The poll is from October 2014 of just 1,000 "likely voters" nationwide.
Hardly what I would consider to be an adequite number, and there's no mention of how these people were picked for the survey.
And taking into consideration the current political stance of the repub front-runner, I'd be looking to more recent polls, over a much larger and varied demographic.
A more recent article by the same author as the poll, is more realistic about the whole picture, politically. Here's the concluding paragraph of an
interesting article on the premise of Sanders actually succeeding politically.
Bernie Sanders’ “revolution” is great short-term politics, that even had it been successful would have set him up for long-term failure when he was unable to deliver on his promises. In a lot other countries, a Bernie Sanders-type candidate could ride a wave of political support and remake the country in a single cycle. However, the design of America’s political institutions simply doesn’t allow short-term bursts of political activity to overwhelm the system. Instead, if Democrats want to continue to push the country in a more progressive direction, the Democratic Party will have to maintain a sustained focus on all elections; Senate, House, state and local, not just the presidency. It’s not quite as catchy a slogan, but it actually has a chance to produce lasting results.