Quote:The long term battle against extremists and terrorists is years or decades long, not months, and it will take the utmost dedication and commitment, unlike a swift-strike war. We must, of course, guard our country from terror strikes as best we can, but our situation is strikingly similar to what Rumsfeld said about the attacks in Iraq: You can't stop everyone and you can't see everything before it happens. He is justifying it in Iraq when he would not justify it in this country. You cannot "impose" democracy. You must change peoples's hearts and minds.
Kara, these are words of wisdom. Why can't we have people with your "ear for truth" and analytical mind in Washington DC?? (You wouldn't care to run at the Dem convention, would you?? Aw---just an aside

- but a damn good thought!!!)
Also, neither do I think the Administration has "HATE" for muslims- in particular- but I do often wonder if they respect "life" and limb, in general!
Mr. Bush keeps repeating (just about every time I hear him 'speak' on tv)- "We have removed Saddam Hussien from power. This is important!"
Well, I would ask him WHY did he think it was so important... in the way it was done (respective to time frame and so-called 'reasons' given to the U.S. citizens). Great numbers of both coalition forces AND Iraqi citizens have lost their life- and the numbers MAIMED are horrifying! If ANYONE could prove we were in imminent danger from Iraq, I think it would have been proven by now. Just saying, "Oh well, we got a bad guy out of power", is just NOT ENOUGH.
It has been said on this forum and in the news media about a million times, Bush and company 'had an agenda'.... and I believe it.
PDiddie, Thanks for the link, "
Thanks for the memories". It says a Lot.