Herbert Hoover said in 1940--
Quote:In every single case before the rise of totalitarian governments there had been a period dominated by economic planners.
Appropriations from Congress for the purpose of contraception are applying economic planning to the female reproductive system. The Church is simply leaving such matters to nature. I don't see how the Church can be said to be seeking control over the female reproductive systems when it is for leaving them alone.
He also said--
Quote: The moment responsibilities of any community, particularly in economic and social questions, are shifted from any part of the nation to Washington, then that community has subjected itself to a remote bureaucracy. . . . It has lost a large part of its voice in the control of its own destiny.
And state organised contraception is both an economic and a social issue. A dream world for frustrated eugenicists.
And President Hoover also said--
Quote:Each time I knew before I spoke that our people would not believe that the impairment of freedom could happen here. Yet each subsequent four years has shown these warnings to have been too reserved, too cautious.
The position of the Republican candidates is thus explained as an attempt to hold back totalitarianism. Contraception being one of the few significant areas of life which remains in the hands of the people.
The other side have been lying through their teeth about the Church seeking to control women. The precise opposite is the case. It is the other side, as befits socialists, which is seeking not just control of women but Total Control.
Getting contraception "free" is the juicy bait on the hook. And watch the control freaks weave their sophistries and lies around it as if they are going to save us all when all they are actually doing is exposing their soft underbelly.