Time for the latest Family Research Council:
February 6, 2004
House Bill Calls for Increased FCC Fines
The fallout from Sunday's Super Bowl halftime show continues. Janet Jackson's stunt, in which she bared her right breast before 89 million viewers, caused such outrage that FCC hearings have been scheduled for February 11. Jackson, who was scheduled to be a presenter at this Sunday's Grammy Awards, is reportedly no longer a part of the program, while CBS has hurriedly enacted a 5-minute delay system for the broadcast in hopes of preventing any future shocking stunts.
If CBS is held liable, they could be faced with fines of up to $27,500 or, if applied to each CBS station, the fines could run in the millions. Of course, this is little more than a slap on the wrist.
But there is a bill currently in the House (H.R. 3717) called the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004, which calls for a 10-fold increase of fines from $27,500 to $275,000 per violation or each day of a continuing violation. Sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), the bill is a direct result of FCC Chairman Michael Powell asking Congress to increase the statutory maximums, a request he made long before the Super Bowl.
FRC supports this legislation, but we think it could go even further. In fact, I believe that fines for a program should be double the average cost of commercial time. So, for a commercial spot during the Super Bowl that costs $2.5 million, the fine should be $5 million, with no limit on the total amount of a fine for a program.
Such a fine would truly serve as a deterrent and bring much-needed decency back to the airwaves.
Additional Resources
Contact CBS
Urge FCC to Fine CBS for the Super Bowl Indecency
Bush Considered Israel's Best Friend
Many members of the evangelical community have had their eye on Israel's recent withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, concerned that Israel is being pressured to surrender land of biblical origins.
Mr. Olmert made the trip from Israel solely for the lunch meeting and assured us that his country's pullout was a unilateral decision for tactical and security purposes that was in the best interest of Israel.
He told us that Israel considers evangelical Christians their strongest friends and allies along with President Bush, who Mr. Olmert said was the best friend Israel has had. Applauding the ouster of Saddam Hussein, the Deputy Prime Minister said Israel has been a much safer place since the US went into Iraq.
I was fortunate enough to work alongside some of Israel's elite anti-terrorist fighters in the late 1980's, an experience which afforded me not only a deep respect for their expertise and professionalism, but a better understanding of what it means to live as a nation in the midst of continual threat and uncertainty. Israel remains one of America's strongest allies and serves as a great example of democracy in the Middle East. May God continue to bless her.
FRC Holds Same-Sex Marriage Debate at Harvard University
FRC will be sponsoring a landmark debate about same-sex marriage on Monday, February 9th at Harvard University from 7 - 9 p.m. The debate will be held just two days before the pivotal vote in the Massachusetts State Legislature on the Marriage Affirmation and Protection Amendment, which would allow the people of Massachusetts to overrule the Supreme Judicial Court's infamous ruling that homosexuals have a constitutional right to marry.
I will be joined by legal scholar Hadley Arkes in debating Mary Bonauto, plaintiff's attorney in the Goodridge same-sex "marriage" case, and Cheryl Jacques of the Human Rights Campaign. If you are in the area, please consider attending. Call FRC at (202)393-2100 for more information.
Additional Resources
An Open Discussion on Same-Sex Marriage
FRC's 13th Annual Washington Briefing March 17 - 20, 2004
We are nearing capacity for FRC's 2004 Washington Briefing at the historic Willard Hotel.
Among those invited to address the Briefing are President George W. Bush, Senator Sam Brownback, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Ralph Reed, Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, Brit Hume, Phyllis Schlafly, Gary Bauer and other pro-family leaders.
We'll begin with an open house at FRC and an exclusive dinner cruise on the Potomac on Wednesday.
Thursday and Friday mornings' plenary sessions will be followed by private White House briefings at the Executive Office Building. Evenings include dinner at the National Press Club and entertainment by Grammy-winning recording artist Larnelle Harris. Call 1-800-225-4008 to register today!