revelette wrote:
Regardless of the president's motives or even Boehner's , the fact remains, they did call, no objection was made. A white house staff tweeted the details before Boehner's office looked at logistics and decided the next day would be better. The WH agreed.
Yet another strange episode of either inplausible incompetence in the White House or childish game-playing, pouting and stupidity. The fact that they so quickly folded their cards after themselves putting the Speaker of the House (# 3 in succession and the leader of an independent branch of the government) in an awkwatd position, leaving him no alternative, without betraying his political party, but refusal ... indicates a profound lack of adult seriousness on the part of the president. What the hell did they suppose the Speaker of the House would do ????
These may be some of the artifices used by community organizers in game-playing and influencing those they wish to manipulate, but they are not the actions of anyone who has ever exercised accountable executive authority in running any serious undertaking.
Our president continues a spectacle of ever stranger illustrations of his lack of depth and gravitas, together with suggestions of childish arrogance and self-absorption. Beyond these there is his increasingly evident inability to seriously engage the unfolding issues before the country. He is fairly adept rhetorically and at positioning himself in the political dance, but that appears to be all he has to offer us. The last remaining year of this failed Presidency is likely to be difficult for us all.