mysteryman wrote:
I don't buy the crap being spread about Obama being a citizen or not.
Like it or not, he was born in Hawaii and it is not up to the governor to find Obama's birth certificate.
Even if he did find it, I am not sure he could legally release it.
But don't you find it interesting that the governor made it a priority of his, and he still can't find it ??
Also, why couldn't he legally release it, if it is an official document of the state?
I find it interesting that this is a new governor that just took office, so he takes a fresh approach to this issue. He resigned a safe congressional seat to run for governor, and he made this issue one of his top priorities. Yet, even with the State's bureaucracy at his direction to try to track down this document, how come it hasn't been found? He set out to totally dispel the birther movement, but instead he has only added more questions and fuel to the fire.
I am with you on the constitutional crisis, if somehow this weird story gains legs. It seems to raise all kinds of questions. It would have been far better to have a clear airing of Obama's past a long time ago. But instead, for whatever reasons, the mainstream media chose to blindly follow the herd.