@reasoning logic,
Well rl--I understood that. There's nothing new in it. It's the female
modus operandi isn't it. Washington is a whore. Everybody knows that. And, like all kept women, insatiable. Her pleasure knows no limits--her voice is like a meadow lark--her heart is like an ocean--mysterious and dark. Which must represent the Tea Party's visceral feeling.
I was really referring to the tenor of the news broadcasts I've seen. As if not extending the tax cut is going to render 200 million Americans into down-and-outs. Extending the tax cut might well be a grave mistake. In the metaphor herein the equivalent of a lady sat with her knees apart sucking a lollipop and staring you out.
Your bozo is too respectable. He makes it seem that there's nothing that 300 million free Americans can do about it. I watch Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert. Laurence is a mummie's boy. He likes to tickle a suspicion that you're all being fucked over. Max and Stacy lay it on the line--fast. With no frills.
Although I wouldn't mind betting that Stacy has some frillies in her lingerie armoury.