The Republican Nomination For President: The Race For The Race For The White House

Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 11:40 am
Obama has no plans to improve the US economy or job situation.

He has a fall back plan, h20guy. If all else fails, he's going to hire GWB as his top adviser on all things economic.
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 11:43 am

His speech will be all about getting himself re-elected.

Huntsman is not a worthy republican candidate and that's why democrats like him.

Obama has no plan to help the US economy recover from his own destructive policies.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 11:45 am
Obama has one fallback plan. If all else fails, make the situation so bad that he is forced to declare martial law keeping him in power as long as possible.
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 11:57 am
So you don't think that hiring GWB as the top economic adviser is all that great an idea?
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 12:02 pm
The better idea is to kick Obama to the curb
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 12:05 pm
So you don't think that hiring GWB as the top economic adviser is all that great an idea? Why would that be?
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 12:28 pm

I understand your longing for the days of GWB, but those days are long gone, he was replaced by the inexperienced man child we call Obama.
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 01:05 pm
I know this is too long to fit into the understanding for the typical water-dude retort, but here goes.

Let the idiot from Crawford stay in Texas--he's was and remains clueless. And the Dark Lord of the Sith is busy burning bridges.

If I was to recommend a returning political POTUS he'd probably come from Hope. At least the man from Hope was intelligent enough to understood political processes.

The problem today IMO, is that the new GOP has drifted so far to the bed of the righteous right that they've forgotten that the purpose of politics is self-interested compromise, not ignorant character assassination. And that is why they are destined to fail.

I hope intelligence returns to the GOP--I look forward to being able to being able to proudly and publicly support a GOP ticket.. Unfortunately in the time of the Tea Party Know-Nothings, Paul or Romney don't stand a chance.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 01:43 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I totally agree. The degree to which Republicans have gotten their panties in a wad over this non-issue is stunning. It's absolutely ******* pathetic and indicative of deeper problems with accepting that Obama is the prez on their parts.

This, more than any other factor, is what motivates me to work hard for Obama's re-election; I'd love for him to win, and spend 4 years rubbing it in the face of the mouth-breathers we have here on A2K.


The intensity of your unfounded criticism's of Republicans in this sad affair gives the lie to your claims. The only panties in a wad here are your own.

I, and most conservative commentators, have viewed it as a strange, but sad and self-defeating spectacle. Hardly worth it to criticize one who is making a fool of himself unassisted by opposition.
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 01:52 pm
Lay out the facts, Gob, the sequence of events, just like you always do. [ Laughing ]
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 02:07 pm
Cy, perhaps you could enlist Gob numero uno to help you flesh out your contention that the US is not a terrorist state.

You couldn't really employ a more deceptive guy, unless of course, you also took on Finn.

Toss up?
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 02:22 pm
From what I've read, the White House panties are in a wad, with reports that the president is outraged.

It really was a pathetic political move by the White House.

If anyone really believes it was a concidence that they tried to schedule the speech for the same time as the GOP debate, I have a bankrupt solar energy company in which I would like them to invest.

Whether or not it is early, by historical standards, to begin a campaign for re-election, Obama's is in full swing which means everything he does (and especially this speech) has campaign considerations, and so you can be certain that Axlerod and his droogs pondered long and hard about when to present it.

Why would they pick this time though?

In part because they were fairly certain that the Republicans would balk and they could then add another few lines to their current favorite narrative: "lack of respect," and "unwillingness to get serious and put politics aside." Indeed, look how well it worked with Cyclo who subscribes to a direct feed of Democrat talking points.

Another distinct possibility is that they know this speech is going to be a dud, that it will offer nothing of substance and that it is likely to be poorly received. In such a case it would be better to share the news spotlight with the GOP debate that the Media hope will involve fireworks between Perry and Romney.

No less a political animal then James Carville thinks it was a stupid move, and so Obama supporters can now choose between two depressing explanations:

1) It really was a coincidence and the White House is so internally focused and out of touch that it blundered its way into a petty dust-up that makes them look petty.

2) It was a deliberate political strategy by a gang that can't shoot straight.

Talk about your Sophie's Choice.
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 02:28 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Cycloptichorn wrote:

I totally agree. The degree to which Republicans have gotten their panties in a wad over this non-issue is stunning. It's absolutely ******* pathetic and indicative of deeper problems with accepting that Obama is the prez on their parts.

This, more than any other factor, is what motivates me to work hard for Obama's re-election; I'd love for him to win, and spend 4 years rubbing it in the face of the mouth-breathers we have here on A2K.


The intensity of your unfounded criticism's of Republicans in this sad affair gives the lie to your claims. The only panties in a wad here are your own.

How can you say that? I don't give a **** WHEN Obama gives his speech! Does it really matter if it's Wed. or Thurs. night? No. So what's the big deal?

You don't see Democrats complaining about this - only Republicans.

I, and most conservative commentators, have viewed it as a strange, but sad and self-defeating spectacle. Hardly worth it to criticize one who is making a fool of himself unassisted by opposition.

Yeah, right. Conservative criticism over Obama scheduling his speech 'during the debate' has been loud and vocal.

Besides - what's so strange about it? Obama requested to address a joint session of Congress on their first day back. Boehner asked him to move it to the next night. Obama agreed, even though no presidential request of this fashion has ever been denied or even asked to be moved in the past. So who is making a fool of themselves here? Boehner and his supporters such as yourself.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 02:30 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You're exactly the mouth-breather I had in mind when I wrote that line, Finn.

From what I've read, the White House panties are in a wad, with reports that the president is outraged.

According to who, exactly? My guess is it's according to the 'Republican talking points' that you subscribe to. Wouldn't you agree that you do such a thing, based on your commentary here?

Your party is full of panty-waist morons, who fall over with false outrage continuously. And perhaps this is a, if not the, major reason why approval ratings for the Republican party are in the ******* gutter. Literally the lowest ever recorded.

Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 02:45 pm
A spit ball contest to see whose party is the scummiest.

Earth to US Space Cadets - they are both god awful blood suckers.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 02:50 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
If anyone really believes it was a concidence that they tried to schedule the speech for the same time as the GOP debate, I have a bankrupt solar energy company in which I would like them to invest.

I suppose you know that Solyndra is available....

MELISSA BLOCK, host: In May of last year, President Obama went to Silicon Valley to visit Solyndra, a solar panel maker. It was part of the president's push for green jobs.

President BARACK OBAMA: The future is here. We're poised to transform the ways we power our homes and our cars and our businesses.

BLOCK: Solyndra got $535 million in federal loans. It got another billion dollars in private investment, much of that from a key Democratic fundraiser. But yesterday, suddenly, the clean energy company shut down. More than a thousand workers were dismissed without severance.

George Avalos is a business reporter with the Bay Area Newsgroup and he's been covering the Solyndra story. George, welcome to the program.

GEORGE AVALOS: Thanks for having me on. I appreciate it.

BLOCK: Now, Solyndra says it will be seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Walk us through what happened here. Why did this company go under?

AVALOS: The bottom-line appears to be that the company, although it had innovative technology and has innovative technology - these cylindrical solar tubes that can convert sunlight into electricity - they were never able to get their manufacturing costs low enough to be competitive with solar panel manufacturers in China, as well as solar manufacturer companies here in the United States.

When Solyndra initially began to ramp up manufacturing, costs were approximately five times as great as competitors. Even within recent months, analysts estimated that at best, Solyndra was still twice to three times more expensive for their modules than competitors in China and the United States.

BLOCK: The $535 million in loan guarantees came from the Energy Department. That had drawn scrutiny before, both from Republicans in Congress, and also from auditors with the Government Accountability Office. They said this deal wasn't properly vetted.

AVALOS: Right. There are a lot of concerns and a lot of controversy related to this. And there have been investigations. There have been complaints that there wasn't enough cooperation with the two House panels that have been the primary investigators of all this. In a lot of ways, this was really the first of these sorts of loan guarantees for these cutting-edge solar companies by the DOE. It was their first major swing at providing this financing under the Obama administration.

And now it's caused sort of a negative sort of outlook for the industry, but as well as for just how financially sound was it to provide so much money to a company that had never made money. There was never a point where it looked like they were going to make money, at least in the near future.

BLOCK: A spokesman for the Energy Department said, after this news came out: We can't stop investing in game changing technologies. You do wonder if Solyndra's failure illustrates a broader problem for the solar industry. Or is it really unique to this one company?

AVALOS: Well, that's one of the big questions that a lot of people are pondering today. Because, you know, on the one hand you can argue that, okay, they never really figured out a good way to produce these products. Other companies are being more successful. In Oakland, you have a company called Sungevity that's hiring hundreds of people.

So there's some success stories but there are also other companies that have recently gone bankrupt. So, there is some real questions as to just how wise these investments are.


Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 03:10 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Good! It's about time he got outraged about something --- anything. Let's see some outrage going forward and maybe we'll get somewhere!

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 03:13 pm
As a former community organizer, he's not capable of outrage! Hope is always in his playbook.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 03:41 pm
I have a deviated septum, it's not my fault I can't breath through my nose, and here you are making fun of my disability. Sometimes I don't hink you really are a Liberal Cyclo.


Don't strain yourself working for a failed re-election bid by The Expected One.
Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 03:46 pm
Of course he wants compromise.

(clenches fists)

I did not vote for the great compromiser.
I get his instincts, but it is elementarily stupid to put them out in front.
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