If you do, let me know.
I did some pastels when still in studio art night school; the pastels nothing to write home about, as they say. 30 courses, I was nutso, loved it all, but pastels didn't get much of that time, and later I got into oil painting. In my later work life, I did a lot of hand drafting, and presentation drawings. At home, I stuck to painting as my thing.
Still I can like knowing the how to's of stuff.
I do have some older how-to art books, which, the truth, I have barely opened, and in any case I doubt they go into the matter of playing with different materials, particularly those that aren't the usual art store products. Still, a good art shop might have some know-how in this. I've found those kind of stores a few times over the years. (I don't mean chain stores.)
Hey, you might ask Realjohnboy - he's owned an art store in Charlottesville VA nearly forever, and it's one of those one of a kind stores. If he doesn't know, maybe one of his long time staff folks does.