yes, I scribbled the blue sky around the trees.
I think they'll have a reasonable archival life - paintings with oil on cardboard by Degas and Toulouse Lautrec are still ok. I don't know what kind of glues are used but they aren't wet with using pastels - though I did try intense watercolour on one and it worked pretty well, i then covered most of it up with pastel though. I haven't photographed that one yet.
It is nice to experiment, it stops me going onto automatic pilot!
I have a new project that I'm buckling down to this afternoon - twenty of us locals were asked by our art museum to submit small paintings for a small painting show. They gave us the canvases, 6" x 8".
I've worked small before, in that I once did seventeen paintings of italian country scenes on 12 x 16 canvases. Very handy size, especially for the non rich person who works in her breakfast nook, or as I did then, in my dining room. But, before and since that time, I've been happier painting larger, and my favorite sized canvas is three by four feet. Gives me room to move my elbows, y'know, without the cumbersomeness and expense of 4 x 5 foot canvases, though I like those too.
So here I am trying to paint on these few inches. I've been at it about a half hour now. Easy enough to cover the canvas, hah, but hard to take off bits. Harrumph, where are my rags, anyway?
yes, small canvasses have different problems don't they? and I know what you mean about moving the elbows.
I like 3ft-ish canvasses maybe best - I try not to work above 3ft 6in (3ft 6in wide - 5ft length max) on the whole as they fit into the car, which makes for a simpler life - currently working on a 3ft 6in square - I have this love affair with squares and long thin canvasses! Having said that I've just done a series of small paintings around the 10/12 inch size and really enjoyed doing them.
Will you post them when they are done? I'd love to see them. I like your work a lot.
Yes, I'll try to take a photo between finishing it - it's just one piece - and turning it in to the museum, whence they'll frame it (osso frowns, They'll frame it, ohhhh nooooo). I think they take photos too, for a poster they put out, if they can afford a photographer and posters this year, what with funding problems.
oh oh - they'll frame it - hope they do it ok! ah well at least it saves on cost.
I'm looking forward to seeing it, and Farmer's work.
Fear of Framing, a new symptom...
this is the other one on cork that I underpainted in watercolour. I used the St Petersburg watercolours that are fairly intense. They were quite interesting on the cork and some colours enhanced the texture really well, which probably won't show on this image.
Vivien, these are uniformly charming. I think you're on to something--to pay the bills.
Can anyone tell me if this has ever been done here on A2K?
I'm considering making a collage of A2K avatars as a fun project.
Could be interesting?
Well, reyn, someone, perhaps husker, did it as a christmas tree a few months ago.
From my point of view, have at it. Announce it first, and then if anyone has gripes, they have a venue for complaint.
Aaack, it wasn't husker. I am thinking it was Superjuly. Sorry for mistake.
Reyn, no matter if someone else has done it. Your effort will be unique. Just don't forget to include the black cat. And if you can, please put it on Osso's lap.
Oh, what a totally delightful idea, please, reyn, please.
Uh, oh, Pacco is barking.
What a jealous little dog, that Pacco.
Ok, ok......<grin> I'll do it starting tomorrow. Got 4 days off.
Official announcement:
I will be doing a collage of as many A2K avatars as I can reasonably fit into my work. If you do not want your avatar used in this project, please post below.
I think it is better to not put the onus of refusing on those who happen to see your last post, or not.
On the other hand, I assume people dont mind their avatars being fooled with
You might double check with the moderators to be sure.
Simply click on Contact Us below, and ask.
Reyn it sounds like fun - count me in if it isn't impossible because of the movement
an outstanding goal there reyn.