well, an update .
I have been on the 10mg for a while now. And the difference I saw before is still just.. amazing to me.
But I can tell it has begun to lose its strength. The piles of food have returned. Getting lost while driving, I forgot a client last week..blah blah blah.
I have started doing a few new things to help combat the spacey feeling.
I have google email set up to notify my phone when my calendar sends a work reminder. So not only willI see it on my computer, but on the off chance I dont make it home, I am getting mobile updates too.
THIS.. has been wonderful.
Yellow sticky notes on things help too
and keeping a small notebook near me. My phone, which I call a "semi smart phone

(Its not android or anything, but carries internet and has tons of features ) allows me to start writing notes any where , any time and stores them all by date. So even if I am working, and I remember something, I can pause, write the note and set it for an update.
I feel scattered with all of these "update" options.. but.. it works. So until it is refined... here we are . ha
Just saw my doc yesterday and explained the lack of effectiveness...so he upped the drug.
I am not really looking forward to this. The buzzy feeling from the 10mg has finally subsided , and i bet it will come back now. Sometimes it makes me sweaty. Just gross.
But, I was productive, and turning my jobs around. I actually HAD projects that I was able to finish and now putting into calendars... Advertising..etc..
Again.. I see the benefit...just loathe the side effects..