Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2011 06:24 pm
@Renaldo Dubois,
Renaldo Dubois wrote:

Here is the part of my post that you edited out.

"When I can't meet my budget, I have to cut."

On the contrary, I quoted you as saying exactly that in that post. This is a serious question: do you not see where I quoted that? Are you confused about what the words 'edited out' mean?

At first, I thought you were just sort of being a jerk, but now - I'm starting to get concerned that you are lashing out because you simply don't understand how the quoting process works here at A2K.

You can't answer that point. This is why you asswipes are dishonest and have no integrity. You're a sleazy little slimy snake. You're a liar and I can smell you from here.

Your attacks on my personage are sophomoric and ineffectual. I sincerely hope that, should you wish to continue with them, you find some way to up your game a little bit, because right now you are making yourself look rather like a fool.

Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 02:04 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Your attacks on my personage are sophomoric and ineffectual. I sincerely hope that, should you wish to continue with them, you find some way to up your game a little bit, because right now you are making yourself look rather like a fool.


You dish it out 24/7 with impunity and when someone gives
you a liberal dose of your own medicine you cry like a bitch.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 07:11 pm
@Renaldo Dubois,
When you raise taxes on citizens then you are effectively reducing their buying power.

80% of the working population has seen no increase in buying power since 1979.

The top quintile has stolen from the bottom four for nearly 30%.

Unless the top quintile starts buying schools and repairing highways and bridges, they do no one any good.

I would like to buy a few things. A little throw rug for the dining room. New underwear. A hair cut every quarter instead of twice a year.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 07:43 pm
The top quintile already pays for most of the (largely ineffectual) school system (even though few of them actually use it) and all the roads and bridges.

To increase your buying power I suggest you look to other employment opportunities. My company pays proficient technical editors (also proficient in graphic software) upwards of $65K/year. We do require hard work and adaptability.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 07:49 pm
To increase your buying power I suggest you look to other employment opportunities

Puh-leeeze. Ever since I graduated with highest honors with my second masters, I have diligently sought work. Ageism is the key. I was 51 when I graduated. I fought for the rights of older women and had my 15 minutes as a anti-ageism celebrity, appearing in the Boston Globe and on the television show Greater Boston.

My company pays proficient technical editors (also proficient in graphic software) upwards of $65K/year. We do require hard work and adaptability.

I have no experience in technical writing and have no interest in it. It is a volatile area of employment. Its volatility, however, has nothing to do with my lack of interest.

Was your final sentence meant as an insult?
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 07:58 pm
Our current technical editors have all been with us for over fifteen years each and their positions are very secure. Communication is communicatiuon whether the subject is technical or otherwise. During that period they (and we) have all seen a continuing revolution in the technologies supporting their efforts and have had to adapt as they go. They (and we) have been well rewarded for it. Economic life is like that - one either adapts to changing market demands and requirements or is passed by. Progress of all kinds requires it of all of us.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 08:02 pm
Alright, but I know of many, many people who were in and out of the revolving door. I see no stability in technical writing.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 08:06 pm
Well we have a company that people tend to stay with. We would shut down rather than unionize, but we take care of our people if they produce. Our technical editors have rather secure careers.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 10:14 pm
How lovely. But to take a job in which one has no interest is a form of prostitution. So glad to hear that you would rather shut down than unionize.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 10:26 pm
I would never accuse you of being a whore.

Lots of businesses would prefer to shut down or move to a right to work state or move to another country than to suffer the slow death that comes from unionization. Many have already done so.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 10:33 pm
So well versed at the straw man.
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2011 10:53 pm
What 'straw man" ??
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 02:41 am
snood wrote:

Why should you admit that people saw in him things that legitimately caused them to vote for him over everyone else running? Because it would be intellectually honest.

I'm sure that some people saw in him things that legitimately caused them to vote for him over everyone else running. So what? I'm also sure that some people saw in Richard Nixon things that legitimately caused them to vote for him. They were wrong too.

I am also sure that his being black was the only characteristic some of those who voted for him needed, and that for many more, it was an extra added attraction. Do you really deny this to have been the case? If it makes you feel righteously outraged (the favored source of endorphin rush for those on the Left) to believe that my comments have been directed at you personally, go for it. I like a good buzz as much or more than the next guy.

snood wrote:
That’s cute. And supposedly family values and Christian charity are virtues the right admires, but that’s neither here nor there, and it's not what I meant.
But... he also had a strong grasp of constitutional law, he chose to work for the needs of inner-city neighborhoods over becoming rich overnight at the law firm of his choice, and had done work on legislation in Illinois to ensure prisoners in custody were not being coerced into confessions.

Little things like that were things I saw in the man that made me look closer (and here you were thinking all I saw was his skin color, huh?), and when I looked, I kept finding things that I liked. I’ve also seen things I don’t like (yeah, rational consideration and everything), but he is still head and shoulders above any other person I see expressing interest in the job.

You find that cute? Familial love and charity (whether Christian or not) are not virtues you admire, and are neither here nor there? You challenged me to say something nice about the man, and I did, but apparently that's not good enough for snood. I guess I was supposed to somehow validate what you believe and I do not.

You voted for him because:

1)He had a "strong grasp of constitutional law." How did you come to that conclusion? Because he claimed to have been a "Constitutional Law Professor?" Even if that were true, it hardly proves he has a "strong grasp of constitutional law." Anton Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Richard Bork are, arguably, ten time the constitutional scholars than Obama has ever been, but I’m guessing you wouldn’t accept that as a valid reason to vote for any of them to be president.

2)He chose to be a community organizer rather than a high paid lawyer. Well, yes he did, but there is every reason to believe that he saw the former more advantageous for his political career than the latter. Besides, being a high priced lawyer, for any length of time, requires hard work and Obama has demonstrated an incredibly short attention span. BTW – Do you really believe he was living a Spartan life style while he was a Community Organizer?

3)He did work on legislation in Illinois to ensure the rights of prisoners. Now that’s an accomplishment that screams “Make this guy the President!” That’s it? That’s the extent of his legislative accomplishments that convinced you he was The Man?

Frankly snood, I don’t give that much thought to your personal motives for them to inform my opinions. I never said you voted for him only because he was black. If you say you didn’t, I’m not going to accuse you of lying. I’ve no doubt your primary reason for voting for him in the general election was that his expressed ideals matched up more closely with your own than did McCain’s.

As for him being “head and shoulders” above everyone else…of course you are entitled to your opinion, as am I.

snood wrote:
Well, since you don't have to provide anything to substantiate the pejoratives, and people are just supposed to take your word for it, not much I can say about that except you have an opinion.

Sort of like yours that he is “head and shoulders” above everyone else?

I have on more than one past occasion explained why I believe Obama to be incompetent and dangerous. I didn’t realize I needed to replicate my arguments, or provide links to them, in order to summarize my feelings about the man.

snood wrote:
That sounds like a diagnosis, doc. Is it based on anything, or are descriptions like “seriously flawed narcissist” just stuff you pick up from his press conferences?

Well yes, the way he conducts himself at press conferences, town hall meetings, and other public forums has led me to conclude he is a narcissist. Here again, I’ve previously explained why I believe him to be a narcissist.

Finn wrote:
I suspect that I would not like him if I met him...if for no other reason than he takes himself way too seriously, but that doesn't inform my opinion of him as our president.

snood wrote:
Well, since we were talking about things that I thought caused people to vote for him as our president, I fail to see the significance of whether you think you’d like him. (And you saying anyone takes themselves too seriously is just precious)

Can you read snood? Check out my quote above: “..but that doesn’t inform my opinion of him as our president.” I don’t really care whether or not you approve of or find significance in my offering a personal comment, but perhaps you find that insulting as well.

Finn wrote:
He's the President of the USA, a position he craved, sought and won

snood wrote:
(and I lo-o-o-v-e how that fact galls some people).

I’m sure you do. Once again, I’m happy I can give you a thrill or two, because it does gall me that he won. Of course you would have been totally magnanimous about McCain winning as you were when Bush won…twice.

snood wrote:
I said “good qualities” – you assumed that to mean only personal attributes. I and a lot of others thought the man had a lot to sell himself on, and your intimation that the choice wasn’t rational is insulting, but it's totally predictable coming from you.

I didn’t assume any such thing. You asked me if it would kill me to say something good about him. Since there is virtually nothing about his presidency that I consider “good,” I was happy to acknowledge that I don’t believe Obama the man is an evil miscreant, and that I am sure he has good qualities. If you take that as an insult to you, so be it…more endorphins I guess.

snood wrote:
W was a swaggering idiot who drunk-drove us into a ditch in any rational way it can be measured. I’ll have that argument with you or anyone else anytime. I'd like to have it on a thread that one of his supporters starts to promote what was good about his presidency, if I had my druthers.

What can I say that this comment doesn’t?

snood wrote:
I don’t recall many “slanderous lies” about him (outside of the dubious papers that Dan Rather shouldn’t have used to pursue what was very probably a true story of your guy being unlawfully absent from his place of duty), but I saw him as a ‘C’ student who was in the office as a legacy baby, and couldn’t hold Obama’s jockstrap in terms of competence.

Selective memory is a neat trick.

snood wrote:
I couldn’t give less of a crap then or now about what kind of person people saw him as. It got said a lot back then that people would “rather have a beer” with Bush than Kerry or Gore. So I’m sure people thought he was a peachy keen person.

I think I see your point…

I’m supposed to acknowledge that there were rational reasons for voting for Obama, because failing to do so (predictably) insults you, but you couldn’t give less of a crap about what his supporters thought of him.


You know snood, you're actually cooler than your avatar photo suggests. Is that the Obama stare into the future?

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 02:46 am
joefromchicago wrote:

Not surprising. I understand that heavy drinking and drug use can affect one's memory.

I understand that as well, but even a sober judge is likely to find the tedious pontifications of a sanctimonious blowhard forgettable.

Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 07:15 am
Finn's obsession with pointing out Obama's color in every discussion about him, hammering at it in fact, leads one to speculate -
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 07:18 am
That begs the question: exactly what color is Obama?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 07:36 am
Just a few minutes ago, a commentator on oil usage said that the medium familial income in the US is $38,000. The median income is the target of the Republican party's "debt reduction" effort.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 07:45 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
1)He had a "strong grasp of constitutional law." How did you come to that conclusion? Because he claimed to have been a "Constitutional Law Professor?" Even if that were true, it hardly proves he has a "strong grasp of constitutional law." Anton Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Richard Bork are, arguably, ten time the constitutional scholars than Obama has ever been, but I’m guessing you wouldn’t accept that as a valid reason to vote for any of them to be president.

Here is someone without any legal training judging four people with legal training.

Yesterday, after I posted a series of facts on at least three threads here, I was accused by the ever nasty georgeob of shirking arguments based upon fact and reason. Right. All the while, he created straw man fallacies based upon his preconceptions.

Here, finn is arguing his preconceptions.
2)He chose to be a community organizer rather than a high paid lawyer. Well, yes he did, but there is every reason to believe that he saw the former more advantageous for his political career than the latter.

I know that he worked as a community organizer prior to going to law school. It is difficult to work as a lawyer before attending law school.

From wiki:

in 1981 he transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialty in international relations and graduated with a B.A. in 1983. He worked for a year at the Business International Corporation, then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.

two years after graduating, Obama was hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side. He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988. During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from one to thirteen. He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens. Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.

In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, and president of the journal in his second year
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 07:50 am
This thread illustrates how the two most articulate of our right wing members argue based solely on their prejudices. The facts are easily found. Here, finn stoops to the ridiculous claim that Obama refused to work as a lawyer . . . when he had yet to attend law school.

I refused last night to be further drawn into whatever george is involved in, which seems to be that he is correct because his politics are on the right.

Finn made a fool of himself by posting misguided and unsupportable opinions.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2011 09:36 am
PrezBO is Missing and nobody wants to find him.
0 Replies

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