@cicerone imposter,
You could easy get $2.50 a gallon. You just make leisure drivers as ashamed as those ladies who wore fur coats were made to feel ashamed. Booing gas guzzlers. Anything below 5o mpg. 10 years gas would be $1.50.
And the GOP men are only "talking" about it. The important signals have been sent out already. Everything else is one-liners. We all know where they stand on certain issues and we know where Mr Obama stands on them too.
Who knows what the gas price means to them? I would rather have $10 gas and a NHS than $2.50 and a permanent anxiety about going broke everytime I feel a twinge. Too right.
Something has to be done about anybody being kept on life support until their cash runs out. If only on behalf of the beneficiaries of 88 year old coma patients costing $5,000 a week to keep going. All the dough would end up with the medical companies. Assuming I've got my evolution science straight on such a simple principle.
One might watch a fin turn into a wing with that one. See evolution at work in organisms called bureaucracies.