You're braver than I am. The Martha Stewart isle at Super K Mart a war zone! Gotta bob and weave avoiding carts navigated by men who work-out lifting Volkswagens (woman have no shopping morals whatsoever).
Next year - I swear - will don dark specks, a cane, and clear the isles with a neighbors' Rotweiller!

Safely home now, thank God!
Read carefully your arguments with George regarding secular and religious belief systems. In the context of the question, George is correct. That said, yes there are differences in each belief system, but in a political sense, most people vote issues according to the content of a proposition, not necessarily secular or religious beliefs. In the legislature, votes are tallied by each lawmakers constituency district.
A good example of a true majority was the horse slaughterhouse issue, remember? The entire nation spoke out and the issue was settled in favor of the horses ~ totally bipartisan.
Now, if you are speaking about issues that somehow directly affect a religious belief or secular belief, then yes there are differences in viewpoints. The majority of people throughout the world hold some sort of religious belief. Secular, and correct me if I'm wrong, is an objective viewpoint with no spiritual connections other than self (?)