@Renaldo Dubois,
There are plenty of Americans that come up here for Health Care.
A quick google search will bring you to hundreds of pages on various issues on health care and how Americans are using our system. I invite you to investigate or do your own searches...
A few quick searches lead me to these:
Every year, there are in any group of "new" Canadians, pledging oaths at citizenship courts, many elderly Americans that are forced into bankruptcy because they can't afford your stellar care. In fact, I do believe they make up the majority of new citizens every year.
In fact, if you look at the stats, many Americans come north of the border for the "free health care" and stiff the system, when it comes time to pay the bills.
Then there are the tens of thousands of Americans who buy Canadian pharmaceuticals because they can't afford drugs at home.
You should really investigate more before you make uninformed arguments.
Myths about Canadian Health Care.
Now for the love of dog, please get back to the other lies.. I realize you are in the Health Care "Business" and it's your duty to protect your bread and butter, but spreading manure on the problem is not Truth.
On a side note, many of the Canadian going to the States for medical care are being funded by the Canadian system, not out of pocket.