It seems that when leftists commit crimes,
that's OK, but when rightists do so,
then that is an outrageous scandal.
I remember when a replacement worker
was stabbed to death by a masked man
among the strikers of the NY Daily News,
maybe around 30 years ago.
NOTHING came of it.
No news of police doing anything whatsoever about it,
forgetting it; a murder by stabbing, in the midst of the strikers.
Then the strikers send out thugs,
scare candy store owners out of accepting
the News that was published without the strikers.
I remember sending the Daily News owners a check for $2OO.oo as a token.
(Thay sent it back with their thanks for my moral support.
Thay said that it had become a subject of much discussion
among senior executives and the Board
and thay published my supportive letter to the editor, covering that check.)
The moral of the story is:
when leftists commit crimes, that's deemed acceptable
and not the proper subject of scrutiny.
When rightists do so, that is a giant scandal.