glitterbag wrote:
I would love to know what his plans are for a blind trust for his financial interests if he becomes president. Do you think he will select someone to cheat small business owners on his behalf while he's busy making America great?
I expect he may create such a trust with some of his children in charge. That's what the Clintons did, though they kept a retinie of political and personal assistants for both Bill and Hillary on the Foundation payroll, thereby directly involving each in Foundation operations, and Used the Family trust to buy and operate consulting companies that got State department busiuness and also employed dear Huma.
Do you know that Trump cheats small business owners, or are you just sauying that? Obamacare and related health insurance rules, together with increased minimum wages have done far more to hurt samll businesses and stigle the creation of entry level jobs. The Federal minimum wage law is a payoff to the SEIU and other Labor unions which usually peg their contract labor rates to the Minimum wage. Thus a minimum wage rise is an immediate windfall to union workers and the unions themselves which get 1-2% of the raise for their own unaccountable spending.