@Night Ripper,
Easy there, tiger. You're fast making yourself very unpopular. Back off and act civil to other members, especially because your WAY out of line here.
Having been involved briefly on any site doesn't qualify you for immediate enstatement to all the site's functionality especially PMs. Can you understand the security risk if you actually WERE a spammer or hacker bad citizen, etc? Frankly it's functionality that you haven't earned, but that's beside the point.
Not saying you are hacker but why would anyone want to belong on a site where just ANYONE could get instant messaging access. It would a webmasters nightmare with spam elimination and more hack attacks consuming most of their maint time. Think about what kind of effect the access you're asking for would add to a webmaster and staff work load. There's not a team of people and a full time staff running things. I'm sure you have no frikkin idea the degree of work it takes for upkeep with this being a free site.
At some point you might get your head out your ass.