like Bannon will be questioned by Mueller also. Bannon tried to assert executive privilege on questions before Trump was president. Bannon is the ultimate insider and I doubt there is anything significant that Bannon doesn’t know. I recently finished a book called “The Devil’s Bargain” that detailed Bannon’s life. I have never seen so many switch backs in a man’s life. Bannon joined the navy with hopes of saving the world only to become disillusioned because the all-volunteer military. Bannon spent seven years as a naval officer only to go back to school and become a Goldman-Sacks banker. Then Bannon goes to Hollywood and starts making documentary movies with the hopes of helping Sarah Palin run for president. Then a stint in Japan running a video company that sold achievement rewards for World Warcraft. This gave Bannon a connection to a large group of online gamers whose concept of reality was a good deal different then the mainstream.
There is a psychological principal that people tend to be consistent. Bannon was in the navy in the late 70s and 80s when the Soviet Union was the ultimate enemy. This is why Bannon would see Donald Jr meeting with the Russian as treasonous. If Bannon is consistent he will expose anyone in the Trump administration that is working with the Russians. Trump has destroyed Bannon over calling his son’s actions treasonous he has nothing left to lose. In the end Bannon will be consistent with his navy ideals and let the chips fall where they may.
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Thu 18 Jan, 2018 09:21 pm
Trump seems determined to obstruct justice, now we know that he was the one that instructed Bannon not to answer any questions about Bannon’s time in the campaign or his time in the White House when he appeared in front of the House Intelligence Committee. It seems that Bannon’s lawyer, Bill Burck, was sending the questions to White House, via phone and the White House counsel’s office would then decide whether Bannon would be allowed to answer the question. If this isn’t obstruction of justice, it is sure should get an A for effort.
Bannon has now been subpoenaed by both the House Intelligence Committee and by Mueller. Bannon was do to go before a Grand Jury but worked out a deal with Mueller to be questioned by the prosecutor. Now Bannon will be compelled to answer the very questions he was instructed not to answer by the White House. Trump’s attorney even tried to claim executive privilege for the campaign period before Trump becomes the executive.
One book written by someone in the CIA details the type of person targeted by the KGB to be compromised or set up as a dupe and Trump’s personality type is the exact type they look for. Often the target is not even aware that he has been compromised. In Trump’s case he is not smart enough to know that he was set up by the Russians. One of the ways they could tell someone had been compromised by the Russians was by the alteration of previous held attitudes and beliefs. Their new beliefs were that the Russian could do no wrong.
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Fri 19 Jan, 2018 09:55 pm
Trump’s latest proposal is to strip the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms of its authority to enforce laws against Alcohol and Tobacco smuggling. According to the article claims that there has not been much enforcement of laws against alcohol or tobacco recently, but I know from personal experience that recently we had a new business in town that was unlicensed. After a few attempts to check the license I was told by a supervisor in the Police Department to stay away from that business. I knew there was something going on with that business, but I had to wait until the arrests were made and the criminal indictments handed down. It turns out it was a cigarette smuggling operation with cigarettes being smuggled to New York by semi-truck loads where the tax on a carton of cigarettes is $43.50. States like Virginia have only a $3.00 tax per carton. Smuggling cigarettes across state lines is extremely profitable. One estimation is that half the cigarettes in New York are smuggled in. That was an ATF operation.
Who do you think is making the money off of the cigarette smuggling racket in New York? Trump’s friends, the mafia. There is no criminal enterprise in New York that the mafia doesn’t know about or control. Trump wants to take care of his friends and he proposes replacing the ATF with twelve agents in the Treasury Department to enforce the law in the entire US. The chances of a smuggler getting caught would be less than being struck by lightning. Imagine if you could make $40 a carton on a semi full of cigarettes it would be far more profitable than selling drugs. Besides everybody is trying to bust drug dealers and no one will be busting cigarette smugglers when Trump gets through.
In David Cay Johnson’s new book: “It Is Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America” Johnson says that Trump has put what are called political termites lose in government to destroy it. While many vital government openings were not filled by Trump almost all of the political termite’s jobs were quickly filled. You can clearly see evidence of the political termites in the case of ATF which will become under Trump the Bureau of Firearms. Another example is the Air Traffic Controllers which will be privatized if Trump has his way. The conservative philosophy is to destroy government or like Grover Norquist said, “I just want to shrink government to the point I can drag it in the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.”
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Sat 20 Jan, 2018 09:37 pm
The solution for the government is obvious we deport Trump and grant the Dreamers citizenship especially those who volunteered for the US military. Trump not only didn’t volunteer he did everything in his power to keep from serving including 5 deferments. Trump is king of the chicken hawks like Rush Slimbaugh, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Mitch McConnel, Newt Gingrich, and Rudi Giuliani. These chicken hawks are big fans of wars as long as they can watch from home. One argument for making the Dreamers citizens is one they have already been trained to fight and if the country needs them they will be there. One other republican politician that was granted a deferment for “knee problems” continued to play in the NFL for the next 8 years, his name was Jack Kemp.
If you expect the Republicans to defend the country, you would be mistaken. Mitch McConnel would love to deport all the Dreamers preferably after they served in the military which he would not do. In all of Americas wars the rich do their best to figure out a way, so they get out of going to war. During the Civil War the rich were allowed to pay someone to take their place.
The government shut down is over granting the Dreamers a path to citizenship the Republican would grant it if they could completely change the immigration laws so that no one from a Trump defined S*** hole country never need to apply. The law would ban any relative from ever being given a green card, for instance if you had a wife and children they would not be allowed in the country. You can come over and work in Silicon Valley but don’t bring your relatives. Only rich white people who look like Trump will be admitted into the country. No lottery for immigrants only the rich need apply. Schumer had worked out a deal with Trump only to have Kelly call back and say it wasn’t conservative enough. The previously listed modifications are what is needed to make it conservative enough. The Republicans will give you a concession on the Dreamers as long as the Democrats give them the farm.
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Sun 21 Jan, 2018 10:09 pm
The government may be shut down but the payoffs for cutting corporate taxes from 35% to 21% are coming in at record levels. It seems the corporations are going to share the wealth with their favorite politicians who raised the taxes on the poor with children to cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy.
“Just thirteen days after the tax law was passed, Charles Koch and his wife Elizabeth, donated nearly $500,000 to Ryan’s fund-raising committee according to campaign finance report.”
From an Internet article entitled: “Paul Ryan Collects $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passes Tax Law” from the Huffington Post
Charles Koch’s contribution was not the only contribution five other donors, including billionaires Jeffery Hildebrand and William Parfet, each contributed a $100,000 in the last quarter of 2017.” This is total and complete corruption of our government by the ungodly greedy’ money. On the same day the Koch’s gave $500,000 to Ryan they also contributed $237,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee. The Koch brothers benefited from corporate tax cuts, the changes in the estate tax and special deductions for oil and gas investors. This is the forth round of huge tax cuts for the richest people in the world in the last 30 years and each time the deficit soared. In 1980 before Regan took over the National debt was just $907,701,000,000. The most current figure for the National Debt is $18,150,617,666,484.33. The Republicans just added another $1.5 trillion to the National Debt to push it over $20 trillion. That means the Republican tax cuts were primarily responsible for increasing the National Debt by 22 times.
How are the Republicans going to stop the runaway deficit? Cut social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Earlier this month the Republicans said they have their sights set on cutting social security, which gives retirement money to American citizens; Medicare, which provides healthcare for the elderly and people with disabilities; and Medicaid, provides health insurance for the poor.”
“We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and deficit,” Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House of Representatives, said in a radio interview. “Frankly it is the healthcare entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt.”
From an Internet article entitled: “The New Tax Rules Are About to Change Your Paycheck—Here Is What Will Happen for the Average Person Making $40.000”
Source: “The Insider”
Let me see the Republicans increased the National Debt 22 times to give businesses who had record amounts of cash on hand even more cash and it is social security, which the Federal Government is not paying even one red cent out of government funds. Social Security is completely paid by the contributions tax out of the checks of employees and employers. Do you think Ryan’s thinking is influenced by the millions in campaign contributions?
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Mon 22 Jan, 2018 09:59 pm
What will it take before people realize that the Republicans don’t have their best interest at heart? Paul Ryan and other Republicans are making no bones about they are going to cut social security, Medicare and Medicaid. After Ryan gave a massive $1.5 trillion tax cuts to Koch brothers and friends Ryan and collected a ½ a million for delivering it Ryan now, says “We’re going to have to get back next year to entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and deficit.” Ryan’s radio interview was last year It is now next year but a bill to cut social security checks in half hasn’t been introduced by the Republicans yet. Since this is an election year I don’t look for the bill to be introduced until after the election is over in November and the suckers have voted Republican. The Republicans have been saying for years that they are going to cut entitlements (social security, Medicare, and Medicaid) now that they control all three branches of government they have their chance and all of these retirees that voted Republican will have only themselves to blame. If a man tells you he is going to cut your pay check in half and then he does it, you should not be surprised.
How the Republicans can justify their attacks on social security is beyond me. Social Security has a $2.79 trillion in the trust fund and increased by $25 billion in 2014. Social Security was raised 5 different times by Reagan to cover his massive tax cuts for the rich the country could not afford. The Republicans came after healthcare and now 13 million Americans will no longer have healthcare, so we could give more money to corporations that already had record amounts of cash on hand. We have a local politician that has run for every political office in town. He did manage to get elected to city council but with the city several million in the red there was no way to convince him that there was not plenty of money. The Republicans are that way with healthcare they think everyone will get healthcare for free that the well will never run dry as long as there is a little more competition and they are entitled to their fantasy. But like the politician reality soon sets in. Eighty hospitals have closed since 2010 and when 13 million more people can no longer pay for their healthcare more hospitals will close, and it will become a vicious circle. One of the major hospital chains in Charleston is operating several million in the red and if it closes, which seems like a possibility, it will leave the biggest city in WV with out a hospital. The well is running dry and no matter how much the Republicans push 17th century economic theory it will not save our healthcare problems, no healthcare is not a solution.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 09:17 pm
It looks like we may have a first in the White House, the first president to be divorced while in office. It looks like Melania was upset that Trump is now having to pay porn queens to keep their mouth shut. The pictures of Trump cozying up with a porn actress would upset even the most liberal of wives but having the picture on TV 24 seven is enough to have her contact her divorce attorney. Melania was scheduled to go to Switzerland but now after all the publicity about pussygate she has decided not to accompany Trump on the trip.
Of all the times that Trump had his buddies discuss the intimate details of their extramarital affairs in his office with out any idea that their wives were secretly listening on the speaker phone this is pay back and I don’t think we have heard the last of it. Melania was the first, Frist Lady, not to accompany her husband to the White House. This was after the Trump pussy grabbing remarks and disclosures that Trump was molesting a reporter downstairs in their house while she was upstairs. The First Lady has her own bedroom in the White House and I doubt Trump is allowed in. Several of the porn actors have died of sexually transmitted diseases can you even imagine what sort of disease Trump could have taken home to Melania.
Everybody has their limit and being made a public fool of by an idiot will eventually push anyone past their limit. Make no doubt about it there is a prenup agreement, but Trumps gross misbehavior will be grounds to break it. Trump is publicly abusing his wife with his words and deeds. Sex with a known prostitute may not be the same as taking a shot at your wife with a gun but it is close.
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Wed 24 Jan, 2018 09:32 pm
Trump has a theory that the bigger the age difference between a husband and wife the less the wife is concerned about what her husband does. It is only a theory of course but something tells me Trump is wrong again. A younger wife may not be inclined to throw dishes when her older husband shows up at 4 AM smelling of another woman’s perfume but that doesn’t mean she isn’t keeping score. May-September marriages are not based on love so much as lust and money. Strong emotions are replaced with cool calculations. The marriage from the wife’s perspective is an investment like any other investment. Rich men learned long ago to use prenuptial agreements to protect their wealth. Trump had a prenup in his first marriage. It would have left his first wife, Ivana, the mother of his first three children with very little. Ivana and her lawyers were easily able to break the prenup, but the problem was Trump was for all practical purposes bankrupt at the time of his divorce and his creditors almost had heart attacks because if Ivana got half of his assets the banks would face major losses. Ivana settled for much less then what she was entitled to, but she got many times more than her prenup.
One thing a nasty Trump divorce will shed light on is how much Trump has lied about what he is worth. Trump had to fill out a financial disclosure form when he became president. The disclosures must be correct under penalty of law. Trump, in order to make himself look like a billionaire sort of fudged the figures. For instance, he claimed several of his golf courses were worth $50 million each but he has lawsuits to cut his property taxes that state the true value of the golf course to be only a million dollars. I must admit 50 is a pretty good fudge factor. If Trump has fudged all his property by a fudge factor of 50 he is not a billionaire. The other possibility is he is lying about the worth of the golf courses, so he can cheat the counties out of the property tax and let others in the county pay his share of the property taxes.
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Thu 25 Jan, 2018 10:07 pm
The Trump’s wedding anniversary was Monday I’ll bet Melania got Trump a couple of Stormy Daniels’ movies just to remind him. This was Trump’s 13th wedding anniversary so I guess he shouldn’t have expected much. After all Trump celebrated his first wedding anniversary with Stormy Daniels or at least in that year. Trump got married in January 22, 2005 and by 2006 he was whoring around. CNN had film of Trump trying to grab Melania’s hand and her brushing him off. They also had some film from the Colbert Show skit showing Trump’s hand trying to grab Melania’s hand except she had a mouse trap strapped to her wrist. They used to call it the seven-year itch, but Trump could not wait that long. Melania flew down to Florida today on a commercial airline and went to Mar Largo while avoiding the press.
Now it has come to light that Trump did order the firing of Mueller last June but backed off after the White House counsel threatened to resign. Just like Nixon, Trump believes he can fire anyone investigating him. Trump learned nothing from firing Comey. The New York Times had four different people he confirmed that Trump gave the order to fire Mueller to the White House counsel who refused to send it to the Justice Department stating he would quit first.
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Fri 26 Jan, 2018 09:16 pm
Trump is doing away with regulations as fast as he can, and most regulations are put in place for a reason. Obama had tightened the regulations on industries that work with silica and Trump has rescinded them. The problem that 600 American workers die each year of silicosis, it has only one cause silica dust. One of the industries that use silica is the dental industry. If 600 people die each year it is obvious something must be done and rolling back the regulations won’t help. Will it be more expensive for employers to protect the employees? Yes, but not as expensive as the lives of 600 people.
It has been called the second biggest industrial “accident” in the world. Union Carbide built the New River Tunnel in WV. By the time it was finished 764 men died of silicosis. There were no regulations that required that those working in the silica ware a mask to protect them on the job site only the engineers had respirators to protect themselves. When the case went to court in New York, a foreman testified, “That we knew we were going to kill those n****** we just didn’t know it would be this soon (a number of those n were white). It seems Trump would like to return to the good old days when there were no regulations and a company would not have to spend a few dollars to protect the lives of their employers.
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Sat 27 Jan, 2018 10:18 pm
Trump and his termites are doing immeasurable harm to America and the sad part is that most people will never realize what is happening. Trump has proudly bragged that he will do away with two regulations for every new regulation. The Republicans have made regulation a bad word with no consideration whether a regulation serves a purpose. In the last century a regulation put in place forbade child labor up until it was passed child labor was the norm. I saw a picture of the workers at a mine and none of the employee looked to be more than twelve. We take a lot for granted we think the world has always been the way we found it. Certain incidences are expunged from the history that we are taught. I lived in West Virginia and was taught West Virginia history but there were two big events that were expunged one was the New River Disaster and word disaster usually describes a flood or tornado something far beyond the control of man. New River on the other hand was not a force of nature but an intentional act of men. Buying respirators for several hundred men would have been expensive but management when inspecting the tunnel was provided respirators. This wasn’t done out of ignorance since the time of the Romans it was known what exposure silica did to men. The fact that 600 workers a year are still dying of silicosis is criminal. For Trump to do away with regulations meant to stop people from dying at work is criminal.
The other instance was the Battle of Blair Mountain considered the biggest armed insurrection since the Civil War. The West Virginia coal miners literally went to war with the coal operators. This was no doubt sparked by how miners were treated by the coal operators. At New River when miners became too sick to work armed sheriff deputies working for the contractors forced them to work at gun point. There were so many men dying that the grave yards were full, and a farm was used to bury the dead. Blasting was used to dig the tunnel and after a blast the silica dust was so thick you could not see but the miners were forced to go into the tunnel. It is unbelievable that employees could be treated that way but in the coal mines people were considered dirt and replaceable. The Battle of Blair Mountain was when unions first started to flex their muscle. The mine operators were trying to stop southern West Virginia’s coal mines from being unionized. The coal operators used hired guns to intimidate the miners. The Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency came to Matewan to evict striking miners from company housing. Albert Felts offered a $500 bribe to the Mayor of Matewan to place machine guns on the roofs of the buildings in town which the mayor turned down. A group of miners were deputized by Sid Hatfield, Police Chief of Matewan, and they confronted the twelve Baldwin-Felts agents in the street and a shootout worthy of the shootout at the OK Corral ensued. When the smoke cleared seven of the Baldwin Felts hired guns laid dead in the street including two of the Felts brothers. Sid Hatfield went on trial in McDowell County and he was gunned down unarmed by the Baldwin Felts agents on the court house steps. Next 7,000-armed coalminers marched on the Logan County coal fields over a million rounds were exchanged. West Virginia was like the old west where hired guns could shoot down people in the streets without punishment. I know why the coal operators got that incident expunged from the history books. Matewan became a movie and maybe one day the Battle of Blair Mountain will be made into a movie also.
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Sun 28 Jan, 2018 09:19 pm
Most of the Congressmen agreed, even the Republicans, that if Trump fired Mueller that he was done. Trump gave the order to fire Mueller in June and that fact has been confirmed by several different sources. The fact that the White House Counsel refused to carry out the order does not for a minute change the fact that Trump gave the order. If there was a different White House Counsel Mueller would no doubt have been fired. This is what Trump does he even fired his wife when she was in control of one of his casinos. Trump fired people constantly when he was bankrupting his casinos. Trump believes he can fire anyone even those that are investigating him. When Nixon fired the special prosecutor, it was his final act. This is clearly obstruction of justice.
The Republicans are now backing away from their previous statements about Trump being finished if he fired Mueller. When the red neck right radio jocks and Sean Hannity could not stir up a lynch mob over the sale of a Canadian uranium company to Russia they manage to get a hold of some private text messages between a couple of FBI agents that were having an affair. There were messages that were critical of Trump between the two. The fact is most Americans have an opinion of a presidential candidates and they will chose one that they support and in private conversation, and text messages are private conversation, there were probably as many FBI agents that supported Trump as supported Clinton. It is simply human nature to talk negatively about the candidate you don’t support.
My mom called from Florida the other day, my nephew had Fox News on that morning and they had spun these text messages into a secret society inside the FBI that was out to get Trump. This secret society even went out to dinner together no doubt to conspire against Trump long before he was even elected. Not even Trump believed he could get elected so it is highly doubtful that anyone in the FBI believed he had a chance. That people in the FBI who didn’t like Trump socialized together is no surprise as even families could not go thanksgiving dinner without trouble breaking out. But the ROBO listeners of talk radio and Fox News would never question even the most outrageous conspiracy theories.
Trump is finished it is only a matter of the ax falling. The fact that there is a steady flow of information from Trump insiders shows they also want him gone.