The amusing aspect of this reanimated lament is that "they" didn't do anything with Obama. He is and always has been the same guy for whom you and your confreres vote...twice.
Another amusing aspect is the pitiful excuses made for his failed presidency that are founded on the notion that somehow the minority party has managed to wield the power of a majority (even when both houses of congress were held by the president's party) and thwart the noble efforts of Prince Barrack.
Under any other scenario, the blaming of one’s failures on a minority of opponents would be universally seen as pathetic, and yet for the Demi-God who promised us he would change the world, both politically and physically, it’s A-OK.
Somehow, the man who promised us that his presence would slow the rise of the oceans and put an end to the aggression of anti-American groups and nations, just hasn’t been able to muster enough of his wondrous mojo to counter the opposition of Republicans.
There is no doubt that he will have a fairly large group of adorants who deny reality and forever claim his achievements, even while the house falls in around them, but with each passing year of his administration he continues to lose the adoration, admiration and even, to some extent, the support of those who heralded him as the transformative leader of our time.
In point of fact, he has been rather transformative. Unfortunately, the transformation he has managed has left the nation in desperate need of a transformative president to succeed him.