-Terrorist attack in US by July. Martial Law declared, elections cancelled "for the duration of the emergency."
-Civil war in Iraq immediately after US names Chalabi President .
-Sharon Regime in Israel launches full scale attacks on Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt retaliate. "Low Yield" nuclear blast destroys Jerusalem.
-US, supporting its ally, launches military operations against Egypt, Syria, Jordan,etc... Administration couches this action in millenial fundy rhetoric. "Battling Islamic Antichrist, etc...."
-Russia, supporting the rest of the UNSC, condemns the actions of the US. Preisdent for Life Bush (or, as he likes to be called, "Our Lord") orders arrest of UN personnell. Summary arrests and executions of Arab Americans begin.
-Dissent is named treason, punishable by death.
-Courts dissolved in favour of tribunal system.
-Legislative branch disbanded in the name of national security. Few senators who resist executed, their bodies hung from lamposts on Capitol Hill.
-Bush orders Russia to removes its forces from the land of Zion.
-Nuclear strike launched at Russia, China.
-In retaliation, Washington, NY, Boston, LA, Denver, etc.. leveled.
-Happy new year.