OmSigDAVID wrote:I have a gold coin from Napoleon 's reign.
I got it in New Orleans, b4 Katrina.
We got out just b4 Katrina.
izzythepush wrote:When I was 18, New Orleans was my number one place to visit.
I love it. Thay treated me like a
King there,
buying me free food (
GOOD FOOD!!!) and free drinks.
izzythepush wrote:I have seen it, and thought it was pretty swell,
although I'm glad I didn't come across you inhaling nitrous oxide,
and weilding a six gun.
I woud not have injured u.
The last time I met an Englishman, he said that he was 1O years old.
He was distributing
free plastic top hats c.7PM near the English Pavillion
at Disney World in Florida, on New Year's Eve. I pretended to believe
that he was selling them and gave him a
$1O bill.
He exclaimed: "Ten Dollars?!!?" and I faked that I thawt
that he was offended at so low a payment.
I said: "You 're right. I 'm sorry" and gave him an additional
$2O bill,
so that is
not consistent with injuring Englishmen.
(That was out of
HEDONISM, not charity.)
It has been against my practices to inhale nitrous oxide.
I have successfully avoided it. I do not wield my guns
in the absence of predatory emergencies. So, if u don't cause any trouble . . .
(There is a
colorful display of
fireworks in my naborhood,
from St. John's University, even tho there is a lite rain.)