If I agree with what he says, I'll say so, Hawkeye or gekko. Do you notice your attempt to censure me? I Can't imagine telling you that you shouldn't be talking with or agreeing with someone.
The mob mentality is squelching discussion.
Whoever the poster is merely threw a light on the outrageous hypocrisy of a Hillary supporter criticizing Trump for lying, and rather than refute him factually (because it can't be done), he's ad hom'ed- and when I agree with him, you use this method to shut down very a biting and relevant charge against the a2k sacred cow...
I Can't stand Trump. I Can't stand inequality. But I'm not fighting them with dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Also, I think if we dismiss members based on some vague conglomerate of everything they've ever said, no one would be talking to anyone. Stone throwers, glass houses, yadda yadda.