IronLionZion wrote: "Muslim hatred [is] cranked up" is roughly the same extent that Christian violence towards Muslims has occured whenever possible.
You made your point clearly and effectively. I agree with it.
Religious fanatics of all persuasions have existed and perpetrated over centuries their murderous evils. These include Christian, and Jewish fanatics, as well as Muslim fanatics. However, we are currently facing in this century Muslim fanatics or
jihadists who are a threat to all humanity. They must be forcibly stopped and destroyed before they destroy the rest of us. Such use of force is called war and this current such use of force is WWIII
War is a horrible trade off between the
worst, appeasing and allowing the killing of millions of innocents, and the
least worst, killing both the guilty people using those innocent people as pawns and shields and hostages, plus thousands of innocent people.
Would it be better if we could simply sit down and negotiate away our mutual distrusts and hatreds ? Yes of course that would be better, if it worked. But is doesn't work. The historical evidence is considerable that negotiating with
jihadist fanatics, like negotiating with any other fanatics, encourages rather than discourages their hatred and lust for power. These
jihadists are like the Nazis and Shintoists of WWII. They'll be pleased to accept whatever we offer them to stop murdering us, but murder us anyway (e.g., Hitler, Arafat).
It's been said that one indication of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result each time. Too many of us repeatedly try appeasing fanatics even to the extreme of blaming ourselves for their fanaticism. We know what works in stopping fanatics. Killing them is what works; appeasing them does not work. Appeasing fanatics enourages them to greater fanaticism; it does not discourage them; it does not dissuade them; it excites them to perpetrate greater horrors in order to appease their self-induced hatred with greater power.
IronLionZion wrote: Where is the evidence of a Hussien/Al Qaida link?
The evidence exists in the same place as the evidence of almost 3,000 people killed by Terrorists in the US. The evidence exists in the same place as evidence of Hussein aiding and abetting Palestinian
jihadists against the Israelies with weapons and monetary rewards to families of
jihadists. The evidence exists in the same place as the evidence the US went into Afghanistan. The evidence exist in the same place as evidence the US went into Iraq. The evidence exists in the same place as evidence that there are
jihadists murdering innocents in Iraq.
The evidence is in the same daily news reports that have brought us all this other news.
Oh, yes the evidence of Hussien/Al Qaida links is overlooked or minimized by the self-appointed, self-annointed, experts. But the evidence is plainly there daily in the news for those capable of a modicum of independent logical thought that enables them to continually draw logically obvious implications. It's said by the self-annointed that all these
jihadists in Iraq are
new arrivals after Hussein's regime removal. Yeah, right

While there are many new arrivals, a large cadre of pre-regime-Saddam aided and abetted
jihadists existed and exist in Iraq to welcome and organize the new comers to help them avenge the removal of their former ally, Saddam Hussein. Why are these
jiadists killing innocents as well as soldiers in Iraq? They are killing innocents in Iraq as in Palestine and elsewhere to discourage innocents from joining those who want to improve their lives by destroying
jihadists everywhere.
The Iraqi
jihadists are all newcomers, the self-annointed claim. They think we are all stupid enough to believe that.
IronLionZion wrote: I never questioned your math. Rather, I noted it is irrelevent, as an unacceptable number - 10,000 is a conservative estimate - of innocent civilians have died in Iraq. The percentages you quote are utterly irrelevent numbers you wrap yourself in to avoid comprehending the human cost of the war.
You are wrong again

I think any killing of innocents, whether done by the perpetrators of evil or by those attempting to destroy the perpetrators of evil, is horrible. But it is clear to me, if not to you, that those guilty of the murder of that child are the perpetrators themselves and not the would be destroyers of perpetrators. If not for Saddam and the
jihadists, that child would probably be alive and well today. If we had not removed Saddam, that child and many many more would be murdered by the time they reached adulthood, if that long.
jihadists and their aiders and abettors must be destroyed before they destroy the rest of our children.