thats exactly what I mean.
The first photo, J.... he is a photographer too.
With him he always has his stuff, his stress, his life, his phone his laptop..etc..etc.
There were 2 shots I took that day, that one and this one -
this one was just before that first one I posted.
When he opened his laptop and saw the email that said the shoot was off after him and I spent 2 hours trying to find a spot to do it in.
Again.....not technically perfect but it is ALL about him. All about who he is and you can hear the story of the setting as you look at the photo even if I do not narrate..
R's photo?
Was, in my head about SO much more than what I got.
That was the first time I picked up my camera after I started taking the meds.
Him and I went to a cemetery off of 183 outside of Buda. That place was full of really awesome things but I handed him my camera and let him shoot.
When he stood in that field, I was farther away and I just stared at him. It was a great setting, great image... and again.. in my head, you could have heard a story behind it with out any words.
but what I got was .. stoic.. I even struggled with it a bit.
That was a month ago.
I have taken a few since then attempting to work with that... stoic stuff.
Here is Wally Tea taken just last week -
and another good comparison, here is a pool game I shot for MJ's bar a few months ago. (before meds)
I wont fill space with more photos.. I think the point is made.
But yeah
it changes everything.