The Republican Nomination For President: The Race For The Race For The White House

Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:14 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Why aren't more advertisers cutting ties with Limbaugh? Seems that the consumers should stop buying from those companies still funding the Limbaugh show.

How about buying from countries run by torturers and deniers of free speech. Is that still okay?

You bloody silly moo ci.

All these arguments are circular. Look how rl used "decent". Mr Limbaugh thinks it decent to discourage contraception possibly for more reasons than I feel I ought to mention.

None of which have been opposed.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:17 pm
We already buy stuff from countries where they torture their own citizens. Have you ever heard of China? Even your country is "guilty."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:19 pm
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:21 pm
Quicken Loan just wrote on their facebook page they will be pulling ads from Limbaugh. Joining Sleep Train and Select Comfort.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:22 pm
more Rush sponsors pulling out

AutoZone (UPDATE: They appear to have dropped Rush!)
eHarmony (UPDATE: eHarmony says it is NOT an advertiser with Rush)
Sleep Train: (UPDATE: Victory! They have pulled their ads! (source)
Quicken Loans (UPDATE: Appears to be a victory here too, as they are reportedly pulling ads as well!)
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:27 pm
By By Rush Limbaugh. I guess Herman Cain will have a New full time Job.
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:34 pm
@reasoning logic,
Social networks are an interesting phenomena as people rush to fill the pages of Rush's advertisers.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 04:57 pm
I did not know that Rush was owned by Bain Capital did you?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 05:43 pm
Pulling ads is advertising. Jumping on the leftie bandwagon. Executives with their nipsies all a twitter.

Thanks for the list, blue. Companies to avoid in my estimation.

It might be a good idea. People who oppose contraception buying exclusively from one group of companies and people who are in favour of contraception buying off another group of companies.

Could get interesting.
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 05:53 pm
Ethical consumption. Get sound rib supports. And make sure the floor is clean. Rolling on the floor laughing your arse off is no good when the floor is full of ****.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 06:27 pm
are you opposed to contraception, spendi?
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 06:41 pm
who gives a **** what you think on any subject? surely few if any around here. You seem like a smart fellow. I'm surprised you don't get that.
Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 05:39 am
Yes. Artificial contraception. It ruins the sex life of those using the industrial methods employed. In fact there is no sex life with it. There's no need to be a Catholic to know that. It's obvious. It's match fixing to ensure male orgasm wins every time. It's misogyny.

That's why its proponents won't define "sex" when asked and why rl when asked what is his chosen method replies by asking whether I wish to date him. And why he relies on allegations that people are sociopaths and psychopaths to make his argument.

Draw near, woman, and hear what I have to say. Turn your curiosity for once towards useful objects, and consider the advantages which nature gave you and society has ravished away. Come and learn how you were born the companion of man and became his slave; how you grew to like the condition and think it natural; and finally how the long habituation to slavery so degraded you that you preferred its sapping but convenient vices to the more difficult virtues of freedom and repute. If the picture I shall paint leaves you in command of yourselves, if you can contemplate it without emotion, then go back to your futile pastimes; "there is no remedy; the vices have become the custom."

Choderlos de Laclos, On the Education of Women. 1783.

Quoted by Germaine Greer in The Female Eunuch.

Ms Greer follow it by saying--

The castration of women has been carried out in terms of a masculine-feminine polarity, in which men have commandeered all the energy and streamlined it into an aggressive conquistatorial power, reducing all heterosexual contact into a sado-mashochistic pattern. This has meant the distortion of our conceps of Love.

And you can see from the language used on here how very important it is to some men to maintain the situation of the castrated woman.

Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 05:55 am
spendius wrote:

Yes. Artificial contraception. It ruins the sex life of those using the industrial methods employed. In fact there is no sex life with it. There's no need to be a Catholic to know that. It's obvious. It's match fixing to ensure male orgasm wins every time. It's misogyny.

That's why its proponents won't define "sex" when asked and why rl when asked what is his chosen method replies by asking whether I wish to date him. And why he relies on allegations that people are sociopaths and psychopaths to make his argument.

Have you ever spoken to any women about whether or not they want to use contraception mate? I've still to come across one who resents not having to pump out kids like a production line.

RL clearly misses the point on almost everything, he has decided that sociopaths and psychopaths are the cause of all that's wrong with society He's like a fundamentalist Christian blaming the Devil for his car breaking down. When someone is convinced they are right, they are a stranger to reason.

You'd have more success convincing Billy Graham to wear a pinafore dress and change his name to Delores than you would in persuading RL to abandon his belief in psychopathic behaviour being the one true Devil.
Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 07:03 am
who gives a **** what you think on any subject? surely few if any around here. You seem like a smart fellow. I'm surprised you don't get that.

Are you trying to browbeat me with idiotic words to tailor my contributions on A2K to meet the standards of most people. ci. states regularly that you are all stupid. In which case you are pressuring me to address myself to the stupid.

**** off you silly twat. Mind your own words on here and I'll mind mine. If you want to address me then address my posts and not some personal fantasies of your own about what I seem to be or what I do or don't get based upon you not reading properly.

Those who don't give a **** about what I have to say should act accordingly and not start jumping up and down as if they are parading some sort of superior stance. Put me on Ignore eh? That's for people who don't give a ****. At least it will save you embarrassing yourself with gumpy remarks like those you have seen fit to regale the thread with to no purpose.

You get that.

Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 08:22 am
Sen. Scott Brown rejects Rush Limbaugh slur of student

Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown is joining Democrats in calling on radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh to apologize for calling a law student "a slut" for testifying before Congress about the need for birth control coverage.

A Brown spokesman said that as the father of two daughters, the senator found the remarks offensive and reprehensible and believes Limbaugh should apologize.

Brown’s comments came after Massachusetts Democratic Party Executive Director Clare Kelly called on him to condemn Limbaugh’s remarks.

Scott Brown co-sponsored the Blunt Bill and is running against Warren, hardly a leftie.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 08:24 am
Have you ever spoken to any women about whether or not they want to use contraception mate? I've still to come across one who resents not having to pump out kids like a production line.

Of course I have discussed such matters with ladies.

Nobody has to do anything in this regard. As I have pointed out, and as Finn has also, there is no compulsion. There isn't even compulsion regarding state run contraception presaging totalitarianism. I have no opinion on whether we need totalitarian government or otherwise. It is not taking a position to point out that state run artificial contraception leads directly to totalitarian control of women. To the Hatchery.

Many people benefit from totalitarian procedures. In the short term at least. They might even be necessary in this complex and dangerous world.

Coitus is the be all and end all for men. It is not for women. Men projecting their own values on women is rank misogyny. Words can be found to defend any position.

Contraception leads to the breakdown of marriage. Sometimes it is put up with, or managed, and more and more it is not.

Two can live as cheaply as one is heresy to Big Business. Think of newspaper sales if everybody was divorced. Furniture sales. Look at what is shared in a marriage.

I know how the slippery customers work. They tempt. Lure people on and when they get to where they are got to they have to pretend it is wonderful because to not do flags up social failure.

The process is so complex that it gets inexplicable and it becomes just a sure feeling. Who would go on a site called Able 2 Know if things had not got inexplicable?

That doesn't apply to me by the way. I was forced on by friends. I resisted them for years. There I was with my feet up all that time, reading and smoking and suchlike, taking the piss out of them thinking they were in some sort of relationship with all these silly sods from around the world looking for answers to their predicament or, more likely, promoting their own predicament. They got so fed up with me that they eventually demanded I try it. Well--I agree with the proposition that you can't know about something until you've tried it. Homosexuals will say that too. Bank robbers. So I was stuck. Right. What am I interested in was next. I'm truculently grunting. One of the ladies grinned sheepishly. Philosophy I replied. I'll see if I can shut that bunch of freeloading silly fuckers down once and for all. Right. Philosophy was Googled. Able 2 Know stood out as the only understandable spiel. It was American and it was said to be "prestigious". That'll do then. Click click clickety click and I'm asked for my e-mail number. How the **** would I know what my ******* e-mail number is. What's a ******* e-mail. I've raised my voice a bit. Next I have to have a "username". After it was explained to me what one of them was I ran through all my favourite "sacrificed hero" characters. I nearly chose Valmont but it was really OTT romantic so I chose the name of Flaubert's wonderful hero in Salammbo. That was so that anybody who wants to know me better has only to read that masterpiece to find out. I'm not sure Valmont should really have treated Madame de Trouvel as he did. But I don't know what the lady who put him up to it was like.

Anyway--click click every trip--I can't remember the exact order of events but suddenly an avatar appeared, which I had been told is intended to convey the essence of the cyber character, picturing in tasteful sideshot the lower half of a female person in black high heels, black stockings, unwrinkled, held up by what we call a black frilly suspender belt, and the lower edges of a black shift with embroidered edgings. I can't remember whether there were cute, little red bows where the suspender belt clasp, a shiny one, gripped the stockings. I shouldn't be surprised to be informed that there was.

And her username was Lola.

Had I started with Joe Nation the experiment would have fizzled out fairly fast.

And I found myself having the sort of fun I have often enjoyed in the many pubs I have so shamefully frequented along the long road of weary woe which we tread with plodding steps.

I wasn't looking for it. That's the best way to find things. Not look for them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 10:03 am
The hell of it is that Limbo is just loving the attention that this is getting him. No matter the outcome, it continues his fame on the air and keeps his next contract extension certain. He doesnt care how far up his ass he keeps his head, just as long as we get his name right.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 11:51 am
The hell of it is that Limbo is just loving the attention that this is getting him. No matter the outcome, it continues his fame on the air and keeps his next contract extension certain. He doesnt care how far up his ass he keeps his head, just as long as we get his name right.


I think the guy is sitting around laughing at how some people are playing right into his hands...including all the advertising withdrawals. My guess is he is hoping his "fans" boycott the companies who pull out...and that it is reported. I am sure he figures that kind of thing will make him look more powerful than the fat, obnoxious bag of crap that he is.
Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 11:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
I am sure he figures that kind of thing will make him look more powerful than the fat, obnoxious bag of crap that he is.

He has power, which comes wholly from the vacuum of leadership in Washington. Rush is filling a need, so there is no need for hostility towards him. What the power of Rush should tell you is that Washington is currently a very dysfunctional place. All of this hyperventilation about one guy is a diversion from what matters, from the work that we need to do.

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