Irishk wrote:
There's more than 600 days until the 2012 election.
That ain't stopping me from idle speculation and a notebook full of stuff, including:
Please Don't Throw Me Into The Brier Patch
Tim Kaine looks like he may be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the Senate race here in VA. The former Gov and current head of the DNC doesn't particularly want the job being vacated by Jim Webb (D), who is leaving after just one term. Webb, a decent enough guy, hated being in the Senate.
The VA Senate seat is, arguably, one of the ones needed most by the Dems to retain a majority. Kaine would face George Allen (R) and perhaps a teaparty supported candidate. If he runs, Kaine will win.
Meanwhile, Mitch Daniels is really waffling on whether he will seek the Repub nomination for president. I, a Dem, kind of like what I have read about him compared to the others. My bet is he will not run, though.