When I was about 10ish, there was a family who owned a boat, which they kept at our families marina.
They lived in North Jersey, about an hour or so away.
After spending the day on their (small) boat, their car wouldn't start, and they were stranded.
My folks said they could stay in our house. The mom and dad said they would sleep out in the car, but they were happy to let the kids stay. There were 4 of them. The oldest was a girl, about 13, the youngest was 5ish. The 13 year old was put in charge.
The kids were all going to sleep either on our couch or on the floor in the living room. They said they didn't want to put us out by sharing our beds.
In the morning I woke up early, excited at the prospect of finding kids in our living room, having breakfast, etc. I remember it was barely light out.
I went into the living room, and all the sheets and blankets were carefully folded up and in a neat stack, they'd even tidied up the living room for us. Their parents had never come in the house at all. I went outside, and the car was gone.
The next weekend when they came down, they explained they had managed to fix it during the night, and didn't want to disturb us by waking us up to say goodbye.