The Republican Nomination For President: The Race For The Race For The White House

Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 01:12 pm
Not every lady who is "outstanding in the field" is a farmer blue.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 01:07 am
y Paul Kane, Monday, February 27, 11:29 AM

Despite the extraordinary amounts of time, money and political energy being expended by both sides, the 2012 elections are unlikely to resolve the partisan gridlock and paralysis that have defined Capitol Hill during the past year.

A key reason is that the Senate, which will provide some of the most competitive and expensive contests on the election calendar, is likely to function, or not, in January 2013 the way it does now, regardless of which party holds the majority. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are expected to make the sort of sweeping gains at the polls that are necessary to take effective control of the chamber, where work has been hobbled by a constant flow of filibusters and other political and procedural gimmicks.


Making my oft repeated point that this election is not going to change anything. Washington is very broken, and we are far far away from being willing to deal with this problem. We need something dramatic, like for instance a new party, or a revolution.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 02:06 am
It'll probably require and new party and a revolution. What we have now stinks!

Our biggest challenge is our economy and jobs, and the candidates are talking about contraception! God, how did we get this far?
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 02:20 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

It'll probably require and new party and a revolution. What we have now stinks!

Our biggest challenge is our economy and jobs, and the candidates are talking about contraception! God, how did we get this far?

I think stupidity, lack of hope and lack of work ethic all give the economy a run for its money in being our nations worst problem, but point taken.
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 03:17 am
But "work", hawk, is low class. Blue collar. Unbecoming. And the middle class is "huge".

Don't forget Veblen's Law: Waste=Status, Use=Odium.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 02:04 pm
You can blame the voters who seem to vote for gridlock while piously complaining about the gridlock they caused with their voting habits. Too many voters consider religion rather than what can be done in a political atmosphere in which religion throws a monkey wrench in everything that is important, like weather contraceptives should be given to people who want them even though a majority of women want them. If a woman or man dont want them they can just refuse to use them. Where is the problem except the fact that politicians are using religion to bend the mind of voters too stupid to understand they are being used.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 02:13 pm
You got that right! What's more disturbing is the simple fact that most Americans are clueless.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 02:48 pm
But giving people those things is not true. They are paid for by others some of whom are against them in principle.

And the ones to whom they are handed out will generally be the lower orders. So the eugenics experiment is only a genteel version of the cruder methods of the Chinese One Child policy which deprives everyone, if it is efficient, of the sibling relationship.

The voters are self-evidently being used by the elite classes. Tell us something we don't need to be abled to know as we have known it since we were in short pants.

It is not a simple issue. Otherwise there would be no fuss. There's no fuss over divorce or adultery or whether the host is the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

If the number of the dependent classes rises too far and the greed at the other end becomes gross then the poor old middle-classes get **** on by muck carts going in both directions. And they put up with it through election after election, and moan and groan at 3% growth, because they can't figure out a better system although they are fond of pretending that they can when they have had a few and today's News has provided the ever changing subject matter which such pompous declamations are conditioned by.

It's obvious really. The dissolute classes are to be reduced and everybody knows that the undissolute classes quickly become more unChristian and that's no use for the Church. So the Church is having the skids put under it. With "go forth and multiply" on its Notice Board one might think it is time too.

But I don't know. It might be a double bluff. There might be a pinhole in every tenth condom. Or a placebo in every ten packs of pills. Three months later nobody would think about those items in use on the night. Or lunchtime if you're one of those chaps who lives near enough to his work to be able to get home for a table-ender and be back in time.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 10:19 am
Romney Plays Dumb with Contraceptive Bill Flip-Flop

"I’m not for the bill," Romney told an Ohio news station on Wednesday, according to The New York Times. "The idea of presidential candidates getting into questions about contraception within a relationship between a man and a women, husband and wife, I’m not going there."

Now, championing someone's private right contraception isn't a bad thing, but Mitt wasn't exactly towing the party line. The Times' Michael Barbaro and Erik Eckholm note that his comments raised "furor" and report that "Mr. Romney and his aides quickly corrected his remarks, saying he strongly supports the Senate amendment, and had not properly understood the question."

As a side note, I can't believe we are wasting so much time and so quickly too on a bill about contraceptives in this day and age when there are so many more important issues to deal with. Its insane but necessary to fight now that women's (and men too the way the bill reads, anyone can be denied coverage or anything as long the employer is claiming "moral objections.") rights are under assault.

Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 10:21 am
I agree, but I also LOVE it.

I'm so glad that the Republicans are picking this hill to die on.

Contraception?? Really?
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 10:42 am
sozobe wrote:

I agree, but I also LOVE it.

I'm so glad that the Republicans are picking this hill to die on.

Contraception?? Really?

Although I think Obama will be reelected and I will vote for him, I agree with the smart money that says it's going to be a long night and a close contest regardless. Let's don't get cocky.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 11:01 am
Oh why not, just because it may rain tomorrow does not mean you can't enjoy the sunshine today.

But yeah, it probably will be close, the country is pretty well evenly divided and in the end, the independents will probably be the deciding factor. From all indicated polls, on this contraceptive issue, they favor people having the right to decide for themselves on the moral issue of contraceptives. But its a long way until the general election and other topics might come up. (please) I am just on pins and needles on the whether the Blunt bill will pass in the senate. (allowed to talk about here as this thread has been handed over so to speak.)

Just heard its been defeated. great. 51 to 48
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 11:18 am
revelette wrote:

Oh why not, just because it may rain tomorrow does not mean you can't enjoy the sunshine today.

But yeah, it probably will be close, the country is pretty well evenly divided and in the end, the independents will probably be the deciding factor. From all indicated polls, on this contraceptive issue, they favor people having the right to decide for themselves on the moral issue of contraceptives. But its a long way until the general election and other topics might come up. (please) I am just on pins and needles on the whether the Blunt bill will pass in the senate. (allowed to talk about here as this thread has been handed over so to speak.)

Just heard its been defeated. great. 51 to 48

Oh Lordy, don't think I'm not enjoying it Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 11:20 am
One of my concerns is that gas prices will be blamed on Obama and of course, the public will be pissed off. when the public is pissed off, their reaction generally is to blame the closest and easiest person without considering facts.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 01:16 pm
It's not only about the "gas prices." Conservatives are "blaming" Obama for our worsening economy, and most voters in this country doesn't know any difference. There's no cure for stupid.

On top of all that, the conservatives are pushing social issues rather than debating about jobs and the economy. They're pushing to legislate contraception. How much more ridiculous are the conservatives going to push these idiotic issues? Most voters miss that too! It's the economy, stupid!

I just wonder how many women are still going to vote for the very people who's trying to control their bodies?
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 01:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Did you notice the glaring contradictions in the first two paragraphs of your last post?

Are conservatives wrongfully "blaming Obama for our worsening economy"? Are Republicans failing to address economic issues in their campaign rhetoric? Really?

You are very free in your use of perjorative ajectives towards others, but very lax in your own standards here. Stupid is stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 02:47 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I just wonder how many women are still going to vote for the very people who's trying to control their bodies?

But you keep on and on chanting that ridiculous mantra when it has been put to you a few times that artificial birth control is self-evidently a method of controlling women's bodies and the Church wishes to leave women's bodies in the natural state they were created in which proponents of artificial birth control obviously are unable to deal with and thus unable to accept.

You are supposed to either rebut the argument or shut your mantra down.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 02:52 pm
The fond delusion that people who practice artificial birth control know what the intimate relations of those who don't consist of is merely a comforting indulgence.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 03:26 pm
spendi, Is this proof enough for you?

Conservative Audience Boos Birth Control During Republican Presidential Debate
February 23, 2012
By Stephen D. Foster Jr.

Republicans across the country are waging war against women’s reproductive rights and GOP voters approve. During the Republican debate in Arizona on Wednesday evening, CNN’s John King brought up birth control, drawing the ire of the audience who booed loudly. The candidates on stage used the opportunity to launch into a broad attack on birth control measures, Planned Parenthood, single parents, and President Obama.

GINGRICH: “Not once did anybody in the elite media ask why Barack Obama voted in favor of legalizing infanticide.

ROMNEY: “I don’t think we’ve seen in the history of this country the kind of attack on religious conscience, religious freedom, religious tolerance that we’ve seen under Barack Obama.”

SANTORUM: “We have a society… the increasing number of teens being born out-of-wedlock in America, teens who are sexually active. The left gets so upset: ‘Oh, look at him talking about these things.’ Here is the difference between me and the left — and they don’t get this — just because I’m talking about it doesn’t mean I want a government program to fix it. That’s what they do. That’s not what we do.” Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

ROMNEY: “You ask yourself, how are we going to have a society in the future? Because these kids are raised in poverty in many cases. They are in abusive settings. And when we have programs that say we are going to teach abstinence in schools, the liberals go crazy and try and stop us from doing that.”

GINGRICH: “When you have government as the central provider of services, you inevitably move towards tyranny. I think this is true whether it’s Romneycare or it’s Obamacare.”

PAUL: “If you voted for Planned Parenthood like the senator has, you voted for birth control pills. And you literally — because funds are fungible — you literally vote for abortion. Planned Parenthood should get nothing.”

Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Paul doesn't know or realize that abortioin at Planned Parenthood is a very small percentage of their services.

SANTORUM: “I said, ‘Well, if you’re going to have Title X funding then we’re going to create something called Title XX, which is going to provide funding for abstinence based programs. I would say that I’ve always been very public, that as president of the United States, I will defund Planned Parenthood. I will not sign any appropriations bill that funds Planned Parenthood.”

If that isn't trying to control women's bodies and their health issues, you know nothing about women's rights.
Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 04:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I know everything there is to know about women's rights. Artificial birth control is about men's rights. It's about not interfering with men's bodies.

What right of women is being interfered with by opposing artificial birth control? To tempt without risk. Is that it? It's cheating isn't it?

Such opposition is giving her back her natural rights.

How does ABC, and it is as simple as that, fit into evolution theory? And since when has the relations between men and women been simple?

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