I'll never catch up here. It's Christmas, and Lola
has to shop...............I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.........
But I would like to say Scrat, in addition to the fine remarks already made by others...........that I don't "minimize anyone's opinion based on their religion." If I weren't so busy celebrating the birth of Jesus by the irresponsible use of rampant materialism, I would have been here sooner to say so.
I think you've misread or misunderstood my intention.........and perhaps I could have stated it more precisely. But I judge the opinions of others based on my best attempt to understand the rationality or lack of rationality of that opinion. This group of people, who I tried to identify by saying "fundamentalist Christians" is a specific sub-culture with which I am very familiar. I've yet to find a good designation with which to identify them.
They are an organized group of people bent on denying the civil rights of those with whom they do not agree. And they aren't concerned with the problem of one group's rights violating or interfering with the rights of others. They do it because the exercise of certain rights violates their obsessively held, fanatical defenses. They don't feel safe unless they can control others. They do this based on their belief that the ends justify the means.
And while george is right about one thing, everyone does this...........that's not at all the point. This particular group, maintains beliefs that will severely restrict the rights of other groups. And it's for each of us to judge whether we think their ideas are fair. They are, in my judgement, fanatics, whether we consider their religion or not. They use their religion as an excuse to impose their beliefs, unfairly onto others. That's the danger.
Does this clear any thing up for you? Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Now back to the disgusting materialism of the season.
