george wrote:
When aroused, you want it all don't you ! OK I'll remove the brackets. I get it, goddammit!
LOL, yes I do. And thank you. It's about time!
Quote:Well, I do think you are concerned about something that history has shown to be self-limiting
I believe this, but I believe it about religion. It will never disappear. Even in societies where an eradication of religion has been actively and vigorously attempted, it has not been possible. And I agree that secularism is not in any real danger either. My concern doesn't have to do with the "danger of temporary extinction in our society" but only that if the religious fanatics are successful, and they are close, we will be set back 50 years in human rights, especially for women, many minorities -- especially racial and religious minorities, the vulnerable and the poor. Many people will be hurt. And I would like to stop it if we can. It's that simple.
Quote:I have, however found myself wishing to rather strongly confront you after reading some of your sweeping (in my eyes) indictments of the elements and symbols Christianity. While you may have well known the limits of intended applicability of your intended objects, it was not always evident in the words. Perhaps both of us should be more aware of the potential of giving offense without intending to do so.
It has always been true that the standard Christian take the cruxifiction story is so freely presented as if it were fact or as if everyone experienced it in the same way. And it is so often assumed that if you don't then it's clear proof that you are sinful or dangerous. I sometimes like to tell others my ideas about it. The way I think about it. What it means to me. I listen to the other version all the time and sit quietly and say nothing. I only wish the same could be done for me. What you read were my honest feelings and ideas about it. I don't demand that you agree with me. Actually, I am happy to hear how you or others perceive it, as long as I'm not being coerced.
And I've never minded religion being taught in the schools, as long as no religion is taught as the one true religion and all religions receive equal treatment, as objectively as possible. But I think what you mean by religious expression being allowed in schools is that the "traditional religion" be taught or expressed, and to that I object strongly. Many of us put up with that in Sunday School, I don't want my children to have to put up with it at school. Religious expression in schools is fine if a person also believes , but what it you don't? These teachings and expressions belong in church where a person can go voluntarily.
Tonight I saw a movie. "The Big Fish." It was very touching and funny. But there was one scene, where the father is telling of a place where the parrots talk about everything except religion. And the son asks, "and why not religion, Dad?" And the father answers, "because it's rude to speak of religion, you might offend." And that's what I least at school and with children. Religion is a family thing. It should be taught at home and church and not imposed on others who may not believe.
Sorry if I offended you george, I'll try to be more tactful. But really can you not listen to my religious ideas without being offended?