Fair enough, in most particulars. Just aside, Lola and I have had some extended conversations on the matter of religious belief and behavior, and we have our areas of agreement and other areas where we disagree.
Quote:I'm saying that Pat Robertson has as much right to comment on and seek his desired remedies concerning social/political matters as does Lola.
Here's where you and I are at odds. It is precisely as regards the desired or proposed 'remedies'. By 'remedies', you of course mean social and political policies and laws.
Not all such remedies are equal. Clearly, from your passages above, you hold to the values of pluralism and to a Millian notion of the advantages that accrue from a free flow of opinions and ideas (indeed, the necessity for such a free flow of ideas in a vital democracy).
The Taliban doesn't share those two values. Nor, I am arguing, does Robertson and many other evangelical leaders (though obviously there is a difference in magnitude here). This puts them in a unique category, and one which must be differentiated from Lola's stance (on the issue of Robertson et al).
You and I would seek to counteract the rise to real power of the Taliban precisely because it would act against a whole range of pluralist and free thought principles - for example, shoving other religious notions out of sight, as they are 'false'.
Your and my 'intolerance' of such a 'remedy' would have to implicate religion, because the Taliban's desired remedy is inextricable from their religious beliefs. But your and my intolerance is ONLY directed at the consequences for liberty which would arise from the Taliban's intolerance. There's a category difference in play here.
If a political party started up, and moved somehow into a position of real power, and if it's platform was exclusionary of other political voices ("when we get voted in, we will subsequently derail or outlaw all future elections and parties"), then that 'remedy' shifts into a different category than all other platforms.
Do take a good look at these polling questions and answers of evangelical leaders.