Quote: I spend time on line researching ideas and resources for it and ASKING FOR HELP regarding getting my ideas developed and asking about getting resources.
Just asking for help, for the past six years, doesn't seem to have gotten you very far. In addition, you seem to reject the suggestions and advice offered to you.
You want "resources"? Why should anyone fund the ideas of someone with no employment or track record as either an artist or a businessman? You received a degree in animation, but never worked in that field. Now you want to change direction, but you still haven't obtained that degree in cartooning you have been talking about for years.
Why should a potential investor have any confidence in your ability to carry through with a goal? Why would a school even offer you a scholarship? How on earth could you convince anyone that you have the ability, acumen, and ambition, to create, publish, and distribute your own comic book? Making lots of posts on internet forums, some of which banned you or booted you out, qualifies you for nothing. Why should anyone want to provide you with the resources you need? Don't you think there are many talented and deserving people out there who might have more impressive credentials and attributes than you do--and who might be first in line when it comes to getting those resources?
Quote:A JOB and a CAREER are too different things. A JOB is what you do to earn money. A CAREER is your LIVELYHOOD.
If you are going to write letters, e-mails, or even posts, to help you establish your "career", and you want to impress anyone, you better start by improving your spelling and language usage: A job and a career are
two different things...A career is your
And, JGoldman10, a "livelihood" is a way of making money, so you don't quite understand what distinguishes a "job" from a "career". Both involve working and earning money to live.
Generally, a career involves some specific training, or education, or ability, that allows one to continue working within a particular field, and it may include holding jobs within that field by working for various employers, as well as being self employed. Generally, one must hold jobs in a particular field
before one can talk about it being
a career. You are nowhere near having a career, although you allegedly have plans to eventually pursue one.
Quote:Right now I am focusing on getting a good JOB-then I can focus on my ART CAREER.
You're not going to find a job hanging out in here, or any other internet forum. At the rate you're going, you will qualify for Social Security before you can go back to school, get another degree, and focus on your art "career".
If you need money for school, and that's important to you, get off your butt and find a job--any job--that will get you some money. Walk the streets looking for Help Wanted signs in store windows, read the classifieds in local newspapers or on the newspapers Web sites, and aggressively look for any opportunity that will provide you with an income of some sort. Even working at a fast food place, for minimum wage, pays better than posting on A2K.
What you need, JGoldman10, is to stop talking/posting and to start moving--in the real world. Talk is cheap, tuition isn't. Go find a job--any job!