Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:14 am
Trump has reveled in the GOP’s hand-wringing over his candidacy and has taunted groups targeting him as a “disgrace.”

“I think people are surprised that, you know, they’re politicians and they’ve been doing this stuff all their lives. I haven’t. I’ve been a job producer,” Trump said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “I guess they can’t understand what’s happening.”



The absence of a big-money response to Trump is especially striking, given the mounting anxiety among GOP leaders about his lasting dominance in the race and his accumulation of incendiary statements. Some also are wary of trying to short-circuit him in a year when anger toward elites is boiling over.

they either know that he is right (he is), or they fear it

The resistance to committing to all-out warfare has far-reaching consequences, leaving Trump poised to face only scattered challenges in the final weeks before the first contests in Iowa and New Hampshire. Several senior Republicans said this week that they expect Trump’s staying power to persist through the spring — possibly forcing the primary fight to spill into next summer’s convention

He is going to win like assad and Daesh win, by way of everyone else for what ever reason not able to offer resistance and a better alternative. AKA they are losers.

It’s a starkly different scenario from four years ago, when a super PAC backing Mitt Romney plowed millions of dollars into TV ads hitting former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) as he began to ascend.

No ****. You are not in Kansas anymore.

More than a dozen interviews with high-profile GOP financiers revealed a pervasive confidence that the party’s rank-and-file voters will ultimately reject Trump’s brand of politics.

Have you looked at the polling?
Have you not watched Putin?
Have you not watched Trump throw away your rule book in contempt, because it does not apply to the only guy who understands the people?

“It’s just going to take a little time for people to take a step back and look at his track record, see who he is and how he’s changed his positions and how unprepared he is to be president of the United States,” VanderSloot sa

" We have thrown everything we have against him these last months and he just keeps growing, BUT SUCCESS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!" But if that does not happen then THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SUCK! "Drunk Drunk

These so called elite are some stupid motherfuckers. Blaming the people for their inability to get stuff done just goes to prove that those in the little people rebellion right to scorn the elite for their poor work as well as their abusive intrusion into our lives.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:31 am
I hear there's a growing number of Rs backing Sanders. Says a lot to many.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 05:08 am
0 Replies
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 05:35 am
If I agree with what he says, I'll say so, Hawkeye or gekko. Do you notice your attempt to censure me? I Can't imagine telling you that you shouldn't be talking with or agreeing with someone.

The mob mentality is squelching discussion.

Whoever the poster is merely threw a light on the outrageous hypocrisy of a Hillary supporter criticizing Trump for lying, and rather than refute him factually (because it can't be done), he's ad hom'ed- and when I agree with him, you use this method to shut down very a biting and relevant charge against the a2k sacred cow...

I Can't stand Trump. I Can't stand inequality. But I'm not fighting them with dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Also, I think if we dismiss members based on some vague conglomerate of everything they've ever said, no one would be talking to anyone. Stone throwers, glass houses, yadda yadda.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 06:43 am
Lash wrote:

If I agree with what he says, I'll say so, Hawkeye or gekko. Do you notice your attempt to censure me? I Can't imagine telling you that you shouldn't be talking with or agreeing with someone.

The mob mentality is squelching discussion.

Whoever the poster is merely threw a light on the outrageous hypocrisy of a Hillary supporter criticizing Trump for lying, and rather than refute him factually (because it can't be done), he's ad hom'ed- and when I agree with him, you use this method to shut down very a biting and relevant charge against the a2k sacred cow...

I Can't stand Trump
. I Can't stand inequality. But I'm not fighting them with dishonesty and

Also, I think if we dismiss members based on some vague conglomerate of everything they've ever said, no one would be talking to anyone. Stone throwers, glass houses, yadda yadda.

I don't give a **** who you "talk to". I'm stating my opinion that when you ally with the likes of Hawkeye and McGentrix and BillRm it takes away credibility from you. It isn't some vague mishmash of things they've said - they wear their racism and reprobate lunacy proudly for all to see. You do whatever you like; I'll express whatever opinion I like...Yada yada.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 09:37 am
@Frank Apisa,
Hawk, I hope you and the others like you are successful. I want to see him as the Republican nominee.

Lord talk about mixed feelings as in one way I would love to see Trump win so we can keep the Republicans out of the white house for another four years and yet to have such a clown being picked to run for president by a major party is truly frightening of what it is saying about far too many of my fellow citizens.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 11:36 am
The term “fascism” should not be used lightly, as it often was during Bush’s presidency and, by less informed people, during Obama’s presidency. However, Trump’s campaign is the purest example of the aestheticization of politics in the U.S., at least in the last few decades.
In this light, we can think of his campaign as the rational continuation of the Republican-led Congress of the last few years, during which Republican voters have found aesthetic delight in those moments when the semblance of democratic governance, with its grudging, slowly progressing acceptance of minority rights, appeared to be crumbling. They have waited impatiently for a leader who would seize executive power in the name of the oppressed-feeling white majority and reinstate a government by and for white people–Trump has promised them, if only implicitly, that he will be that leader.
It may seem like Trump has no chance at the presidency because of, you know, everything about him. However, we’re just shy of a year away from that election, and many electorally important states, like my home state of Michigan, are in the hands of Republicans. They have a year to take away voting rights from the poor and people of color. They have a year to crush unions. They have a year to rig the way votes are counted to give majority-Democratic states over to the Republican candidate (remember: They were suggesting this in 2012, and if they had their way Romney would have been elected). However, even if, as Nate Silver argues, Trump has no chance, the endurance of his high poll numbers should still cause us alarm.
A plurality of Republican voters support Trump, and have done so for several months. It’s time to stop excusing that kind of behavior. So let’s be clear: If you support Trump, you support racist policies. You want to be led by an authoritarian, narcissistic clown who will say racist (and, of course, sexist) things to win your vote. You can no longer hide behind the always already stupid idea that Trump will, by way of ugly trucker hats, presumably, make America great again. Trump’s America, far from being great, is a place where white supremacists feel confident, more so than at any other time in my life, shooting at black protesters, engaging in armed protests of mosques, calling for internment camps for refugees, beating up immigrants… the list goes on, and will go on. Trump is far more dangerous than anyone gave him credit for. He has tapped into a vein of hatred running through the white population of the U.S. And here we were, laughing at his hair.


AKA the American people are not where you thought we were, which is likely true, as a lot of misinformed willfully ignorant people have been saddled with that affliction. The rise of Trump is an opportunity for them to get beyond their problem. But rolling out the label of "fascist" yet again is not likely to change anything. A lot of people are no longer susceptible to being bullied into political correctness. And seriously, at this point anyone who has not been accused of being a hater has not lived.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 11:42 am
But rolling out the label of "fascist"

That is surely not the correct label for Trump the correct label is clown.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 11:49 am
BillRM wrote:

But rolling out the label of "fascist"

That is surely not the correct label for Trump the correct label is clown.

Only if you think that the huge number of people who like him are deluded idiots can you make yourself believe that Trump is a clown. I think he is considered a clown by people who have fantasies to protect, that they will not allow themselves to see America and Americans as we really are.

I have long advocated for adopting reality over fantasy. If you object to Trump and what he stands for then object as an adult. You dont have a choice, trump has been leading for months, and he keeps getting bigger because he is very good at this. Engage your brain and get serious, Trump and his supporters are. We have watched as Washington has continued to collect power, continued to ignore the will of the people, and continued to do its work poorly or not at all. We want change.

Edit: it is hilarious that the Trump haters think that calling Trump a facist is going to change our minds. We are sending Trump to not only fix Washington (as when we sent Obama with those orders he refused to do the work) but also to roll back government power. We dont have any worries about Trump being more of a fascist than The Professor has been. That is not in Trumps DNA. That fact that the haters have gravitated to Trump name calling and other crude attempts at playing up guilt proves that they dont have a better argument than Trump. If they had an usable argument they would be making it.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:06 pm
On it face Trump is a clown by his own words and his actions and that is completely independent of how many support him.

Let see he got on the birther bandwagon and then stated that McCain should not be consider a hero for his military service as after he was capture, and that is more then enough without taking in all the many other stupid actions and comments he can be given credit for over the years.
0 Replies
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:10 pm
Another thing that the elite and other Trump haters needs to get straight is that we have watch for years Trump treat women and people of color the same as white men on the Apprentice, so we dont see him as a racist. Also we know that this guy to to be his ripe old age without many claims that he does not treat people who are not white men fairly, so it is not likely that he has a problem with that. It is only when it is politically opportunistic to so label him that as a racist that he got tagged with the label.

Also as someone said in a piece that I quoted in the last two days, at this point no one should expect that the people are going to believe the corporate class propaganda machine over Trump. Major media and "journalism" have long been in disrepute. That they have not figured this out till they went balls to the wall to defeat Trump and got roundly ignored is their own problem. Calling names rather than making arguments is not going to help the cause of rebuilding their credibility with the people.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:19 pm
Lord once more he is a proven clown that hopefully will never get near the office of president.

I to have a sense of humor and can see how that some of the rank and file of the Republican party can be having fun by driving the leadership of their party crazy but hopefully when it come to vote for real the joke will be over.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:35 pm
This so called clown has been doing much better work than the so called pro's. I am not going to get into a drawn out debate over specific Trump labels because my main argument is:

1) labels dont change reality

2) labels are often placed with the intent to manipulate rather than describe reality, so the power of labels has faded

3) Trump is clearly ginning up the placing of derogatory labels as part of his mocking of the elite, which the suckers have fallen for, so labels are part of the show not something to be taken seriously.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:53 pm
So you think that such a man would made a good president?

Let see this is the man you think should hold the highest and most powerful office on earth?

Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:56 pm
I support Trump because I believe that he is the best of the people who have requested the job. I would likely have supported Trump if he was only close to being the best, because the Elite have long taken to lying to us and ignoring us, so it is time for a 2x4 upside the head to get their attention.

Thu 26 Nov, 2015 01:10 pm
because the Elite have long taken to lying to us and ignoring us, so it is time for a 2x4 upside their head to get their attention.

Let see that is similar to hiring a blind and one arm and one leg man to pilot one of your passenger jets to made some point with your board of directors.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 01:50 pm
BillRM wrote:

because the Elite have long taken to lying to us and ignoring us, so it is time for a 2x4 upside their head to get their attention.

Let see that is similar to hiring a blind and one arm and one leg man to pilot one of your passenger jets to made some point with your board of directors.

Potus is just one of many controllers of the American state, he is not in charge of the ship. This hyperventilating about Trump always seems to forget that while the constitution has been vastly weakened by the elite it is still in force.


EDIT: you should be comforted by the fact that the idiot Obama said about two weeks ago that he did not understand this till he got into the chair and attempted to play the boss who gets to decide everything. The presidency has less power than he imagined, and his attempts to grab more look likely to be largely shot down by the courts.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 01:57 pm
so it is time for a 2x4 upside the head to get their attention.

If I remember right Gulliver went to a land where you used a bag of rocks to get ones attention. Funny how things stay the same.
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 02:03 pm
gekko wrote:

so it is time for a 2x4 upside the head to get their attention.

If I remember right Gulliver went to a land where you used a bag of rocks to get ones attention. Funny how things stay the same.

Power being reminded that they are not the only opinion that matters has been a constant theme in history.

"Societies exist under three forms sufficiently distinguishable. 1. Without government, as among our Indians. 2. Under governments wherein the will of every one has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree, and in our states in a great one. 3. Under governments of force: as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics. To have an idea of the curse of existence under these last, they must be seen. It is a government of wolves over sheep. It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the 1st. condition is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population. The second state has a great deal of good in it. The mass of mankind under that enjoys a precious degree of liberty and happiness. It has it’s evils too: the principal of which is the turbulence to which it is subject. But weigh this against the oppressions of monarchy, and it becomes nothing. Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.1 Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government." - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 17872
0 Replies
Thu 26 Nov, 2015 02:29 pm
Trump for lying, and rather than refute him factually (because it can't be done)

You must be on amazing powerful drugs to write the above statement.

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