parados wrote:
Finally, you can pull that brown shirt and jack boots out of your closet hawk. You must feel so empowered.
Citizens United
Drug and credit testing required to get a job
The cops confiscating money and property without court oversight and with the citizen needing to prove his innocence before it is returned
The state killing innocent people (capital punishment)
The cops unloading over 50 bullets into a car
Hate crime law
Laws written so vague that the the state can twist them how ever they want
charge shopping by prosecutors
Charging people with 40+ crimes for one alleged bad act
Manhattan District Attorney has a $800+ million slush fund
Laws written by the industry they are supposed to regulate and passed without any of those voting (or the staffs) having read it
Lawmakers spend the majority of their time with their hand out asking for money and get very little work done, and most of the work they do do is crap
Secret courts
Secret laws
A tax code that runs 74,608 pages designed to provide kickbacks to those who have corrupted Washington
$16+ trillion dollar federal government debt
Super expensive medical system that provides poor results
Super expensive education system that provides poor results
Universities that long ago stop caring about education that are now babysitting the students and are hostile to the free exchange of un approved by the elite ideas
uncontrolled borders
The president decides which laws he cares about and ignores the rest
Congress consistently can not pass budgets
oppressive wealth disparity
Marissa Mayer collected $42 million last year for failing at her job
Government that advertises a University sexual assualt hoax and uses this hoax to do an end run around the Constitution at the the same time that it turns a blind eye to long running and well know sexual abuse of the prisoners it is responsible for
We constantly fail to win the wars we are in
the B-52 is still flying because the three bombers that were supposed to replace them were crap...super expensive crap