You previously asked:
IronLionZion wrote: Where is the evidence of a Hussien/Al Qaida link?
I answered your request for
Quote: ... The evidence is in the same daily news reports that have brought us all this other news.
Now you are apparently asking me to
provide the relevant parts of those news reports:
IronLionZion wrote: I missed the part where you provide evidence for Saddam Hussiens terrorists connections. Perhaps you could innumerate them for those as benighted as me.
The part you "missed", sir benighted,

was not what you previously requested.
I bet you realize I cannot satisfy your specific request without going to the various news sources with dollars in hand (e.g., NYT, WSJ, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, etc.) for transcripts, DVDs, or video tapes of the relevant news they published or broadcast. I cannot even do that for any of the other items I previously cited, that you already probably agree happened, without making the same investment of time and money. I'm not going to do that for either.
So I'll try some questions on you.
Why were so many UN members concerned about Saddam's alleged WMD, or as I prefer to designate them, WMM (i.e., Weapons of Mass Murder, e.g., toxic chemical agents, toxic bacterial agents, delivery vehicles of same)?
Did they anticipate that Saddam would use the WMM himself on other nations, or did they anticipate Saddam would distribute these WMM to terrorists, or both?
Why did they think either was a likely possibility?
Had Saddam given some terrorists any other ordinance?
It took 8 months for US troops to find Saddam cringing in a hole in Iraq. How long is a reasonable time to find materials for disassembled WMM that neither breath or eat, hiding in a hole in and/or outside of Iraq?