The Republican Nomination For President: The Race For The Race For The White House

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 04:05 pm
Men have condom that is placed on the penis. Women have condom that's inserted inside their vigina. Equal rights. Where are men's rights taken away?
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 04:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
On top of all that, the conservatives are pushing social issues rather than debating about jobs and the economy.

Wherever did you get the idea that social issues are not intimately connected with jobs and the economy. The connection is the whole bloody point.

The Church would let itself fade away in the US rather than compromise on these matters. The "empty churches" argument is a fatuity. The churches are empty in N. Korea. I gather they are filling up again in Russia and in China.

Mr Santorum deserves credit for raising these issues and the moreso if him doing so loses him the nomination or the election.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 04:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You know Spendius wants the right to knock up any woman any time he wants too with or without her agreement.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 04:14 pm
Wherever did you get the idea that social issues are not intimately connected with jobs and the economy.
The GOP does not realize that critical "social issues" arise spontaneously when people dont have enough jobs to go around , or that only a flimsy few are enjoying the top of the hog (and the roe of the paddlefish).

0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 04:16 pm
You know Spendius wants the right to knock up any woman any time he wants to
Thats the CAtholic and GOP way. Prevent all nubile women from exercising their rights of choice.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:12 pm
You wrote,
Wherever did you get the idea that social issues are not intimately connected with jobs and the economy. The connection is the whole bloody point.

Prove it? One only needs to look at some of the poorest countries to see that what you claim is not only bogus, but based on total ignorance.

Senate Blocks G.O.P. Bill Opposing Contraception Policy

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday killed a Republican effort to let employers and health insurance companies deny coverage for contraceptives and other services to which they have religious or moral objections.

Boehner Vows to Continue Contraception Fight (March 1, 2012)

The vote was 51 to 48. In effect, the Senate upheld President Obama’s birth control policy. The policy guarantees that women have access to insurance coverage for contraceptives at no charge, through an employer’s health plan or directly from an insurance company.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:28 pm
@cicerone imposter,
And a big HURRAH for Olympia Snow who refused to bend to the extremists in her party.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:45 pm
You know Spendius wants the right to knock up any woman any time he wants too with or without her agreement.

Don't be so ******* ridiculous RABEL. Have you really no idea what a misogynistic wally that comment proves you are?

Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:52 pm
he's got you confused with hawkeye, methinks...
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:53 pm
That's not ridiculous! You said the economy controls social issues - including what men can say about women's contraception.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 05:59 pm
Thats the CAtholic and GOP way. Prevent all nubile women from exercising their rights of choice.

Explain to me fm what rights of choice are being denied? And this time don't run away into a wisecrack. Let's have an explanation of what you mean.

You're talking about the right of choice to be allowed to not be an inconvenience to you due to the nubile lady's biology which you understand enough of to be aware of the basics.

What a bunch of fundie misogynists you lot are.

I thought you might keep your head down on these matters fm after your ghastly error of admitting sweating on "being late" after you had shown yourself not bothering about the process at the time.

I wouldn't push it if I was you. I might just put you in the reality picture.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:02 pm
spendi, Are you really that ignorant? The GOP is trying to destroy Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides health services to women.

Yes, you are that ignorant.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
51 to 48 proves very little. The vote on the war in Iraq went 100 to 0 or thereabouts and you opposed that.

Anyway--I asked you a question ci and you have turned away from answering it. Here it is again--

What right of women is being interfered with by opposing artificial birth control? To tempt without risk. Is that it? It's cheating isn't it?
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:20 pm
spendi, It's the difference between win or lose; the final result is what counts - even in sports.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,
spendi, Are you really that ignorant? The GOP is trying to destroy Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides health services to women.

And you are defining what "health services to women" are. Your position is entirely circular and any woman who takes any notice of your woman hating drivel must have been hypnotised by the propaganda of those industries which supply the demand for the horrible and disgusting implements, devices and chemicals they supply to your obvious satisfaction.

Mailer said that planned parenthood was evil.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:31 pm
I'm not defining anything. Planned Parenthood provides
Our committed, professional staff provides high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care for millions of women, men, and teens.

Their primary service clients are women, but that's because most do not have private health insurance.

FYI, I do not influence Planned Parenthood in any way; their services are directed by their Board of Directors.
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 08:45 am
@cicerone imposter,
spendi, It's the difference between win or lose; the final result is what counts - even in sports.

exactly right. If it was in the other direction, I imagine the likes spendius would be crowing right now.

These are the services which are provided by Planned Parenthood

AFFiliATe MedicAl services suMMAry*
sTi/sTd TesTing And TreATMenT — 38.0 PercenT oF services in 2010
STI Tests, Women and Men 3,552,955
Genital Warts (HPV) Treatments 51,197
HIV Tests, Women and Men 574,901
conTrAcePTion — 33.5 PercenT oF services in 2010
Reversible Contraception Clients, Women** 2,219,726
Emergency Contraception Kits 1,461,816
Female sterilization procedures 605
Vasectomy Clients 3,290
cAncer screening And PrevenTion — 14.5 PercenT oF services in 2010
Pap Tests 769,769
HPV Vaccinations 34,130
Breast Exams/ Breast Care 747,607
Colposcopy Procedures*** 41,549
LOOP/LEEP Procedures*** 2,432
Cryotherapy Procedures*** 1,254
oTHer WoMen’s HeAlTH services — 10.4 PercenT oF services in 2010
Pregnancy Tests 1,113,460
Prenatal Services 31,098
AborTion services — 3.0 PercenT oF services in 2010
Abortion Procedures 329,445
oTHer services — 0.6 PercenT oF services in 2010
Family Practice Services, Women and Men 35,062
Adoption Referrals to Other Agencies 841
Other Procedures, Women and Men**** 32,229
ToTAl services 11,003,366
*Patient Care Provided by Planned Parenthood Affiliate Health Centers in 2010


Abortion only take 3.0% of planned services. Contraception take up 33.5%. They had 1,113,460 pregnancy tests and 329,445 abortion procedures. That is a 784,015 difference.

Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 09:11 am
@cicerone imposter,
I'm not defining anything. Planned Parenthood provides

(see ci's copy of PP's PR handout)

And it's a dynamic entity. It seems to be expanding. If trust-busting doesn't apply to such laudable objectives and the expansion continues then it will have to be nationalised. Think of the jobs.

There's no limit to the demand for high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care.

So the argument at the political level is whether the expansion should continue, with various items inserted into News broadcasts, and what-not, to assist in that expansion, or whether it should be let down a bit, continuing the balloon metaphor, in case the expansion reaches a point where it pops of its own accord without the need for a pin.

And that's assuming that the objectives of the PP, which is staffed by people very much like ourselves, (see Leveson Enquiry), are to be met; which the Church doesn't think they will be. The PP outfit does need people to need high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care. The Church thinks, as Ivan Illich did, that the financial expansion can be increased by making people sick.

And what about other aspects of society competing with the PP for resources?

Politicians can't afford to be only thinking about one of those in isolation as you are doing. Resources the PP use have been withdrawn from everything else.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 09:20 am
Meanwhile on the GOP nomination:

RCP Average 2/16 - 2/29 -- -- 35.3 Romney / 29.3Santorum / 14.8Gingrich / 11.3Paul

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 09:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
spendi, It's the difference between win or lose; the final result is what counts - even in sports.

No it isn't. When opposition is significant the mandate is weakened. A minority of 48 in 100 cannot be ignored. And as far as I've gathered on here minorities are protected under the constitution.

When it comes to Prop 8 the Constitution is invoked to protect the losers and when it's the Senate you are not invoking it. Seems to me you are playing ducks and drakes with the Constitution.

Prop 8 had a majority. It can't be compared to sport because winning or losing is never a fixed thing until the game ends and the political game goes on and on and on. It ebbs and flows. There's 2016 and 2020 to think about.

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