kara gets my vote too. How can I register?
Walter, surely a lot of Germans did protest at the rise of Hitler. And my understanding of history is that he could have been kept out of power, or at least kept under some sort of control had it not been for the powerful business interests that found it convenient to back him. You don't need me to tell you this, there were all sort of reasons that propelled Hitler to power, not just that there were too few Germans opposing him.
Could it happen elsewhere? Of course. But "democracies" have learned a hard lesson from what happened.
Now for the most encouraging piece of journalism I've read in a long while
John Kampfner writes in todays new Statesman.
Quote:"Tony Blair welcomes Libya's foreign minister to Downing street. Prince Charles goes to Tehran for talks with Iran's president. Two huge bombs go off in and around Baghdad, k9lling up to 100 people. Compare and contrast: the old fashioned policy of "constructive engagement" with states we called rogues and the strategic and security disaster that is Iraq.
Diplomacy, the practice of compromise and moral relativism, is back in fashion. The new world order proclaimed after 911, the pre emptive security doctrine fashioned by George W Bush and endorsed by Blair is fading away.
....At a recent conference on Iran, the US undersecretary and hawk in residence at the State Department, John Bolton, denounced the Europeans for engaging with the axis of evil. "I don't do carrots" he said. Behind the bombast however, therre is nowhere now for the Americans and the British to go. Blair has already rediscovered his fondness for diplpmats' favourite vegetable."
Farmerman started a very good thread on this point (the failing credibility of Bush's pre-emption doctrine)
Quote:kara gets my vote too.
Steve, do you have a link to the New Statesman article?
but its subscription. I wore out the ends of my little fingers to bring you the above quote.
<<Psst. Can you be sneaky and cut and paste? Or might it keep you awake tonight? :wink: >>
But, Iraq has already been Balkanized for over 100 years..................
Kara wrote:<<Psst. Can you be sneaky and cut and paste? Or might it keep you awake tonight? :wink: >>
<<<Actually, he wanted to cancel the subscrition. So we perhaps should be very glad to get just the summary?

DOes this mean the Balkans will be said in future to have been "Iraqized?"
Not unless they are exposed to have WMD's..........
Walter, great signature quote. Thanks.
A civil war in Iraq might actually benefit the Neo Cons. It would provide an excuse for a hard line "Scorched Earth" policy, which would justify more trops in the area, and provide the pretense for invasion of neighboring countries. Domestically, it could be linked with the phantom of "terrorism" and used to excuse further reductions of civil rights, and perhaps the suspension of the democratic process.
Sure I could cut and paste, but it leaves an annoying hole in my magazine
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:Sure I could cut and paste, but it leaves an annoying hole in my magazine
A hazard indeed.
Often I catch myself eating the glue...
You should be careful pdiddie, you dont want to get stuck to an addiction.
Once I quit bagging paint, I knew that spreading Elmer's on my sandwiches could only be a weekend splurge...
Here's an interesting front page news item from the San Jose Mercury News, "Almost all Iraqi exiles misled US, officials say." So much for "intelligence."