On the matter of how the paintings are stacked, including with things that look like iron googaws above, I sometimes like stacked paintings but more often don't; depends on how it's done and the constraints given the building. I had a negative reaction to the Pitti Palace museum in Florence for that reason, but that may have been just that day. Fbaezer, for one, really likes that museum. I can see from the photo in the article Tsar linked re the new Barnes that the stacking etc. could drive some nutso, including possibly me as I'd organize it differently given the chance, but it is what it is, and I take it there are a lot of terrific paintings there (along with some less terrific).
The Frick is what it is too, and I liked that once I got used to it.
Strangest hanging of great paintings I've seen was at the main museum, forget the name, in Perugia. They were hung on what looked like tall chain link fencing (including a Rafael).